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We arrive back at the compound and go down the wine cellar and Elijah follows klaus told me Easter is alive and in a body of one of the harvest girls that didn't come back when the others did . "It is worse than we thought." Klaus says as he breaks the neck off of a bottle of wine . "I met the witch, Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voice her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girl's eyes, and, I swear to you, Elijah, she's just just guided by our mother. She is our mother. " klaus says as Elijah is stunned by the revelation . "What is happening? " Elijah asks ." I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes. "Klaus says . "I wouldn't mind feeding your mom to the dogs I do owe her " I say as he smiles as Elijah tries interrupt klaus . "Niklaus " Elijah says making klaus turn around to him . "What? What could possibly be more important than the return of our mother? " Klaus says as Elijah signs ." ...Our father. I saw him standing there in the flesh, as you do now. He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina. He holds the stake. If she chooses to release him... " Elijah says as my eyes widen as klaus looks determined "Well, then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there? Which of our parents do we kill first? " klaus says as we walk up stairs into the court yard to where Hayley is leading in the Crescent wolves who aren't aligned with Cassie/Esther . "Take any of the rooms on the first floor. " Hayley says to the pack . "Are we running a kennel now? " klaus says making me hold on my laughter . "I'll handle them. " Hayley says . "Our family is under siege. It is not the time for guests. " klaus says . "If they're not with us, they're with the witches. You asked me to step up. This is me stepping up. " Hayley says as klaus smiles . "Well, it seems I'm a good influence on you after all. " klaus says .

I help some of the girls to some rooms and one of them doesn't leave my side . "Hey you okay ?" I say kneeling down to the young girl . "You saved me and my two brothers when the bomb went of in the bayou " she says as she pulls me into a hug as the other boys run up to me "Skye " they shout pulling me into a hug as I notice Lincoln looking over the balcony at me and smiling . "Would you like to see something ?" I say as they nod . "Close your eyes " I say as they close there eyes .
I draw a ruin on the wall and press my hand into it . "Okay open them " I say as a sparkles surround them . "Woah " they says as there faces light up with smiles and some other teenagers and young kids from the pack join in standing under the sparkles . "How are you doing that ?" The young says . "It's a secret " I say . "Please please do it again " she says smiling . "Okay then no peaking " I say

I watch Skye using her ruin to make gold sparkles around the kids and teenagers making them Giggle and smile . My heart warms at her love she gives everyone and how much the kids loves her . "Hey think Skye gonna have them all cuddled up with her to night " Hayley says beside me . "Yeah most probably " I say smiling admiring the scene as the kids Giggle and look happy . "You know the kids and the pack are always talking about her " Hayley says . "Hmm what about ?" I say interested . "We'll the kids call her a angel and mine and Jacksons pack calls her the born protector to our pack and everyone they all admire and love her on a level that can't be explained " Hayley says . "They are right she is a angel " I say smiling . "You love her don't you ?" Hayley says making me smile but almost seem surprised thought it didn't seem obvious. "Who wouldn't like you said everyone loves her "I say deflecting the question. "That's not what I meant and you know it " Hayley says as I stay silent . "You know she loves you too she might not say it out loud Lincoln but I see it " Hayley says making me smile .

I head to bed for the night when I hear a knock at the door and Lola walks through . "Hey what's wrong ?" I say seeing a tear on her cheek . "I had a nightmare can I sleep with you " Lola says as I pat my bed and she climbs on . "You wanna talk about it ?" I ask . "I'm scared " Lola says hugging into my embrace . "I won't let anyone hurt you Lola " I say . "I got just the thing to take your mind of it you wanna see " I say as she nods as I glow my eyes golden . "Woah there beautiful " Lola says starring at them as my ruins glows golden and Lola eyes look happy as see touches my ruins with a big smile on her face . "How do you do that ?" Lola says . "We'll it's because I'm a shadow Hunter" I say as Lola places her hand on my cheek gently . "Thank you " Lola says . "No problem kiddo come on got to get to sleep otherwise your wake up tired tomorrow " I say as she cuddles into me .

"Busy day " I say as Elijah . "Yeah " he says checking in on Skye seeing all the kids cuddled up next to her making him chuckle a little . "You know I've never known someone as strong as Skye but she she always manages to get through it " I say . "That's the thing about Skye what she's been through shattered her world decimated it her life full of pain and suffering but you know what she said to me once she said no her story started here her whole life she thought she wasn't wanted that she didn't belong that every one who cared for her died or got hurt that her entire life was built on a lie but all that time she kept going when most of us would of gave up that's what she took away from her story not the family she'll never have but the she's always had here I am listening to her story and knowing it could destroy her faith in humanity and some how she manages to repair a little piece of mine ... "Elijah says . "The world is full of evil and lies and pain and death and you can't hide from it you can only face it the question is when you do how do you respond " Elijah says looking over to Skye asleep .

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