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I get into class and Lara passes me a slip note . "Party down town you in tonight " - it says . I nod yeah to her and she smiles . "Good Morning everyone. Alrighty." A teacher says coming in and he
writes his name on the chalkboard."Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronounce "Alaric" but it's "Alaric," okay? So, you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher." Alaric says . Yeah because tanner got killed or so they try to cover up . He was a dick a way so not so much of a lose is it .

"What did you do to Damon last night at the grill " Elena asks as I open my locker and out my books in there . "Punched him why ?" I ask . "Punched him for what ?" She asks . "None of your business Elena I don't need to explain my every action to you like a timeline " I say before closing my locker and walking away .

"Hey Mr. Saltzman, I'm Skye . You wanted to see me?" I say as I enter the classroom. " You know that your old teacher had a jackass file? No joke. " Alaric says as he holds up the file . "It's typed on a label. It has all the troublemakers in it. But really it's just an opus-- to you. " Alaric says . "What can I say he was a prick and everyone knew it " I say as he try's not laughing professional reasons teacher and all setting a good example bullshit . "Don't worry about it. " he says as he throws the file in the trashcan. "I'm not him. Clean slate. Now...let's talk about grades" he says . "If you haven't noticed my grades are fine " I say . "Yeah I know A+'a across the board expect this class " he says . "we're halfway through a semester and half a fail is still pretty bleak. " Alaric says . "We'll what can I say school isn't my thing but you want me to get a A+ then I will it's that's easy " I say .
"Okay good Write me a paper, then." He says . "About what ?" I ask . "History. Pick a topic, keep it local, and no Wikipedia-regurgita. These old towns have a rich history, so just get your hands dirty, make it sing and your back on track. Deal?" He says . "Yeah solid deal " I say "You've got a week." He says . "It will be done tomorrow " I say before leaving .

I get home and get changed and climb out my window and do a backflip landing on the ground and leave . Grounded kinda need to sneak out to actually attend the party . "Your here " Lara says as she pulls me into a hug . "Of course " I say as she passes me a drink . We party for the night just having fun without all the drama and chaos in our houses and school . I drop Lara off home . "Thanks for the ride girl " she says as I wait and make sure she gets in okay before driving off . I get in the same way I came out and throw my jacket off onto my chair and crash into my bed letting sleep take over .

I go beside Damon and order a coffee . "So, what's with the bottle? " I ask Damon . "I'm on edge. Crash diet. You know, I'm trying to keep a low profile." Damon says . "You could always just leave, find a new town to turn into your own personal Gas 'n' Sip." I say . "I'll manage. You don't have to keep an eye on me." Damon says . "I'm not here to keep an eye on you." I say . "So, why are you here?" He asks as I take the bottle of bourbon from him .
"Why not" I say . "That sister of Elena's got a mean swing " Damon says making me smirk . "Shouldn't piss her off I hear she's got quite the temper " I say before grabbing a drink . Damon joins . "What's her story " Damon asks . "Why you so interested ?" I ask . "She's Elena's twin " Damon says . "I don't know much Elena only told me a few things ... complete opposite to Elena " I say . "Yeah I gathered that when she punched me " Damon's ays making me smile . He deserved it . "All I know is she went boarding school or whatever and came back " I say .
"Twin with anger issues perfect " Damon says making me look at him incredulous and a little confused on what he's thinking . "Leave her alone or you'll get punched again " I say . "Totally " Damon says .

I wake up to someone shouting and get up in frustration and open my door to see Bonnie go down the stairs and Elena and Caroline rush after her like a lost sheep . "Where are you going?" Elena asks bonnie . "Back to where it all began." Bonnie says all possessed like . "Bonnie! Bonnie! Oh My God! Emily!" Elena says . What ??? " I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed." Bonnie says before leaving the house . "You three on some serious shit " I say before going into my room and closing the door again .

"Ty haven't seen you in a while " I say beside Tyler . "Haven't seen you either " he's says . "So how's life bored yet " I ask as he chuckles . "Your good a drawing really good " Tyler says looking at my drawing as its career night at the school . Basically its what you want to be when your older . "So goes for yours " I say holding up his drawing . "Nice wolf " I say looking at his drawing . he chuckles . "You back for good then ?" He asks . "Hopefully " I say . "We'll good to have you back missed you " he says . "You too Ty " I say .

I notice Elena talking to Matt her ex boyfriend and I notice caroline watching seeming annoyed . Matt has been hanging with Caroline lately and Elena comes in and messes it all up . Sticking her nose in everything. I notice Stefan down the hall and Elena goes over to him like a dog with a bone saying fetch .
"Hide me." Jenna says coming over . "What's going on?" I ask . "The scum Fell has landed." He says her ex . I look around and see Logan he's supposed to be dead it seems people don't stay dead in this town it's becoming a recurring theme lately. "Logan's here." Elena says butting in . "Wait, Logan Fell?" Stefan says as Jenna nods. Stefan goes out into the hall and spots Logan. Logan looks over at him and waves. Elena walks out into the hallway to talk to Stefan.

Logan approaches us . "Jenna, are you dodging me?" Logan says . "It's a form of self-preservation." Jenna's says . "Um, Elena, why don't you and Jenna go somewhere else?" Stefan says nice to be included in that . "Stefan, what's going on?" Elena says making me roll my eyes . "You know what I like about reporters " I say as Logan looks to me . I smile . "Nothing " I say before punching him before he could react . "That's for treating my aunt like crap enjoy the bruise " I say before pulling Jenna with me . "You didn't have to do that " Jenna says . "Someone had to and I hate him anyway gave me a excuse to hit him " I say as she chuckles she normally doesn't like me fighting or any violence but this is a expectation.

I watch as Elena and Stefan talk to Damon over the phone on speaker so Elena could hear . And I listening from the roof above I'm sick of her secret's . "Logan Fell is a vampire and when I find him again, I'm gonna destroy him limb by limb." Damon says . Vampire ???? . "What happened? Are you ok?" Stefan asks . Explains all the animal attacks lately . Bodies drained of blood and killed . "No, I'm not ok. I was ambushed. I was shot. Now I'm vengeful. Just got to find him." Damon says . "Well, there's no need. He's here at the school." Stefan says . "You're kidding me. Why the hell is he there?" Damon says .
"He's working the crowd." Stefan says . "Well, I'll be right there." Damon says before Stefan hangs up . Tsk Tsk Elena you kept a big secret.

"Have you seen Elena " Stefan asks as I get out of my car . "Nope should I " I say . "She's your sister " Stefan says . "She's also a self serving narcissist who only cares for her sorry was that not what you wanted to hear " I say sarcastically. "Your unbelievable " Stefan says walking away . "Before you judge someone actually get to know them first instead of being a stand up jerk " I say going inside the grill .

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