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I stand beside Damon and the others as klaus decided to make himself known to Elena as well. "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?" Stefan says . Someone knocks on the door. Alaric enters coming over. "There you are." Damon says .
"Sorry I'm late." Alaric says . "Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon says . "Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena says . "Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Bonnie says . "That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around." Alaric says making me chuckle . "Woah I'm terrified .... Not " I say sarcastically. "Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..." damon says as He rushes at Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him. Lol that's cool . "Well, I was impressed." Stefan says . "It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." Bonnie says again with like I'm not here . "And what if your not there bonnie it's not these two can defend them selfs " Damon says . "Really can't i or do you need a rerun " I say as he speeds at me and I grab him i dealt with men with mirkuri in there systems making them crazy strong and fast on the island . I pin Damon up to the wall . "What was you saying " I say . "I've dealt with a lot strong then you Damon don't test me or you'll be dead to do so " I say letting him go . "Still human " Damon says as I glare at him . "A human who can kick your arse you should be ashamed " I say as bonnie chuckles . They all look to her . "What she's right " bonnie says . I notice Alaric looking at me but don't look back .

I arrive at the dance I didn't even change for it I need to find Alaric that seeking son of a bitch . I look around and find him and press a gun behind his back . "Got to admit your one of cheeky son of a bitch almost ..almost fooled me klaus " I say as he smirks . "What gave me away love " he says . "Oh I don't know mostly everything not very good at identify theft " i say . "I'd move your in a human body I kill Alaric you wake up in your real body " i say.

I take a seat in the table as Alaric well klaus sits on the desk . "Where's Kathrine I amuse you have her " I ask . "She's safe don't worry love " klaus says . "Stop calling me love or a bullet will go to through your shoulder it's not nice trust me " I say . "Bit young to have a gun aren't you " klaus says . "Ah killers come in all ages Nik you should know that " I say as he smiles . Guess he likes his nickname .
"I do in-fact love it's why your so interesting your not like Kathrine or Elena no no no your different " he says as he steps closer to me and we tussle a little bit only to have his hands gripping my throat and my spare gun against his throat . "Get out of Alaric's body and actually come out and face me and stop being a coward so I can kill you " I say as he chuckles . "I can't be killed " he says . "Of course you can I just have to find out what it is everything has a balance including a thousand year old vampire " i say .

"Klaus is in Alaric's body " Elena says coming into the living room . "Oh I knew four hours ago " I say . "What you knew? she says with tears in her eyes as Stefan comes in and I stand up putting my drink down . "You knew didn't you you knew that if Bonnie harnessed all that power that she would die didn't you " Elena says . "Yes .. yes I knew " I say it was my plan to begin with Kathrine slipped me a text .
Elena slaps me across the face. "You need to listen to me and prepare for what I'm about to say " I say .
"Bonnie had to die klaus using Alaric's body was a totally surprise she wasn't prepared for that and klaus wasn't gonna stop and we weren't gonna be able to stop him until he knew she was dead " I say . "He had to believe it " I say as Elena and Stefan look confused on what I'm saying . "She casted a spell bonnie's okay " i say before leaving .

"Where is he going?" Kathrine says as maddox leaves . She holds out her coffee for me . I take it .
"To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair-do." I say . "Are you sure that's a good idea, Klaus?"
Kathrine says . "Well, the full moon is almost upon us." I say as I put the moonstone on the table .
"I've killed the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelgängers is waiting in the wings. Ohh, I am ready to break this curse." I say . "And why would you do that here? There's so many people that would try to stop you." Kathrine asks . "Because I have to. It's the birthplace of the doppelgänger's " I say .
"I didn't realize that was a requirement." Kathrine says sitting in the chair . "Well, how could you? You betrayed me and fled England before I could give you the details, Katerina. But I did find your birthplace and I slaughtered your family. So I guess we're cool. Let's just hope that Elena or Skye isn't as stupid as you were." I say . "She won't run Elena She'll die before she lets anyone that she loves get hurt and we'll Skye would tear the town apart just to find you if you did " Kathrine says "And that's exactly what I'm counting on" I say . "You can't leave till I tell you too " I say compelling her before I leave .

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