Dont touch them .

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I try giving Lincoln a call he hasn't called me since the hospital and I just wanna hear his voice .
. I walk to the doorway of the cabin and whilst cami checks up on Davina alongside another guy . Klaus rejoins me . "Oh, hello darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down? " the guy says to klaus . "This isn't red riding hood and the three little piggies hiding from the big bad wolf little boy because in this reality I'm the one who's gonna quake this house apart " i say glowing my eyes at him . "You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat. " klaus says . "Klaus, he's just a kid. Give him a break. " cami says frustrated . "Yeah, she's right. You know, you may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues. " he says as I go to hit him but cami holds me back . "Hey! Shut it. " cami says to the guy . "I promised not to kill Davina, I said nothing of this insolent sod. " klaus says as the guy smirks at us . while Cami gets up and leads Klaus and I outside .

"Klaus, Skye come on. " cami says as I continue to stare suspiciously at the guy as cami pulls me and klaus onto the porch . "A minute ago, you both had the opportunity to kill your father Klaus with this thing, and you two didn't. You're not going to kill this kid with it, either! " cami says looking to the white oak stake in klaus hands .

Klaus looks into the cabin, where The guy is still tending to Davina . "Fine. " Klaus says as cami signs in relief . "Thank you. " cami says as Klaus hands her the stake and I hand her the keys . "Go get the car, let's take her to hospital. " I say as Cami smiles at us before she leaves. I walk back into the cabin, "You've got a way with words. " I say as the guy looks to me . "Well, I've traveled. " he says as he stands up and walks over to Me .

"You seem to have crossed continents to order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces, thereby meddling in Klaus's family business. " I say as he smiles . "Strange, isn't it? " I say but he doesn't say anything. "Unless it's your family business. You know, ever since my mother and Finn, I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol. " Klaus says as klaus looks pissed as Kol laughs and bows dramatically. "Then the jig is up! " Kol says as I smile . "Hello, trouble ! " Kol says . "It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother. And I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are. " Klaus says . "But you're both not going to do that, are you? Because your little blonde friend told you to leave me alone. " Kol says making klaus chuckles .

"I'm curious, does she take one of those little baggies out when she takes you for a walk? " Kol says making me grab him by the shirt . "Cami? I changed my mind, I am going to kill him after all. " I say as Kol smirks at us but when Cami doesn't respond, is making me worried . I let Kol go and walk to the car . "Cami ?" I say as klaus rejoins me and I see the driver's side door of his SUV open, its window smeared with blood. Me and klaus rush around the trunk to see it open and empty . "For fuck sake we should of just killed him now he has cami " i say slamming the trunk shut .

I call Elijah as it goes straight to voicemail.
"Elijah, where are you? Mikael is loose with the stake, and Cami is a hostage, and with the white oak stake so we're in need of reinforcement. Urgently. " I say as I hang up and I return to the cabin to see Kol rocking in a rocking chair . "Wake her up, tell her to get Mikael back here, now." Klaus shouts .

I drag cami through the woods near the bayou as she seems scared so she should . "Klaus and Skye will find you! " cami blurts out . " Oh, they will. But, I will be ready. " I say . "How? I've seen the kind of pain that blade causes. " cami says she's so clueless. "I have fought more pain than anyone, living or dead. " i say as I clutch the Papa Tunde's blade in one hand. "But, once I feed, I shall be restored. " I say as cami looks terrified and try's to run but I just keep her arm tight in my grip . " Not you. " I say as i hold the blade against her neck . "You, my dear, are leverage. Once I threaten to dismember you in front of klaus he will hesitate. And, in that moment of weakness, I shall end him and that little angel monster " I say . "This is crazy! The two of you, going round and round trying to kill each other? You're obsessing over the death of a person whose fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy! " cami says as I become enraged . "Hush! You are the enabler of the weak! No wonder they seek your company. " I say as I pause hearing music . "I hear music. And, where there's music, there's food. " I say as I drag cami further into the woods with me . where we come upon a group of several dozen people, all of whom are wearing various Halloween masks and partying around a large bonfire.

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