Sit down its story time

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Lincoln /:
My eyes flutter open to see Skye shift a little in her sleep . She's looks peacefully when she's sleeps . I wish I could take all the pain away from her .

My eyes open to the sun beaming through as I feel warmth from beneath me and I shift a little to see klaus . "Morning how you feeling ? Lincoln asks. "Okay thank you for not leaving " i say . "No problem trouble "he says making me giggle as we exchange a smiles .

Lincoln leaves to have some meeting with Jackson and Hayley and there pack . I shower and change and walk out my room to be meet with Rebekah. "Come with me " Rebekah says as a massive smiles forms in her face . "Okay" i say as we walk down the stairs and through the living room and my heart drops seeing . Oh I can't believe what I'm saying . "Omg " I say as my eyes light up . "Hi Skye " Damon says as he extends his arms out and I jump into his embrace hugging as I giggle and he spins me around and set me down gently . "How ... how are you here " I say completely speechless . "Long story but I'm back for good " Damon says as I hug around his body tightly not wanting to let go . "I've missed you so much " I say . "Me too " Damon says .

Me and Damon spend the day together before he has to go back to mystic falls to try and figure out how to get bonnie out of the prison world they where sent too when they didn't come back . "You made pancakes " I say giggling as he playfully hits me with the pillow . " I can cook " Damon says making me giggle even more he's a terrible cook .

LINCOLN : I lean against my room door frame seeing Skye giggling along side Damon in the living making me smile and send warmth to my heart . It's good to see her being herself again . "She looks happy " Rebekah says as Elijah and her stand beside me smiling . "Yeah thank you for bringing Damon here " I say . Her giggles always makes me smile . "You can't cook your terrible " Skye says . "So are you " Damon says throwing a pillow at her as she throws it back giggling .

Klaus pulls me with him to the Lafayette cemetery to find Finn . "We continue walking through the cemetery to look for Finn . "I know you're here! The wolves tell me you've been quite active robbing graves and violating corpses! Sounds like you. " Klaus shouts . "Why don't you just come out so we can finish this? " I shout . " Hello, Niklaus, Skye " Finn says as he walks towards Klaus, and I . In which we go do the same. "Such a pedestrian greeting. How unfortunate those are to be your last words. " Klaus says . "Your hubris truly knows no bounds! You attack a witch in the very place the Ancestors call home! "Fine says as He wags his finger at Klaus and I and clicks his tongue . "Tsk, tsk, tsk. " Finn slightly says . "You're a fool if you think the Ancestors give a damn about you. " I say as Finn holds up his hands . "What you praying to god he sure doesn't notice you " I say as klaus smiles and chuckles .

"They may not care for me, , but they hate you both especially you Skye " Finn says as He uses pyrokinesis to shoott a humongous stream of flames toward Klaus and I . But klaus speeds us on a nerby crypt before it hit us . " You lost your step, Finn, but then being blown to pieces will do that, I suppose. " I say referring to when Elijah blow himself up with Finn when Finn went after hope at the safe house he's alright he's fine .
Me and klaus lunge toward him, but Finn uses telekinesis to throw a piece of wrought-iron fence toward Klaus and I . I groan in pain as the pikes of the fence embed themselves into my chest but aside making blood lace my' lips .

Finn uses his power to keep the fence pinned in place so Klaus and I has to struggle to remove it them from our chests . "Finished so soon, thought you was indestructible Nicklaus Skye I can understand she's human ? Father was right about you . You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment. " Finn says enraging me ."You judge him , you who cursed Kol to death? . But you didn't stop there, did you? No. As an encore, you sought the death of an innocent child. " I say furiously.

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