Broken once again

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I sit on the lakes pathway look out to the lake it's quite excluded away from the world the chaos . It gives me time to think to take a break from the world and it's problems like a escape and lately I need it .
I get a text from cami and I soon get up and leave .
I get into Roseau's . "Skye no " cami says rushing over to me as I look around seeing Mollie .

I take a sip of my drink as Skye comes in and she does not look happy . Cami rushes over to her there been connected since they meet always there for each-other on a level I think they connect through who they have lost . "Skye no " cami says trying to hold her back as I look to where mollie is . Ah shit she knowns . Elijah and Hayley comes back from a call .

I push past cami rushing over to mollie as she stands up . "New York ... New York you fucking didn't tell me " I say grabbing mollie by her shirt . "Woah it's wasn't me you've broken up with him " she says pissing me off . "You've been pretending to be my fucking friend " I shout . "I didn't pretend shit Skye ! I'm his friend too and I'm cleaning up your shit like usual " she shouts pushing me backwards . I soon go to punch her . "Oh Go ahead fucking hit me you big women big piece of shit " she shouts . I lower my fist and push her away and go to leave . "Yeah that's right walk away like you always do Skye just like a coward ."she says making me stop and slamm the door making it shatter as I turn to her .

"Oh Go ahead fucking hit me you big women big piece of shit " she shouts to Skye oh I so wanna hit her . Skye lowers her fist and push her away and goes to leave . "Yeah that's right walk away like you always do Skye just like a coward ."mollie says as I see the anger completely rip through Skye . Me and mollie have been friends for a while now .
Elijha gets up but I hold him back . "No let her deal with this " I say . Skye stops just at the door and slams the door making it shatter as she turns to her .

I soon throw her into the wall and punch her across the face as we got crashing into the tables . I block her punch and trip her up only to have her throw me down with her and I elbow her int the side as she catches me with a lethal punch to the jaw and I punch her straight back . We completely fuck up the tables and glass panels fighting through them , crashing into the them . "Enough okay clearly your quite upset with me right now so say what's on your mind " mollie says as I get up pulling the gloss's out of my cheek . "Why did you even come back huh ?" I say as she moved away for a bit . "I stayed because of you because your my family " she says that's right she's my dads daughter . I have a unborn sibling too . So my half sister . "We're not your family we were your family you ran out and reinvented yourself " I say . "Skye I thought we were past this " she says . Past it there's no getting past it . "We didn't get past it how are we supposed to get past it haven't owned up for anything your twelve steps making admends huh " i say . "What would you like me to do you don't think I'm consumed by guilt I knew that night that I had to go " she says . "No after that night you had to fucking stay and you didn't and that night happened because of you " I shout because a couple of weeks ago me , Lincoln and mollie went out mollie got drunk and pissed the wrong people off and it resulted in Lincoln getting hurt really hurt . "Yes and I have been haunted by that for the last couple of weeks " shouts . "It's hunts you I fucking watched it happen you bastard " I shout punching her in the face . "Skye " cami , Hayley and the others shouts . Mollie soon fights back .

She pins me up to the wall . "I'm done you hear me .... Your so fucking fucked up Skye ... you don't even see it need help Skye and I'm done I am not falling down with you anymore you wanna spiral out of control go ahead I'm not gonna stop you ... but I am not falling with you .... Your toxic and anyone around you will get hurt in the process ... your trying and I see that but I .....I can't keep doing this backwards and fourth ... it's's not just you it's me ..." she says . "You can't just escape yourself by moving from one place to another right you know that right !" I say . "I need to figure things out and if you love me enough " she says . "I do your my fucking sister " i say . "If you really love me that I need you to promise not to follow me " she says . I can't ... I need her even if she did sleep with klaus twice . I need her . "I can't ... I can't do that " I say trying to keep the tears at bay . "Promise me " she says . "I can't do that we can make this work " I say . "Promise me not to follow me give me some time or your gonna end up taking everyone down with you " she says . "How long ?" I ask . She doesn't answer me and looks to the floor . "How long mollie how long ? " I ask . "I don't know ...i don't know " she says As i bite my lip as tears fall and I wipe them away before leaving . I fuck up everything and everyone around me .

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