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The others use the desiccation spell bonnie mom used on mikeal ages ago and they use it on klaus after he took Elena . Stefan and Damon take klaus someone where he can't hurt anyone but I can't help feel a hurt in my chest because of what they did .
"You okay ?" Elijah asks he hasn't left my side since Meredith told me what happening to me . "I'm fine the last hundred time you asked me " I say as we go into Elena's house .

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us." Elijah says . "And you'll just run?" Stefan asks as take of my jacket feeling like a microwave . "We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?" Elijah says . "We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Elena says . "I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours or Skye's lifetime nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners." Elijah says . "Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over." Matt says . "And for that, I am deeply ashamed. But know this, she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight, so Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not." Elijah says . "I'll be back in a minute " i say feeling sick .

I rush over it the toilet and throw up not vomit either blood that's not good . I feel someone hold my hair back . "How bad " Stefan asks as I lean back against the wall . "A few days " I say as he takes a seat next to me . "You know you saved my life and Damon's again the other day against Alaric thank you " he says . "Your welcome " I say . I lean over the toilet throwing up again as he holds my hair back . "Shouldn't you be down stairs " I say . "I was worried about you " he says . "Don't worry about me I'm fine " I say . "You dont look it " Stefan says as I lean my head against the wall . "We'll um dying I'm not supposed to " I say as I chuckle a little . "I want you to know that I'm grateful for everything you've done for Elena and us all I know you and Elena and your brother don't have a great relationship but they do love you " Stefan says . "I know " I say as tear falls down my cheek .

I reach Caroline after Elijah demanded I stayed with him but I said I wanted to see Caroline . "Caroline " I say weakly as she pulls me into a hug . "You okay ?" I ask knowing Alaric outed her and Tyler to the council now they have to run . ""No not really " Caroline says as Tyler comes in and pulls me into a hug . "You two need to leave " I say . "We know but I don't want to if it's gonna be the last time I see you " Caroline says as I smile . "You'll be okay ... you all will " I say . All sudden Tyler groans in pain .

"Go both of you " he says coughing Alaric must of killed klaus. "Tyler " Caroline says as he continues groaning and coughing . "Go you not seeing me die go " Tyler shouts as Caroline pulls me with her .

I grab my throat coughing up water choking on it . "Skye " Caroline says as I clutch the tree continues coughing up water making me fall " no no stay with me " Caroline says as I struggle to breathe as I choke on water .

"It's Elena " Stefan says as Skye continues coughing as I'm on the phone to Stefan . "Omg there linked " I say looking to Skye as her hand slips off mine . "Skye Skye hey stay with me " I say as her eyes close . "Stefan she's not waking up " I say panicked .

REBEKH /: Elijah pulls me into a hug after I tell him Klaus is dead Alaric staked him . I hear Elijah gasp in pain . "Elijah " I say confused as he clutches his side as Stefan , Caroline , Jeremy, bonnie and Matt rushes over . " Alaric's dead." Stefan says as elijha grains in pain lifting up his shirt to see the parabati ruin fading . "Your parabatai ruin " I say . "It's ..it's Skye " he says yelling in pain as he falls to the floor and I hold him as he screams in pain I never heard him in this much pain before . I hold him tightly remembering what he said if one of them dies . He lifts up is shirt to see the parabati ruin disappear. . "I can't I can't feel her ....she's dead " Elijah breathes out .

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