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KLAUS /: after the sacrifice worked I'm now a full hybrid ...me and Elijah get back to Alaric's apartment after I promised him to reunite him with our family . "Klaus You're back. Look who decided to come for a visit." Kathrine says as Stefan comes from behind the wall . "You just keep popping up, don't you?" I say . "I need your help...For my brother." He says . "Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." I say . "You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." Elijah says . "And so I shall. " I say . I stab a dagger through Elijah's heart, killing him, and push Stefan against a wall.

My eyes flutter open to feel the burn in my neck from whatever greta injected me with . I feel hella dizzy . I feel a pinch in my arm and see a nurse placing a needle in my arm or something. "What are you doing ?" I whisper out . "I need to keep you sedated for your friend klaus " she says friend my arse . The nurse turns around preparing a sedative and I manage to pull out the needle from my arm . I get off the bed only to fall . What the hell is he giving me . "Woah Woah you should be resting "nurse says . Like hell I am . I manage to get up and pull the nurse into a choke hold . "Sorry " I whisper as she falls unconscious.

I get pinned by klaus . "And we're do you think your going " he says as I see Stefan drinking from a blood bag thought he didn't drink human blood . "Ah I don't know somewhere away from you " I say as he chuckles . "Not gonna happen love .... " he says . "Ah what got lonely " I say . I notice Elijah on the floor daggered again. . I push klaus off me and go over to him ."I'm surprised you have any family left seeing as you dagger them all scared they'd leave you " I say as he looks pissed . "You know for a human you really do push it " klaus says . "I like a challenge " I say I go to pull the dagger out only to have klaus throw me into the wall. "Don't think that's gonna happen love " he says as I touch my side of my head seeing it bleeding . "Such hubris from one who bleeds so easily " klaus says as I get up . "You talk such a big game but you keep your siblings daggered he's was right about ... you know your weak " I say
Klaus vamp speeds to me throwing me into choke hold . "You really do have a death wish don't you " he says tightening his hold on me before his fangs embed into my neck making groan in pain .

I wipe the blood of my lips and kneel down to a unconscious Skye nearly dead . "She really does have a death wish "I say looking to Stefan . "You leave town with me you get my blood Damon gets the cut for his werewolf bite it's that simple " I say looking at Stefan . "What about her ?" He says looking at Skye . "She's coming with us ..." I say . "You don't need her she's just human " Stefan says making me look to him . "Yet she puts up more of a fight then anyone of you.... I want to know her story plus her sister and aunt is dead it's easy for me to muliplate her now when she has no one " I say smirking .

My eyes flutter open to feel like I'm being carried and then get placed down as my eyes adjust to the light . "Aw see who's awake " klaus says as I try to move but see rope around my wrist bounding then
I try to speak but can't bloodily duck tape on my mouth . I glare at him as he takes a seat on the bed . "You've been in and out for days quite the resilient one aren't you " klaus says as I go to hit him but he catches my arm.

"fuck you" I say but it comes out all messed up due to the duck tape . "I'm gonna undo these you fight back there going straight back on " klaus says as I look to him . He un does the ropes from my ankles and wrist and removes the duck tape from my mouth . "Fuck you " i say as he chuckles . "Missed you too love " klaus says getting up . I try getting out the door but he just speeds in front of me just as I opened it . "Ah ha don't think so " klaus says . "Actually fuck off you prick " I say . "That's not nice language love " klaus says grabbing ahold of my wrist but I fight back punching him in the jaw . We end up fighting and end up falling down the stairs . I get up only to land straight back on my back thanks to klaus . I k - flip back up and dodge his hit . "You really don't learn do you " klaus says . "Not to pricks like you " I say as I throw him to the wall pinning him there . "Don't be difficult love " klaus says . "You haven't seen difficult darling " I say as I grip him stronger by the throat .

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