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I get up off the floor not knowing how the hell I got here last couple of weeks nightmares about me killing Lincoln over and over again . I keep hallucinating Johnathan someone from my past someone who was with me on the island . 7 humans have been killed in the last couple of weeks.

We're trying to figure out who's killing humans Skye thinks it's Johnathan but I caught him with my magic and it he didn't burn . "This magic is very old and very evil " I say as I see Skye looking around looking confused . "Skye what's going on ?" I ask as I touch her and she jumps . "I've been texting you since we got back from the club " I say as she looks around confused . "Where have you been " I ask .
"I have no idea " she says looking around confused .

Elijha sits beside as I try explaining to him . "Last thing I remember I was fighting Johnathan I'm the club .... But .. but then he must of knocked me out " I say . "Skye Johnathan isn't the one killing and possessing people " Elijah says . He got to be . Otherwise it doesn't make sense . "Freya used her magic against him he didn't burn " he says . "But the nightmares i been having " I say as he cuts me off .'"there not signs Johnathan is dead " he says but I keep seeing him everywhere. "Ah that's good " I say getting up . "That's good " I say going over to the fire place . "Skye what is going on with you ... is it Lincoln " he says . "No..no I'm fine " I say . "No your not look we need to tell the others " he says . "No " I say turning to him . "We need to get you some help " he says . "Elijah " I say going over to him . "Listen you need to swear to me that you haven't told anyone else about this " I ask . "Not yet but Skye "he says . I interrupt . "We've been through this what I say stays between us " I say . "I am not going to lose you again " he says . "I promise you I'm fine " I say . "Why don't you remember where you've been all night " he says . "I'm just tired and I haven't slept in days " I say . "Do you honestly believe that's all this is " he says . "I just need to get some rest and that ...now that I know Johnathan is dead for sure I finally can " I say before leaving the room .

I gasp awake trying to control my breathing I think I'm losing my mind . I run my hands through my hair trying to recover from the nightmare . "Skye hey you just " Elijah says coming in to my room as I moved to the compound I felt like everything at my apartment reminded me of Lincoln. He notices the distressed look on my face I trying hiding it but he notices . "Omg Skye " he says coming over to me .
"Skye what's going on talk to me " he says . "I was walking back from ... Rousseau's ... I don't ... I don't know how I got here " I say looking up to him . "Elijah.... I think ... I think I'm losing my mind " I whisper as he pulls me into a hug .

After getting off the mom to my mom and go to Elijah . "What she say ?" He asks . "From everything I've heard my mother suffered in silence alone for years ... she never got the help she needed she said it only stopped when she killed herself but having vampire blood in here system she turned and it stopped she said it can be hereditary " I say . "We won't make the same mistake" he says as we stop walking .
"What ever is happening to you we can figure it out together " he says . "I'm ...thinking of going to the city of bones for treatment " I say it's a place we're the silent brothers out there ancient they help shadow hunters my mom told me they been hidden this whole time . "What the silent brothers " he says .
"They have a history of helping shadow hunters with mental health issues " i say . "Skye we don't know that's what's your going through " he says . "There's a family history of it in my family " I say . " but you didn't start feeling this way after Lincoln died do you really think that's a coincidence. " he says . "I think it was a trigger for something that's always been there .... Look I can't sit benched and do nothing if there is even a chance that the silent brothers can help " I say as he cuts be off . "But what if they can't Skye they would deem you unfit for duty they would de ruin you " he says . "What choice do I have .... I can't live like this " I say . "I could try and talk to the angel rezuiel were connected because were parabati he says . "No no it's to dangerous just look if we summon rezuiel he could destroy us just for bothering him " I say . "What about " he says . "It's okay " I say .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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