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I get back to my apartment and throw my jacket off and take a shower and reapply first aid to my side making sure my bullet wound don't get infected . I finish the first aid and get changed call Elena to make sure she's alright as she has her humanity back on and head to bed as I'm shattered .

KLAUS /: i gently brush a lock of hair behind Skye's ear seeing her asleep she's so peaceful when she's asleep . She shifts a little in her sleep and place a kiss on her forehead before leaving her apartment I wanted to make sure she got back safely.

"Hey " I say to cami as she looks at her brother grave seeing murder painted on it . "Hey ignore that you know it's not true " I say . I look around and find some stuff to clean the grave stone with and spend a hour scrubbing it off as cami left not able to stand the writing on the grave . "There you are ?" Rebekah says as I stand up and wave the bubbles of my hand . "What's up ?" I ask throwing the sponge back into the bucket . "Nothing just wondered where you was you weren't answering your phone " she says . "Uh just cleaning this off for cami some prats being wankers " I say .

"In your absence, as you like to call it, which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart..." I say as I look up to see Elijah bringing a bowl, a spoon, and a bag of cereal to the counter . "I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced my baby is Lucifer. " I say as Elijah smiles sympathetically as he pulls orange juice and milk out of the fridge, pours me a bowl of cereal, and then fills it with milk
I notice the milk . "Oh...milk. They've been fine. Your siblings are weirdly protective, I know I have you to thank for that. Especially Skye she's different she's insane she fought of about hundred guys ... I mean I'm a werewolf and I find it difficult but she's human and did that " I say . "Skye's fought her whole life it comes natural to her " Elijah says . "Rebekah and klaus keep mentioning Skye's your parabati or something I have no idea what that is " I say as Elijah slightly chuckles . "Nothing compares to what I and Skye have ... Skye is part of me and I'm a part of her ... we're bound together for life ..through our parabati ruin we're both physically and emotionally connected we're bound to fight together , protect each other battle our hearts beat as one if one of us dies a part of one of them inside dies too " Elijah says . "That's what Skye felt when you got daggered by klaus " I say . "Yeah and if one of us was to die part of the other one would die inside as well " he says . "So what is she ?" I ask . "She's a shadow Hunter half angel ... but she also has a power that can manipulate vibrations to her will if she wanted to she could quake this entire city apart " Elijah says . Wow . "I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece. "So, back to the murder witches. I have some concerns. " he says passing me the bowel of cereal .
"They're evil. And, my life and Skye's is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting. " I say . "Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem." He says .

I look through the paint isle as I was thinking of doing a new paint colour in my apartment. "Heard you took out a hundred guys the other day " Marcel says coming beside me . "Don't know what your talking about " i say picking out the cream colour .
"Don't be like that " Marcel says . "What do you want Marcel " i say turning to him . "We'll your quite the talk to the city especially among the witches " Marcel says . "We'll tell them to get in line because there not getting my blood " i say as i choose the cream and baby blue . "Look I want to ask you for a favour " he asks making me turn to him . "And what's that huh " I ask . "Train some of my guys I've been around a long time and I've never seen anyone fight like you " he says . "We'll that's because I had to or I'd be dead when your a human fighting of the supernatural you kinda need to be next level to people your fighting " I say as he chuckles a little . "Point taken .. I'll let you think about it " he says before leaving .

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