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I grab my jacket from my room about to leave when I pass Elena's room and Stefan calls my name . "What ?" I ask seeing them both . "I didn't get to say thank you the other day for saving my life " Stefan says . "So ... don't need it " I say . "Skye he's trying to say thank you " Elena says . "Like I said back at the car I didn't do it for you .... He didn't deserve it end of story no thank you needed now see ya I'm off before Jenna tries to ground me again " I say leaving .

"What's up with you seem more annoyed then usual " I say to Jeremy as I sit in his chair . "Elena's been lying to me about vicki " Jeremy says . "What about her ?" I asks didn't really know her that well . "You don't know do you ?" Jeremy says . "Know what ?" I ask . "Vicki's dead they say it's a overdose but Elena's dairy says different " Jeremy says as he explains Elena got Damon to compel Jeremy to forget what happened at Halloween and that Vicki was a vampire and Stefan killed her to protect Elena . Caroline found her body somewhere of the dirt road . "We'll she's keeps alit of things away from us don't worry I'll find out I always do little bro " I say getting up .
"We'll least I don't have you lying to me " jeremy says . "I never would " I say before leaving his room .

"I don't do dressing shopping Caroline plus you have to other people to take with you " i say downing my bourbon . She wants me to help her pick out a dress for the miss mystics falls thingy her and Elena are doing . "Please " Caroline says . "Nope you have two qualified best friends to help you and I've gotta go " I say getting up . "Okay well I'll guess I'll see you " Caroline says leaving . I leave shortly after only to get stopped by uncle John who's returned to mystic falls and stirred shit up like usual. "Are they serving you here " John says making me roll my eyes . "Yeah have a problem with that " I say . "Yeah I do your underage " he says making me chuckle . "Real funny that you care so much uncle John shame I don't " I say pushing past him and leaving .

I take a seat opposite lyla's mom . "How you been doing with everything" she asks . " I'm okay you know me I get through it " I say . "Your right I do know you .. you push people away and pretend not to care when you do " she says . " it's better that way " I say . "It is " she says . "Look people stay away from me they live it's that's simple " I say . "Sweetie it's gonna hurt you more then them " she says . "I'm fine .... How are you ?" I say changing the subject . "I'm okay it's hard but I'm getting by " she says . "Here."I say passing her a eclipse with cash in it . "It's to help with whatever you need " I say . "I can't take this " she says . "Yes you can I don't need it it was mine and lyla's savings for a flat but she's not here she's want you to have it " I say passing it to her . "Thank you " she says . "Your welcome call me if you need anything okay " I say as she pulls me into a hug . "I will take care of yourself Skye " she says . "Always do " I say .

I drop the dress off for Caroline at her house and leave a note . "Not gonna tell her where it came from " sheriff Forbes says . "Yep she deserves a pretty dress " I say grabbing my bag . " why don't you let people see this side of you " she asks catching me off guard with that question . "Because people get close to me they get hurt or worse " I say before leaving .

I get home after the mystic falls interviews and put my keys on the dish and get to my room seeing a beautiful dress on my bed . "Mom " I call out as I go over to my bed and seeing a note picking it up . "Better win " the note says making me smile . "Yes sweetheart " she says coming to the door . " who dropped this off." I ask . "Someone who's got a big heart " she says before leaving for work making me confused. I look at the dress emerald green it's beautiful. The lace everything it's perfect .

I take the champagne of the waiter and take a sip before someone grabs it out of my hands and I turn around to see uncle John . "Oh it's you again " I say .
"Really Skye " he says putting the glass onto the table . "What disappointed " i say . "Why would you say that ?" He asks . "We'll it's obvious isn't it ... doesn't matter anyways " I say going to leave when he grabs my wrist . "Wait there was a large money transaction from your account yesterday " John says . "So " I say . "What did you do with it .... " he asks making me smile . "Guess you'll never know " I say smirking to him before grabbing the glass and downing it . "See you around " I say .

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