Helping hand

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I trace the healing ruin down my arm I gotta kind of used to the burn now as I've gotten better at using my ruins and powers . I feel the werewolf bites start to heal and sign in relief . I hear my phone ringing and see Elena calling . "What do you want Elena. ?" I ask I moved out of the house and got my own apartment as Jenna well is dead thanks to klaus . Klaus left town to create more hybrids .
"Do you know Rebekah is in school " she says making me roll my eyes .

"Yes I do know " I say .

"You do realise she helped klaus right " Elena says .

"Elena I'm not getting into this with you okay you hate Rebekah get over it " I say hanging up .

I grab my bag and jacket and head out of my apartment I head into school senior year can't wait till it's over . I take my jacket off and place it in to my locker . O turn around to see Stefan grabbing Elena's wrist klaus forced him to turn off his humanity .
I grab stefan's wrist and pull it if Elena's . "She said let go " I say as he smiles . "Elena go " I say as she leaves for class . "What the hell is wrong with you " I say . "What nothings wrong " he says . "Hmm your acting like a complete jerk to Elena " I say . "So your self favour and turn your emotions on " I say before letting his wrist go and go to class .

After speaking to Rebekah Elena comes over . "You two friends or something " Elena says . "Yeah she is have a problem with that " I say as Elena looks annoyed . "What are you doing huh Rebekah and her family are the bad guys " Elena says . " no there the bad guys to you ... you know I'm sick and tired of you acting so innocent all the time new flash Elena your not not everything involves around you ... " I say .
"Oh and you are " Elena says. "I never said I want I'm far from it .... Elena but you walk around like your the won who suffers the most " I say. "You haven't lost anyone you didn't care about our parents or Jenna no one " she says as I look to her .
" I have stood by you through everything ... our parents dying ... the sacrifice and even klaus ....I concerned about your well-being even when you clearly don't care about mine .. "I say . "Yeah you've been a real stand up kinda girl. " she says . "Elena do you think your the only one that is having a hard time you think you the only one suffering y... you have no idea what is going on right now but I am still standing here and you are still blaming everyone but yourself ... I'm done taking the blame I'm done caring I have saved you for half my life and I'm done running after you and I'm Done saving you " I say about to walk away when she speaks up . " you never cared anyway about anything you never did " Elena says . As I turn back to her holding the tears back .
"If you really knew me then you'd know I did ...but I'm always gonna be a disappointment to you .. the bastard child ...I did care but our parents and the island snuffed it out you was too blind to see it ... I do care for Elena more then you know but you'll never care about me you and Jeremy never did I was the bad guy in your eyes's what I'm always gonna be to you two no matter how many times I save you no matter how times I pull you away from danger I'm never gonna be part of your family looking back I never was " I say . "Your right you aren't and I wasn't blind I saw everything what our parents did I just didn't care and then you got lost on the island it was fine without you but you had to come back didn't you ... you should of stayed there " she says as I clench my fist . "You'd be dead 10 times If it wasn't for me ... don't expect me to save your life again " I say before leaving .

I grab a drink from the cupboard and take a glass out and pour myself a drink and down it when Rebekah walks through she has a key I gave her one . "You okay I heard what Elena said " she says . "I'm fine " I say . "You wanna talk about it ?" She asks . "Not much to say really other then I save them hundreds of times and get thrown to the wolves by the very people I saved countless times ... I mean I'm the idiot you keeps saving them right " I say . "There your family of course you'll save them " Rebekah says . "No I'm not they're family anymore Elena made that very clear I never really was I always seen as the bastard child always doing something wrong .. or something always my fault guess it took snapping at Elena for her to actually spit out what I she really felt about me now I know I really don't care " i say . "Your hurt " Rebekah says . "I don't get hurt it's a weakness " I say before leaving the kitchen .

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