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I gasp for air as water fills the container to desperately bang on the side and the front trying to pry the door off but it doesn't budge I try using my power but it's like it's blocked or something. I panic as I struggle to hold my breathe as the water fully submerged the container no longer able to hold my breathe anymore death sweeps me up over and over again drowning over and over again .

In her head whilst drowning -
I stand looking outside the window of the compound. "Your think about it, flip the switch skye " Lincoln says . "Put yourself out of this misery please " he says from behind me . "Did you forget how long it took to come back last time what I lost in the process " I say meaning after lyla died I lost everything I went downhill seeking Revenge any shred of anger I could take out . "You don't deserve this skye , you did the right thing you walked away and this is what you get in return how's that fair " Lincoln says . "Hey " he says turning me around to face him . His light blonde hair with blue eyes . I miss them so much . "Just turn it off .... Turn it off " he says .
I look to my glass and then to the floor maybe he's right . "Wait stay with me " Elijah says as he cups my face with his hands "what are you doing here " I ask . "I know this is torture , but stay with me your humanity is the one thing that makes you who you are , don't let go , please little angel " he says . "For me " he says as I nod . "

I simply close my eyes knowing whats next I died again and wake up and drown all over again .

"Would you be doing anything Skye be anywhere why here why this " he asks as I look to the water fall as we sit across from the lake . "These are the good moments the simple ones the ones that matter these are the moment that keep me from falling apart "I say as he pull me into a hug . "This can't last forever your just distracting yourself " Elijah says . All sudden he coughs up water making me alarmed and worried . "Elijha " I say as he coughs up water .

I wake up trying to fight my way out but the water to get to him but the water consumes me sending me back into darkness .

For the last four months elijah hasn't been the same not since skye disappeared, "brother I'm telling you she wouldn't just disappear I would know she's my parabati " Elijah says pacing back and fourth in the living room . "Look the witches are still declaring war " I say . "Okay " he says . We call Davina and she's more then willing to help even though we've asked her to do the same thing dozens of times no change .

She arrives ."You have anything of hers " she says as Elijah takes the necklace off from around his neck . "Here " he says passing it to her she gave him that and took his necklace quite funny actually she never gave his back and he never have hers back . Freya places a map on the table and places a small salt circle on the map .
She holds the necklace in her hands and begins the spell . After a few minutes she stops . "There's nothing it's like she's clocked or something I need something to channel " Davina says . "Channel me she's my parabati we're physically and emotionally connected bound together " Elijha says . "Okay " she says as Elijah give her his hand and she nods and begins the spell again . "There nothing it's like she doesn't even exist " Davina says .

"Hey look at me don't give up you hear my Skye don't you give don't you shit it off " Elijah says as I look to him . I try hitting the surroundings around me and I lose energy sinking into that never ending darkened void again that pain the pain before I die again it's like my body has been spelled to keep bringing me back to drown over again .

I gasp awake as the air returns to my lungs it's take a few seconds to realise I'm not in whatever I was in drowning . I look around and go to move when I get pulled back by restraints . "Seems like we need you after all " genieve says walking into the room the hate for her I have right now can't comprehend anything. "You fucking bitch " I shout as I yank in the restraints she uses her magic against me making me scream in pain as I clutch my head falling to my knees due to the pain . "If it was up to me I would of left you in the safe but we need your blood " she says before darkness evades me .

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