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I grab my phone out of my pocket after seeing it ringing and see Damon calling . "Yes " I say answering . "Did you know Elijah took Elena he wants his mother found turns out she linked them all so one goes they all go she didn't want them to survive she wants to kill them and Elena is the bargaining chip " Damon says . "No I didn't know Elijah won't hurt her " I say . "No but Rebekah would seeing as Elena is with her " Damon says . "I lll call her she won't hurt her okay " I say before hanging up . I go over the bar and take klaus's drink from him and down it making him and Kol look to me . "Thanks " I say as klaus smiles to me and I wink at Kol . "See you later pretty boy " I say to Kol as he smokes and klaus looks annoyed . Perfect .

Just what I thought Klaus followed me out of the grill . "Take a hint " I say as he calls after me .
"Don't be angry, love. " he says coming over and I turn to him . "What do you want ?" I ask as Klaus sits down on a bench that's next to him. "Come on, get to know me. I dare you." He says . "Fine " I say as I sit next to him . "So, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask . "I want to talk about you. Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life." He says .
"Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you." I say as he smiles . "Well, that's why I like you." He says .

I hear my phone ringing and see Elijah calling . "Hello Lijha " I say using his nick name . "Where are you " he asks . "Outside the grill why ?" I ask . "Easter linked all my siblings and I together " elijha says . "I know Damon told me I thought Elena was lying the other night " I say . All sudden I feel a sharp pain in my chest making me groan in pain and drop my phone falling into darkness .

ELIJHA /: i get recovering from falling dedicated and apparat at the top of the stairs ans see Kol daggers and klaus fighting Damon . "Leave him brother " I say . "We still need them, Niklaus." I say .
"What did mother do? What did she do, Elijah?" Klaus asks ."You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." I say looking to Damon . "You told me we had until after nine." Damon says . "I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early." I say .

"Skye " Elijah say as I get up off the floor from all unconscious . "That hurt " I say as he helps me up . "You okay what happened " Elijah asks . "Ah I think when you went night nights so did I " I say lifting my shirt up to see a graze on my side bleeding . "Our parabati ruin we're connected that's why you went unconscious because I desiccated because Kol got daggered and my mother link me and my siblings together and because we're linked you are too " Elijah says . "Yeah try not getting daggered for a while " I say as he chuckles . "Try not too " he says .

Easter ended up getting away with Finn and bonnies mom gets turned into a vampire to break the connection between the Bennet bloodline and Easter challenging them . "Crisis adverted for now " i say down the phone to Rebekah as I place a gauze on my side to stop the bleeding . "I'll see you tomorrow " Rebekah says hanging up I place my phone down .
"Need help " I hear klaus saying making me jump slightly . "Jesus " I say . "Not god afraid " he says coming over as I pull my top back down . "You gonna leave it bleeding like that " he says as I look to him . "It will heal " I say as he steps closer to making me step back against the counter top . "It could get infected we don't want that " he says lifting me up on the counter with ease . He grabs a some of anti back wipes as I watch intently as he wipes the packet open . He moves standing between my thighs as I try controlling my breathing to how close he is . "You have a new shirt " he asks . "Over there " I say as he looks past me over to the couch . "To far " he says making me look to him . "What can't walk over there " I say as he smirks . "You'll be the one that can't walk if you give in " he whispers placing his hands on my bare thighs as I'm wearing shirts and long shirt . "Not gonna happen " I say as he smiles . I go to move but he holds me there . "Ah ah don't want you bleeding out do we " he says sliding his hand up my shirt and removing my shirt leaving my in my bra and shorts . He looks to my side causally trail up my chest . He places the wipes to my side making me jolt a little as it stings making me pull his hand away . "Do you want to bleed out stay still " he says firmly as he starts stitching my side . His touch sends my skin on fire and electric run up my body as his single touch . He places a bandage around my side . "Not bad " I say . "We'll I have been around a long time " klaus says leaning closer as he moves last sending just as our lips were about to touch . Making me annoyed . he takes his shirt off making me breathe get caught in my throat. Seeing his firm and toned chest and abs . "Your starring " he whispers making me look to him . "No I'm not " I say defensively trying to avoid looking at his now bare chest . Klaus pulls my jaw to look at him . "Avoiding looking are we " he whispers are our lips at cm's apart . Don't give in Skye you can't . As much as I want to taste his lips on mine . I can't what that make me . He lifts me off the counter so I'm right in-front if him not even 10 cm apart . He slips his shirt over my head and pulls it down . "It's suits you " he says . "Why are you helping me " I ask trying to distract my self from my mind constantly having a battle with my body and thoughts . God there's so many wrong thoughts .
"Looked like you needed it " he says as our eyes lock for a moment . What is wrong with me like get a grip Skye's he's just a guy . My body is so betraying me .
Klaus gently brushed a lock of hair behind my ear . "Gonna give in yet " he says . "Not gonna happen Nik " I say as I go to move past him and he pushes me against the fridge pinning my arms above my head as he's lips are cm's away from mine making my lips burn for his to touch mine . No Skye move . I try to move but he grips me tighter . "We're do you think your going " he says . "To bed it's late " I say .
"Don't think so " he whispers as his lips graze past mine making my skin tingle at his touch . "I'm not gonna kiss you unless you ask me " he whispers annoying me which him keep teasing me . "You like to make things uncomfortable don't you " I say as he smiles . "And what's that supposed to mean " he says as his chest leans against mine . Think think Skye . "What do you think it means " I say lightly chuckling . "I think it means your probably mad " klaus says . "I'm not mad " I say . "No " klaus says . "No " I say . "Okay " he says moving my hair away from my neck as his hand gently brushed against my neck making me hold my breathe . "I'm frustrated " I say as he smiles . "Sexually " he whispers making me smile towards him and he chuckles . I turning the game . I manage to move klaus and pin him against the fridge he looks me up and down before meeting my eyes . "You should know something I don't ask " I whisper in his ear before gently brushing my body up against his . "Especially to men " I whisper as my hands trails down his leg . "That's why your different love " he whispers as I take of his shirt that he put on me . He looks me up and down not able to take his eyes away . I lift his chin up to face me . "Eyes are up here " I say . "Are you teasing me love " he whispers . "Don't like it now do you " I say grazing my lips against his neck . "Your playing a dangerous game love " klaus says as he's hands trail down my side . I take his hands pinning them beside him . "Ah ah No touching " I say as he smiles . "Definitely playing with fire " he says . "You lit the match not me " I say as our lips are cm's apart . I notice his lips tremble at how close mine are to his . I lean in and pull away just as his lips grazes mine making him growl . "I'm not gonna kiss you unless you ask me" I whisper against his lips playing his game on him . "Really shouldn't of done that love now I'll just make it harder for you to ask" klaus whispers .

I jump on Elijah's back as he actually catches me . We both chuckle as he spins me around . "Elijah " I say giggling as he puts me down before I get to dizzy . "Don't fall over I won't catch you " he says making me chuckle . "Ah That's mean " I say as he chuckles . I grab the hose soaking him with water making me shocked .

I take a seat beside klaus as he draws in his sketch book . "What you drawing " I ask . "Something " he says glancing at Skye and Elijah play fighting .
" there lucky to have a friendship like theirs I've never seen it before not like that " I say as Skye jumps on Elijah's back making them giggle . I never seen Elijah giggle not like that not in a long time .
He puts her down and Skye soaks him with the hose and Elijah chases after her as they both get soaked .
"I haven't seen him laugh like that since we were kids " I say . "She brings out the best in everyone " klaus whispers . I think he didn't mean to say that out loud but I heard it . I notice him actually smiling as he looks to Skye running around soaking Elijah and giggling . I enjoy the moment outside all the chaos we have waiting for us .

I slip over from the wet floor pulling elijha with me making us giggle uncontrollably as I lay there as my stomach hurts from all the giggling . "Your mean " Elijah says sitting up making me chuckle . He gets up and helps me up . I throw a towel at him . "Look a little wet there lijha " I say as he chuckles and throws a towel at me .

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