Dont care

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I down my drink a few of them actually. " any idea where Elena is ?" Stefan asks as i down another shot . "Nope let me guess Damon used her a leverage " I say . "Yeah ". He says. "Do you know Anna the girl that's been with Jeremy " Stefan asks . "A little why ?" I ask . "Because she has Elena " Stefan says making me roll my eyes she's always getting kidnapped or targeted it's pathetic . " uh she's like a danger magnet " I say grabbing my jacket .

I enter Elena's room and look around to see the window open and close it . I look at the security cameras . "How do you even have that ?" Stefan asks . "You think I'm gonna answer that " i say as I stop it seeing Elena and Anna getting into a car .
"Write this down ." I say reading out the license plate . We arrive at the police station. "Wren " I say as he looks to me . "Skye what are you doing here " he asks we kinda have a thing going on no string attached though . " need a favour " I ask .

"You have the licence plate number." He asks. "Yeah Stefan says passing him the license plate number. Wren types it into his computer. "There." He says . " motel " I say . "Yeah I'll get you the address. " he says before leaving the room . "How exactly are you able to get this information " Stefan asks . "I know a lot of people " I say taking a picture of the motel room number. " here " wren says coming back in. "Thank you I owe you one" I say placing a kiss on his cheek before leaving .
"You not going in " Stefan asks . "Nope your the knight in shining amour lover boy go save your girl " I say getting back into my car and leaving .

I go to dukes party he throws one every time he gets back . I down my drink a few actually because why not . "Hey " Caroline says as I turn around . "Want a drink " I ask holding a second drink . "Yeah thanks " she says as I pass her the drink . "Isn't Lara coming " Caroline asks . "Nope. "I say downing my drink . "You fall out or something " she asks . "Nope " I say .
"You okay ?" She asks as I look to her seriously . " I'm fine " I say

" and why would I care " I say looking at Elena as I take sip of my bourbon ." Are you serious right now bonnie's grams died "Elena says clearly annoyed .
"Still don't care it's got nothing to do with me " I say downing my drink and getting up of the chair . "You really don't care about anything do you ?" Elena says . "Nope ... although it was you wasn't it that lead bonnie's grams to die because you went into the tomb " I say as she smacks me across the face . "Don't you dare blame me " Elena says . God she is so tunnel vision she doesn't relise she's the problem. "Hit me again Elena ...and you'll be dead " I say before grabbing my jacket and leaving the grill . None of them noticed Lara wasn't around anymore . Nothing so why the hell should I care .

JENNA /: i help ric hold the banner up for the founders fundraiser . " Skye handed in a real good essay I was convinced she needed a higher grade then a A* " ric says . "We'll she's does this thing we're she plays dumb but is incredibly smart still have no idea why " I say as Ric chuckles . " it's a teenager thing she'll get past it " ric says. "I don't know she's different lately more shut off ... gets into fights more then she normally does ..she seems off to you " i ask . "No but I can keep eye on her if you want " ric asks . "Yeah okay thanks" I say .

I notice matts mum being a bitch to Caroline for no reason and grab a drink off the waiter and down it before going over . "Sorry " i bumping into like it was a accident making her spill her drink . " what the hell " Kelly says matts mom . " guess I just tripped you know clumsy and all when it seeing bitches sorry again" I say as Caroline try's not laughing .
" I'd watch your mouth " Kelly says . " no Id watch yours careful now " I say before walking off .

I throw the bourbon bottle in the bin and hear a knock at the door and open it to see Anna . "Little lost are we ?" I ask . "Let me the guess the other twin "Anna says . "Yep now what you doing here ?" I ask.
"Jeremy " she says . "And you think I'm gonna let you " I say as she goes to grab me but I'm more skilled and pin her up to the wall . "You might be a vampire Anna and a lot faster then me and a lot older then me but you wasn't trained like me so try that again I'll kill your friend Noah made that same mistake hurt jeremy in any way your dead got it " I say . He nods . "Good " I say letting her go and she goes up stairs and I close the front door .

I wake up to the light breeze fanning my face and feel a arm shift around me and turn to see Taylor still asleep and carefully move his arm off my side and get up and shower and get changed . And leave a note before I leave the house .I don't do relationships it's not me anymore .

DAMON /: "You're not going in there." I say to Elena as the tomb vampires have Stefan . "Why are they doing this? What do they want with him?" Elena asks . "Revenge. They want revenge." I say .
"We gotta do something." Elena says . "I know." I say but I can't get in unless I'm invited in .
"We can't let them hurt him. We gotta get him out of there." Elena says . "I know. Elena, I know. But I don't know how to get him out." I say .

"And why would i help you " I say looking to Damon and Elena they seemed to rope Alaric in this plan to .
"Stefan's in the house. Damon's a vampire. He can't get in. We need you. I would go, but..." Elena says .
"But your life is valuable. Yours, on the other hand is..." Damon says looking to me and Alaric . "Stefan told me about your ring." Elena says looking to Alaric. "What about it?"Alaric says . "Let me recap...You tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?" Damon says . "Yeah. The part where I try and kill you again. Only this time, I don't miss." Alaric says making me chuckle a little .

"Thank you " Elena says as I look to her putting the quiver on my back . "Not doing it for you " I say Stefan doesn't deserve to differ for Kathrine's choice what 145 years ago . My life means so little to her she proved it in the classroom . "You two go through the front I'll go through the back " I say looking to Alaric and Damon . "Who made you in charge " Damon says making me scoff . "Want me to show you or shut up and avoid getting killed ... you might be a vampire Damon but you have no idea what I can so advise you shut it. " I say before walking off .

ALARIC /: i wait Skye climb onto the roof of the house . "She doesn't like you " I say looking to Damon . "She doesn't like anyone " Damon says wonder why . "Come on " Damon says .

I pull the vampire away from the door and fire a arrow into his heart making him desiccate as the arrows are wooden tipped just for this purpose . I get into the house and immediately fire two arrow into the next row both side of the room and roll out the way and fire another one . I pull the vampire into a choke hold and snap his neck . I get to the basement door and kick the door completely of its hinges and grab the vampire and flip over him and drive a stake through his heart and let him fall . I go over to Stefan seeing him sting up by vervain ropes and cut them down and catch him before he falls . "What are you doing here " Stefan asks . "Saving your life by the looks of it " I say in doing the vervain ropes . "We'll we'll a human able to kill 11 vampires with her bare hands that's not something we see everyday day . "A vampire says as I quietly grab the knife from the table . "We'll I'm not most human and we're severely underestimated by you vamps " I say before throwing the knife at the vamp hitting him in the heart and grip him up and pull him into a choke before snapping his neck . "Just like that " I say letting his body fall . "Come on " I say pulling Stefan up over my shoulder . "Wait wait " Stefan says looking to the other guy in the chair . "Get him out " Stefan says . "Fine " I say using the knife and cut the ropes of him and pull the stakes out of him . "Don't make me regret it " I say as he gets up and Elena comes through . "Oh for love of god get out of here take lover boy with you " I say passing Stefan with you she does and get out without getting caught and I go through the main hall and trip the two vampires up and kick the other into the wall and they bare there fangs .

I look around to see all the vampires either dead or knocked out . "Your welcome " Skye says walking past . "Hold on " I say grabbing her wrists . "How could you do that not even I could " I say . "It's because your not trained like me that's why " she says.

"Stop. What's going on here? What did you do?"pearl says Anna's mother who was in the tomb .
"Me? Your merry little band of vampires spent the day torturing my brother." Damon says .
Pearl: Trust me. The parties responsible for this will be dealt with ." Pearl says as I let the vampire fall to the floor . "Our little arrangement doesn't work unless you learn to control them." Damon says making me look to him what arrangement ,
"This wasn't supposed to happen." Pearl says .
"Well, it did. If I had a good side...Not a way to get on it. "I say before leaving .

"Your drunk again why aren't i surprised " Jenna says as I hear Jeremy chuckle behind her a little .
"We'll it's nothing new " I say . "Seriously Skye " Jenna says . "Don't worry about it because we'll doesn't matter does it " I say before leaving for school .

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