Fight back

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For the past few week the Gurrea wolves and Francesca are still running around with the moonlight rings and every full moon weakening klaus because there drawing from his strength to not transform on full moons after the spell Genevieve done to make the moonlight rings little bitch so glad she's dead . Hayley has been at the bayou since hope got sent away and trying to deal with it I go up there to help the pack and help Hayley cope without her child and stay beside klaus's side to help him through it as well while helping Elijah locate all twelve of the moonlight rings .

Me , Hayley , Elijah and klaus stand in the living room planning a attack on the guerrera wolves and Francesca.
"We have the Guerreras where we want them. We have them waiting, we have them worried, and now, we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original. " klaus says . "We don't know that for certain. " Elijah says . "I'm willing to gamble. " klaus says . "It's too risky! The white oak didn't just disappear, someone has it. " I say as klaus shrugs . "One enemy at a time! In the end, we'll slay them all. Klaus says as he sits down as he feels one of the moonlight rings being activated to keep the wearer from turning, weakening him . "Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds, and for that, we need help." Klaus says .

"We're taking the twelve original rings. Now, four of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver, one on Francesca, three with the home security detail, and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys. Now, each ring is distinguishable by its setting - gauche, like those that wear them." I say .
"If they believe they can get their hands on the stake, they will come for me when I am weak. Each ring you retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still at a disadvantage. " klaus says . "Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together. Elijah says as looks at Hayley and me . "The two of you can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners. " Elijah says referring to Hayley's pack and me still dealing with everything that has happened to me the past few months . I haven't exactly fully dealt with it I still get flash backs once in a while plagued by nightmares and struggling to cope with it all . Hayley looks over at Klaus, who sighs and stands up to look at her .

"This is our fight. Are you ready for battle, "klaus says . "Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive. " Hayley says as Klaus smiles weakly . "Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, little wolf. " klaus says . Elijah goes to leave . "I'll deal with the last piece of the puzzle." Elijah says .

I place my bow on my back with my quiver and pull out my seraph blade I stand in the middle of the door as klaus is knelt on the floor weakened . I kneels beside him . "Here "I say drawing a ruin on his arm as he clench his jaw shut from it burning a little . "What is it ?" Klaus says . "It's a protective ruin it links my strength to you it will fade soon but it will help you get to your feet " I say as I help him up . "Thank you " klaus says as I smile to him . "Now I've got to kick some guerrera werewolf's arses " I say exiting the room and standing in the hall on the second floor while Hayley stands on the bottom .Guerrera werewolves, including Oliver, invade the compound and quickly split up. Two of the werewolves head for one of the staircases, up to me and we begin fighting . I snap there necks instantly and slip there moonlight of there fingers

Eight more guerrera werewolf's surround me as I pull out my seraph blade and notice a ring on one of the women . I let my eyes glow as we begin fighting . . I best them with ease killing every single one using my shadow Hunter ruins and my power . "I have really had a bad couple of months " I say slip the ring of the women . I look around to see Hayley has Oliver pinned up the wall and notice four wolves going to klaus room . I use my speed ruin and go over to them as they reach klaus's door . "Hi boys bye boys " I say impaling one with my seraph blade and snapping the other guys neck and back flipping over the other and impale him with my seraph blade and spinning around shoving my arrow into his throat .
"We'll they had no hope " klaus says chuckling . "What can I say I'm stronger " I say as klaus chuckles . "Indeed " klaus says .

I shower and change out of my bloodily clothes and look in the mirror to see a person how just killed 14 wolves .I wipe it away when I hear a knock at my door . "Come in " I say as Hayley comes in with tears in her eyes . I instantly pull her into a hug . "It's going to be okay I promise " I say .
Hayley eventually falls asleep in my bed as I fall asleep alongside her . I wake up getting shaken up . I gasp for air and Hayley pulls me into a hug . "It's okay it's just a nightmare " Hayley says as I bury my head into her shoulder . "You wanna talk about it ?" Hayley says as Hayley holds my hand . "It's just everything the ancestor's the safe it's just all suffocating " I say as a tear rolls down my cheek as Hayley wipes it away . "It's okay we will figure this out okay i promise "Hayley says pulling me into a hug .

I get up to have My phone ringing and I pull it to my ear seeing my mom and dad ringing . "Hey how's everything there " Christian asks . "Good you how's the wedding planning " I say . " all good nearly there last minute decisions " Lily says making me smile .
"That's good uh I have to go but call me when you've decided on what we are doing next week " i say . "Will do " Christian says before we hang up. I lean again the wall having a another episode seeing I'm drowning in the safe again making me lose my breathe trying to catch it back again .

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