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All sudden I'm pinned against the wall by klaus . "What did you do ?" He asks . "What ?" I say confused . "What did you do where's Stefan ?" He asks . "I don't know and what the hell are you talking about " I say as I push him off me . "Stefan bloodily pinched the lot " klaus says . "Care to elaborate " I say . "Stefan stole the coffins remaining my siblings " he says . "Ha Wow that's kinda funny actually " I say chucking as klaus looks pissed . "Oh lighten up Jesus what is with you vampires your so serious it's not like he's gonna drop them in the biggest ocean " I say . "That's exactly what Stefan said ... but You know what " klaus says before vamp speeding to me .

I wake up to a banging headache and try to move when I see the restraints around my wrist above my head . Oh great he knows I helped . I look up to see the chains bolted to the ceiling . "You can't get out so I wouldn't try " klaus says walking in . "I bet I could I've been in worser situations " I say . "I bet you have " he says walking closer to me . "Your pretty little head is filled with such pain " klaus says as I look to him . "That's rude reading someone mind " I say . "We'll I wanted to know where Stefan has my coffins seems you don't know where they are " klaus says .'"actually I do I just didn't look at the location because I'm not stupid " I say as he chuckles . "No your not which is why your still alive and not dead .... But you will give me the location of my coffins " he says . "Good luck with that because your not gonna get it from me " I say as he looks annoyed.

I groan in pain feel the blood trickles down my arm . "Once I bled the vervain is out of your system I'll compel you it's that easy " klaus says . "Hmm still won't get it " I say as he makes another cut in my arm making my hiss in pain as the blood flows down my arm . "Just make it easier for yourself love " klaus says . "No why would I do that " I say .
"I've been inside your head love I know everything about you ... everything... how many people you've lost ... to the very little desire you have for me " he says leaning closer to me making me chuckle . "You wish " I say as he leans closer to me making our lips cm's apart making my heart skip uncontrollably . "Admit it you like the bad boys " klaus says . "I don't date sorry " I say sarcastically. "Because of Riley " he says as I look at him pissed . "He betrayed you and broke your heart " klaus says . "My heart was already broken before him but killing him was fun " I say as klaus smiles . "You know you and I are lot alike " klaus says . "We're nothing alike " i say as he chuckles a little . "You can Keep denying it but it is the truth you want danger ..... the thrill of it your kit a innocent flower are you no no no you've killed people " klaus says . "I killed then for the good of others your out for yourself " I say .

"Still not gonna tell you where Stefan has your precious family you keep in a coffin although I am intrigued by the locked one you definitely don't want someone getting in that one " I say as his grips my jaw . "Where are they ?" He asks trying to compel me . "Looks the vervain is still in my system " I say smirking . "Ah not to worry " klaus says before embedding his fangs into my neck making me groan in pain as they piercing my neck as he feeds off me .

I find it harder and harder to keep my eyes open as he feeds from me for a moment I thought he wouldn't stop . He pulls back blood lacing his lips . "Your blood has changed " he says . "Ah lucky for me " i say dryly . "I can taste the angel blood such purity I nearly didn't stop " he says . "Lucky me " I say sarcastically. He grips my jaw making me look at him . "Where's my coffins " he says as my pupils dilute and I can't help the words slipping out from my mouth . "The abandoned house that belong to the anchestors " I say . "Are all of them there ?" He asks . "Yes " I say as he lets go of my jaw .

Klaus pulls me with him to get the coffins and we enter the witches house . "What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." Klaus says to Damon . Klaus groans dropping to the floor and I lean against the wall burning up like a fricking oven .
"Insulting a bunch of dead witches...not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here." Damon says . "Well, you know, the funny thing about witches is, that living or death, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants..." klaus shouts as the
The pain returns. Klaus shouts out in pain. He then talks in a loud voice, addressing the room.
"And I have no problem, killing every last one of them, if I don't get my coffins back. As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line." Klaus says as the The candles die down suddenly, and Klaus isn't in pain anymore. " me the coffins." Klaus says as the coffins appear . "Where's the fourth? " he says seeing the locked one missing . " Show me!" Klaus shouts the ancestors don't revel it . "Well, here's the thing. They can't. It's not here." Damon says .
"What did you do?" Klaus says looking to Damon .
"Well, Skye gave me the heads-up. I didn't have enough time, to get all four, but I did have time to get one." Damon says Ah great why not throw me under the bus . "I will tear you, limb from limb. And only then, when you're a riving mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest." Klaus says pinning Damon to the wall . "Sorry. The same rules apply. You know, leverage and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me, you want what's in that coffin a lot more." Damon says .

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