Face to face

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"What the hell is wrong with you " Stefan says pinning me to the wall . "Get your hands of me lover boy before I break your spine. " I say pushing him off me . "Helping Kathrine get out of the tomb ." Stefan says . "Why afraid she'd stab you in the back " I say .
"I nearly killed Elena this morning because Kathrine's was pretending to be her " Stefan says . " not my problem if you can't tell who your girlfriend is lover boy keep a closer eye next time " I say smirking as I leave for class .

After school i take a seat at the bar at the grill and grab a bottle of whiskey from behind the bar . And pour my self a glass and some band is on playing .
I hear my phone ping and seeing Kathrine sent me a text . "Damon is hiding something from me about the witches burial site " - Kat . "I'll find out " I reply back . "Seriously Skye " Jenna says coming over making me sign in frustration. "Come to ground me again " I say . "No but this is the only time " she says passing me a shot . "What's the catch " I say . "We'll I need to learn to let you make your own choices even if there the stupid ones " she says as I down the shot . I notice Caroline go on the stage and she starts singing she's surprisingly good .

All sudden the lights go out and I remove the gun from behind me and look around when a fire starts on the bar and I see Jonas holding on Bonnie . She falls unconscious . bloodily witches ...
I get over to him when he stand Matt with a broke glass bottle . I kick him into the wall . "Skye. " he says . "Why you going after bonnie. " I ask . "You gonna shoot me huh " he asks looking the gun in my hand . "Only if I have too " I say . "Leave before this becomes worse for you " I say as he takes off .

I get home to see Kathrine killed Jonas after he went after Elena . "You didn't have to kill him!" Bonnie says . "Yes, we did." Kathrine says Jonas suddenly grabs bonnie and she groans in pain and Stefan snaps his neck . "Everything's taken care of." Stefan says as we go down stairs to see Elena and Damon and Katherine pulls off Elena's necklace. .
"I'm guessing you're going to want this back. But your pretty little outfit is going to need a good dry clean." Kathrine says and Elena snatches her necklace from Katherine's hand. "You're going to have to get her out of here before Jenna gets home." Elena says to Stefan . "Is that all you have to say to me?" Kathrine says looking to Elena . "This doesn't change the way I feel about you." Elena says .
"I don't much like you, either, if we're going to be open and frankly, your sister is so much more better ... I'd be happy to see you dead but if we're going to try to take on Klaus, we kinda need you to be alive. So I'm not a threat to you, Elena. If any of you are going to believe anything, believe that." Kathrine says walking past them as I slip her a page out of Jonathan's journal about the were the witches were buried in 1864 after the witch massacre . She leaves before giving me quick smile . "Are you serious talking to Kathrine " Elena says . " we'll she's better then you and that's saying something " I say .

I go to my car to get pinned by Isobel . "Oh your back fabulous " I say as she continues gripping my throat . "Thought we could have a little chat " Isobel says before injecting my with something before I could react making me fall dizzy and unconscious.

My eyes flutter open feeling dizzy as my eyes adjust to the light to see I'm in some empty warehouse . I try moving to notice the restraints around my wrists , ankles and waist and chest . Ah great . Definitely didn't want me getting out of this chair . "Your awake that was quick " Isobel says . "Nice restraints little much don't you think " I say .
"Ah not for you they aren't " Isobel says . "What do you want ?" I ask . "Where the Sd card " she asks oh the Sd card Lyla gave me . I realise something . "You got someone to find it didn't you that guy you sent killed a innocent women " I say pissed of . She punches me across the face . "Your working with klaus Aren't you " i says as she punches me again and I feel the blood lace my lips . "What he say huh he'd let you free Hmm or did he compel you " I say as she hits me again in the jaw . I chuckle a little .
"He compelled you didn't he " I say as she hits me again gripping my jaw . "You do talk a-lot " Isobel says . "Ah you should hear me sing. " I say sarcastically. She shoots me in the shoulder making me groan in pain as my shoulder bleeds . "I destroyed the Sd card as soon as Lyla gave it to me " I say . "Why ? " she asks . "Because it was useless it had nothing on it " I say . "Your lying " she says dragging the knife down my cheek making me hiss in pain . I head but her and she grips my throat making a laceration down my side making groan in pain.
"You know klaus will kill you " Isobel says. "Let him see if I care " I say as my shoulder burns from the bullet still lodged in my shoulder . " you really are broke aren't you " Isobel says . "Your not getting the Sd card so kill or don't kill me " I say . " I don't necessarily need it just a distraction so Kathrine could get Elena for me." Isobel says . "So what's your part in klaus's plan huh you deliver us to him is that it. " I say . She punches me across the face twice. Her phone rings and she answer it . "Yes "Isobel says . "Let her go ?" Isobel says down the phone making me confused she must be talking to klaus . "I'm done?" She says after moment she hangs up look relieved . "That was klaus wasn't it he knows I'm here doesn't he " I say . "He does and he'd very much like to meet you especially you " Isobel says . Oh great . She pulls of her necklace standing in the sunlight Ray and completely burns up making look confused and shocked to why she just killed herself klaus must have compelled her to .

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