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I lean against the wall of the door frame watching klaus painting he glanced to me before going back to his painting . "Your eyes are glowing " he says as I look through my phone seeing them glow . I shake my head a little and they go back to normal . I shrug it off . "Watcha ya painting " i ask . "Not telling you " he says as I walk through the room and he turns the painting away from me . "Really " I say as he smirks . I go to turn his painting away when he grabs my hand pinning my to the wall . "Your not allowed to see it " he says . "Hmm what if I " I say as tripping him up and lean over him . "Do that " I say as he smiles . I go to get up when he pulls me back down flipping me over now he's Leaning over me my with his hand holding mine above my head . "Your very defiant " he says as I smile . "I tend not to listen " I say as he leans closer making my heart beat rapidly . He smirks . "I love how I such a affect on you " he says . "You don't nik " I say pushing him off .
"Your stubborn you know that " klaus says as I get up off the floor . "Yep " I say as I go to leave when he spins me around and we go tumbling to the floor and him pinning me there he definitely like doing this a lot .

"I didn't say you could leave " he whispers to my ear . "You don't control me " I say as his lips are cm's apart from mine . "No " klaus says as I feel his hands trail up my side lightly making my skin electrify at his touch . Butterflies swarm my stomach as his body presses against mine . "I think you need to give in love " klaus whispers as his lips trail down my neck making me bite my lip as my back arches against his body . I feel his fangs scrap down my neck as he places a harder kiss against my neck making me moan into his shoulder as I feel him smirk against my neck as his hand slides up my skirt to my upper thigh. "Remember it's your choice " he whispers . God what is he doing to me .... He making me literally want him no need him I need him ... No Skye pull it together . I feel his fangs embed into my neck making me let out a moan against his hair as my hand run through his curls as he feeds from me it's not pain i feel it's pure pleasure like desire wants to burst out of me . He knows what he doing to me he's just waiting for me to cave . I won't I can't .
I feel fangs retract after a moment as I wipe the blood of his bottom lip bringing it to my lips making him smirk . "Your blood is nothing I've tasted before but you know that " he whispers . "Angel blood for you " I whisper back as his lips graze Mine . "You gotta ask remember. " he says making me groan in annoyance as he gets up .

Damon informs me someone blew up 12 council members. And there's a vampire Hunter in town . We'll it's rather boring without you " I say down the phone to Elijah . He left town for a bit but we've been in contact every day . "We'll someone blew up the council so not all boring " I say showing Rebekah a dress she smiles and I grab it . "We'll I'm sure it's nothing " Elijah says. "I'm this town nothing is definitely something " I say as he chuckled down the phone . "I'll give you a cal later don't get into to much trouble little angel " he says making me chuckle . "No promises " I say .

"Ty why are there so many hybrids here" I say as he passes me a drink . Klaus enters the room from the parlor. He has another hybrid following behind him.making me roll my eyes of course it's him .
"Not exactly." Klaus says . "They're hybrids." Tyler says . "I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls." Klaus says he what ???? I look to him and he smirks . What a dick .

"Nice to know you care." Tyler says .
"I don't. I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot." Tyler says . "Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend. So, maybe we're even." Tyler says making nearly spit my drink out when Tyler said he what . "Not even close. But, you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left." Klaus says as he begins to walk off "Consider them your new bodyguards." Klaus says . "Your coming with me love " he says pulling me with him making Tyler look confused I shrug .

"Jealous we're we " klaus says as I turn to him and down my drink . "Nope don't do Jealousy you could kiss all the girls in this town and I wouldn't flinch a bit " I say as he smirks . "Hmm you keep falling yourself love jealously looks good on you " he says into my ear leaning closer to me before leaving as Caroline walks in into my living room . "What the hell was that ?" She asks . "Nothing you okay I heard the funeral got a little heated with the new Hunter " I say changing the subject . "Yeah I'm fine you gonna answer me on what I just saw " she says . "Nothing just klaus being klaus like usual " I say .

I arrive at Rebekah party she's throwing and grab a drink downing it as I see klaus and turn the other way . A few hours pass and I'm a bit drunk . "Hi " I say to a blonde guy . "Hi beautiful " he says making me giggle . Okay maybe I'm a lot drunk oh well why not have some fun . "Wanna drink " he asks handing me a cup . "Thanks " I say .

"Why you here thought you don't do parties " Rebekah says . "We'll seeing as there's a vampire Hunter in town and Skye is the only human doppelgänger left i have to protect my investment " I say . "Hmm totally" Rebekah says taking a sip of her drink . I lean against the rails as my eyes dart around the party till my eyes land on Skye talking to some blonde and he's getting awfully close . "Wow you are incredibly stunning how as No one swooped in " the guy says as Skye's giggles. She's drunk . "I don't date. "Skye says . The guy trials his hand down Skye's cheek making me clench the railings bending them in rage . He leans in to kiss her and I vampire speed over there pulling him off her . "She's not interested go find someone else " I say compelling him . "Buzz kill "Skye says as I turn to her . "Are you out of your mind " I say as she chuckles as downs the rest of her drink . "Are you " she says before passing me .

"Rebekah tell your brother to leave me alone I'm having fun and he's ruining it " I say as she chuckles and I hear my phone ringing seeing Elijah calling . "Lijha " I answer a bit to excited . "Skye what's wrong " he asks . "Oh nothing I'm Opps " I say nearly tripling over . "I'm fine that was close " I say chuckling. "Skye are you drunk ?" Elijah asks down the the phone . "No .... I don't know do I sound drunk " I say giggling down the phone as I grab a drink . "Yes your sound very drunk where's my sister or klaus " he asks . "Uhhh Rebekah shes uh she was here and klaus uh he's annoying he won't leave me alone .... " I say downing my drink . "Skye drink some water please and go home " Elijah says making me giggle . "Nope ... it's fun here Rebekah throws a mean party " I say downing another drink .
"Skye pass the phone to klaus or Rebekah please " he says . "Okay " I say passing it to klaus and walking off .

I take a sip of my drink when klaus comes over . "Let's go " klaus says . "Wait what did Elijah say " I say . "He warned me to be on my best behaviour more like threatened me " he says making me giggle . "He threatened you " I say chuckling . "Come on " he says as we walk a little and I stop him . "What if I don't want to leave " I say . "I'll compel you too " he says making me chuckle . "Can't I'm on vervain " I say . "Then you don't leave me much choice " he says throwing me over his shoulder making me giggle . "Nik put me down " I say as he carries me . "No " he says .

I wake up to have a banging headache I touch my head feeling like someone hit me over the head with a hammer . "Morning love. " klaus says walking into the room . "How you feeling " he asks looking out the window as I see his shirt on me making me confused . "What happened?" I ask . "You decided to mess around with my paint and passed out " he says . "Why am I in your clothes..did you undress me " I ask tugging at his shirt on me . "Hmm I didn't have much of a choice " he says . "Where did you sleep " I ask as he points beside me . Oh hell . "Oh god did we we didn't ...." I say . "Don't worry love we didn't " klaus says making me relived .
He moved from the looking out the window and passes me a plate of toast . "You need to eat " he says as I take a bit of toast . "I had Taylor pick you up some clothes " he says as I take a bit out of my toast . "Who's Taylor " I ask . "My hybrid " he says taking a seat on the table . "Thank you but you didn't have to " I say continue to eat my toast . "Yes I did yours were covered in paint " he say making me look at him . I wanna mentally slap myself . "You shouldn't get drunk like that I'm all for test limits but you put your self a risk yesterday " he says . "I know " I say as he stands up taking his shirt off making my breath get hitched in my throat seeing his toned abs and chest . He crawls onto the bed . "If you was mine you wouldn't be able to stand for a week " he whisper making me completely froze . "What " I say as he takes a bite out of my toast . "I gotta go take a shower " he says getting off the bed leaving me so confused as he goes into the bathroom that's a en-suite. "Why am I here nik " I ask as he comes by the bathroom door . "Your here because I'm incapable of leaving you alone " he says .

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