Play house

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Me , Freya, Elijah, and Marcel have arrived to Eva's hideout for the children she's captured so we can meet with Vincent and finish preparing for their plan. Marcel is carrying Eva in his arms as he walks toward the magic circle - which is actually the triangle Esther drew for freya - made of salt and herbs she has set up in the middle of the warehouse. At each point is a lit white candle .

"Lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand. " Freya says .
"I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor me, brother. " Freya says to Elijah. "Do what you need to do. " Elijah says . Marcel lays Eva down on the floor in the middle of the triangle, and then he and Vincent look up at Freya for further instructions. "Rebekah is buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight. " Freya says .
" Then she gets a fight. " Marcel says . "Be careful. You're entering Eva's mind. If she kill you in there, you will be lost. And, if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then, and only then, can Eva be dealt with. " Freya says . "Okay put me in " I say as freya looks confused . "Look Eva will put up a fight and if she get killed before they get Rebekah then she's lost and I can't have that and Marcel is not going in alone we're a team , so put me in I can stop Eva just ask Elijah " I say as Freya turns to Elijah. "Trust me you'll see what she can do when you enter my mind " Elijah says and Freya nods . "Okay " Freya says as I lay down next to Marcel . "Ready to kick some arse " I say as Marcel chuckles . "Yeah " Marcel says . Freya talks ti Vincent and spells a weapon to use when we're there freya begins to chant and me , Marcel and Vincent falls unconscious.

I suddenly wake up into Eva's mind-space thingy , which is still the warehouse but everything has adopted a greenish hue again, and Eva is no longer laying between us. Vincent screams in pain and quickly yanks the knife out of his arm. I hear a little girl scream and me and Marcel look to one another "Rebekah " we both says and get up and we both rush around to the sound .

Me and Marcel are still running around the version of the warehouse inside Eva's mind, but we have yet to find Rebekah. The lights continue to flicker around us and as we rush around. I hear the sound of a child by hyperventilating nearby. "Do you hear that " I say to Marcel . "Yeah " Marcel says as we wander around and eventually come upon a small closet . "Rebekah " I say as Marcel opens the closer and we find a young Rebekah curled up in fear .
She gasps in fright at first, but then she recognizes us even despite her young age and immediately runs into are arms as Marcel and I hugs her tightly.

"Rebekah! It's okay, it's safe. " I say . "You people just don't give up, do you? " Eva says in front of us . "Run. " Marcel and I say to Rebekah as Young Rebekah runs away in the opposite direction while me and Marcel stays behind to hold her off. Me and Marcel lunge at her with vampire speed ,but Eva
thrusts her arm out in front of us and uses her magic to cause us so much pain that we clutch our chests and screams at the top of our lungs .

"You're both a in here, in my world! I'm the one who makes the rules! I'm the one who says how. you. die. " Eva says as She twists her wrist, and me and Marcel begins writhing on the ground in agony as she tortures us . This bitch she's dead .

Eva is straddling Marcel on the floor of the warehouse and is gouging out Marcel's eyes with her thumbs as he groans in pain as she continues to hold me down with her magic . "The great Marcel. One-time vampire king. " Eva says She thrusts her thumbs farther into his eyes, and he groans louder.
I growl loudly as I feel my eyes glow golden " your dead " I say and I fight through the magic and tackle Eva off Marcel as we roll around on the floor fighting against each other .

"Eva! That's enough! It's over. " Vincent shouts as Eva says as she stands to her feet, and Vincent slowly walks toward her, his hands still up in a non-threatening position . "Not a bad bit of acting, fooling me back there. Pretty slick, and cold. " Eva says as I help Marcel up as she's so distracted by Vincent . "Go find Rebekah I've got her " I whisper to Marcel as he nods and vamp speeds out of there . "Colder than I remembered you. " Vincent says . "Aww, it's your eyes. Those damn sexy eyes. Making me think you love me, right before you bury a knife in my back. " Eva says as She caresses Vincent's cheek with her hand, and Vincent sighs . "You break my heart, Vince. " Eva says as I see Vincent reaches down to his belt, where Eva's knife is tucked in his belt . "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... " Eva says as Vincent throws me the knife and Eva turns to me as I throw her into the pillar with my power as she connect with the floor groaning . "Argh your pissing me off " Eva shouts . "Am I thought I came across happy " I say as I pick her up by her shirt but she uses her magic to make me drop to my knees in pain alongside Vincent . "Your really annoying me now " I say as I lunge at her and we smack against the concrete floor and we fight as she lashed the knife across my cheek making it bleed . I grab her arm and throw her into a choke hold and kick the back of her leg making her fall to her knees "your little play house is done " I say going snap her neck but she stabs me in the side making me groan in pain as I clutch my side as she kicks me in face and the ribs as my back hits the floor and Eva straddles me and pushes the knife it my shoulder making me groan in pain . I head butt her in the face disorienting her giving me the chance to get to my feet and drop kick her and round her across the face making her fall to the floor . "Do you have any idea how your messing with " I say as I throw her up against the wall by her throat . "Yea the shadow Hunter quake " Eva says as I look at her in anger tightening my hold she used her magic against me making me drop to my knees in pain making me clutch my head . "Stop " I say clutching my head in pain making me gasp for air and relief washes over me . I use my power against her sending her flying and continue to do so sending her crashing through the floor as it cracks beneath her she's dead by the pressure of my power against her
" Skye you okay ?" Marcel says helping me up as young Rebekah hugs me . "We need to get out of here " I say .

I gasp awake on the floor of the warehouse . Immediately sit up and look over at Eva's body that is still laying unconscious on the floor. I look to freya for answers . "Did it work? " Klaus says . "Why isn't she waking?? " I say as Freya shakes her head desperately, as though to prove she had no intention of anything bad happening to Rebekah.
I hear Rebekah gasp awake making me relieved she sits straight up and look to us all . "Bloody hell!" Rebekah says making me chuckle .

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