Harder to pull away

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"I still can't believe your both linked or whatever " Rebekah says as she looks at the parabati ruin .
"Me neither but we connected like magnets have been ever since " I say as she smiles as we walk into the grill Easter dropped the barrier spell . "My mothers holding a ball this evening your invited and your coming dress shopping with me " Rebekah says . "Of course " I say as we go over to Caroline and Elena . "Careful Caroline. It's all well and good until she stabs you in the back." Rebekha says . "What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals." Elena says slyly. "Get over yourself Elena. It's not all about you." Rebekah says as she goes over to Matt and take a seat beside Caroline . "How are you friends with them " Elena asks . "Because I see a side of them you don't " I say .
"Coming " Rebekah says as I get up . "See ya girls " I say leaving with Rebekah . Kol joins beside us . "Hello pretty boy " I say as he chuckles at the nickname . He's a trouble maker but who isn't .

I get home to see a box on my kitchen counter and take the note of it . "Go well with your beautiful glowing golden eyes " klaus . I roll my eyes at this as open the box to see a stunning black silk lace dress . Woah . He's got good taste . I don't really have time to shop now so guess I'm wearing this . I slip into the dress and do my makeup and hair leaving My straight hair to sit against my back I never have straight hair it's either wavy or curly but it's goes with the dress . I look to the mirror before leaving and I gotta say I do look hot .

I arrive at the mikealson mansion and see Caroline she looks stunning . "You look out of this world just wow " Caroline says making me chuckle. "You too " I say as she pulls me into a hug . "Sorry about being MIA lately just after my dad dying it's " Caroline says she told me about there her father chose to not complete the transition. Into a vampire " It's okay " I say as she smiles . "Want a drink " Caroline asks as I look around . "Definitely " I say .

"So where's our dearest mother " Kol asks . "No idea " I say scanning around the room till my eyes land in a certain doppelgänger . It took my breath away as she looks like angel with a hint of devil in her eyes . She's beautiful. "Now that's what you call stunning " Kol says as I look to him seeing him looking at Skye as she talks with Caroline . I notice all the men's eyes around the room are looking at Skye feeling the anger rises as Skye has no idea there all looking . "Seems Skye's got everyone's attention she does looks breath taking " Rebekah says .

"Thought we agreed Elena wasn't coming " I say looking at Damon . "We'll she ignored me and wants to meet Easter as Easter requested " Damon says . "Yeah wonder why " I say . "You look beautiful by the way ... now I have to find Elena and stop her doing something stupid " Damon says as he leaves searching for Elena . I turn around to bump into someone . "Really you did that on purpose " I say looking to klaus as he smirk . "I didn't do a thing you bumped into me " he says . "Hmm " I say . Looking around for someone . "Looking for Elijah he'll be here shortly " klaus says . "What is it with you two your nauseatingly inseparable" klaus says making me chuckle . "Why jealous " I say . "No " klaus says a bit to quickly making me smile . "Relax he's my best friend my parabati " I say as I notice Elena talking to Damon and see Easter on top of the stairs .

All the Originals are standing on the staircase as Elijah addresses the company. Esther walks down the staircase from upstairs. "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."Elijah says as my view gets blocked by klaus . "Nope " I say . "It would be rude not to love " he says I sign and take his hand .

I feel a slight shiver as klaus hand rest on my waist as we dance . "You look stunning love " he says as he spins me around . "Thank you I would say you look handsome in a tux but don't wanna give you a bigger ego. " I say as he chuckles . "Wouldn't want that would we " he says . As we continue to dance closer I try avoid looking at his eyes because I know once I do I get that feeling again . "You look nervous love " klaus says . "No I'm not " I say as he spins me around again making me land into his chest . He's awfully close . I take a breathe in feeling his breathe fan on the side of my cheek as butterfly's okay thunder and lightning in my stomach . I step back and we continue dancing . "That feeling in your stomach when I'm close to you it's hard to push away isn't it " klaus whispers so no one else doesn't hear us as we dance along with everyone else . "Nope don't feel a thing " I say completely lying . "Hmm " he says as I feel his hand trace down my spine gently making me skin light up like fireworks . God why am I feeling this way and he knows it . "The way your body reacts to me " klaus whispers as he spins me around along with everyone else as he pulls me leaning my back against his chest as his hand rests on my waist and side . "The way it feels " he says as his hand slides down my side gently on my bare skin as it's a open back making me forget to breathe as his touch sends my body screaming . "How your heart jumps every time I do this " he whispers in my ear gazing his lips behind my ear . "That's all me you desire me and denying it will make it worse and more intense harder to push away " he whispers .

I get some air from all that still feeling his touch linger through my body like a parasite I can't shake . "You okay ?" Elijah asks as he comes beside . "Yeah to much dancing for my liking " I say as he chuckles . "We'll you look beautiful " he says making me smile . "You two I like the tux it's suits you " I say as he smiles . "Your sure your okay ?" He asks . "Yeah I'm fine " I say . "You do realise we're connected physically and emotionally now your my parabati I know when's somethings up " he says . "I'm okay just need some air " i say . "Okay don't say out here to long it's cold " he says placing his jacket over me . "Thanks " I say a s he goes inside . I walk closer to the horse and it nudges my hand making me smile as I brush my hand through it's fur .

"You like horses?" Klaus says from behind me as I stroke the horse . "I'm not talking to you until you tell me why you invited me here." I say . "fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?" Klaus says making me turn to him . "Yes!" I say . "Why? You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light. I enjoy you." He says . "You know, horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed my favorite horse. He severed its neck with a sword as a warning." Klaus says as he comes closer to me . "My Father shoot my first dog told me not to get attached to things " I say as the horse nudges my hand making me chuckle . "Well, I'm afraid my relationship with my father was a little bit more complex than yours." Klaus says . I wish that was true but it's not . "And to answer your question, yes, I like horses" I say before going inside . I pass Elijah his jacket back . "Thank you " I say . "Your welcome " he says as I notice Damon look oddly annoyed . "What happened Elena see here anyways " I say . "Yep Stefan decided to snap my neck " Damon says . "Here looks like you need it " I say passing him a drink from the waiter . "Thanks " he says .

"So how was my mother?" Elijah asks Elena as she finished speaking to Easter . "Intense." Elena says .
"And for what reason did she need to speak with you in private?" Elijah asks as He offers her a glass of champagne. And passes me one . "Elena? Should I be concerned about my mother's intentions?" Elijah asks . "She just wanted to apologize for trying to have me killed." Elena says as I look to her she's hiding something can't quite place it though .
"So it's true, then? She's forgiven Klaus?" He asks .
"It's true." Elena says . "Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers" Easter says taking a sip of her champagne. I down mine before Elijah could even say cheers making him chuckle .

"Me and klaus walk into a room with paintings on the walls. "So what did you want to show me?" I ask .
"One of my passions." He says . "Oh. Impressive. I take it the curators at the Louvre aren't on vervain." I say looking at the drawings . Klaus chuckles something about his laugh always makes me smile . No matter how much I don't want to . "Yeah, well that's their mistake."he says . I continue looking through the painting and drawings . There incredible good I mean really good . "Wait a second. Did-did you do these?" I say seeing his name signed on one of them . "Yeah, um...actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage, not that anyone would notice. Have you been?" He asks . "I've never really been anywhere. Well apart from a deserted island of that counts " I say "I'll take you. Wherever you want Rome. Paris. Tokyo?" Klaus says making me chuckle he does as well . Why can't he be like this all the time . I hear my phone ringing seeing Rebekah calling . "Excuse me " I say totally ruining the moment I actually got to see a different side to him .

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