Another one

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I help Marcel out of the courtyard while his vamp lean on each other holding each other for support as we walk through the French quarter through the mass crowd of people . Marcel stumbles and I keep him up right by putting his shoulder around my back as he leans on me for support . " nearly there " I say I see josh nearly double over and grab him before he falls and support both josh and Marcel up as we walk through the crowd . I see gia struggling to keep her self up but josh grabs her and support her up while I support Marcel and josh up . "Your one hell of leader And I say that only once so don't get used to it " I say as Marcel lightly chuckles as none of them has feed on the locals . We make it back to marcels apartment and his vamps go down stairs to get some blood bags as me , gia and Marcel are upstairs . "You good I need to check on Kol after my shift at the hospital" I say . "Yeah thanks for everything " Marcel says . "Always for you " I say as he smiles and I vamp speed out of there .

I arrive at the compound and see Kol and smack him across the back of the head well I guess I need a little laugh from coming back from my shift at the hospital . "Oww what was that for ?" Kol says as he runs the back of his head . "That's for not telling me you was alive " I say and pulling him into a hug . "I've missed you trouble two " i say . "Missed you two trouble " Kol says . "

I walk past the kitchen and into the living room past Lincoln and Rebekah talking and grabbing my phone off the table as it won't stop ringing .Elijah is with cami as the safe house with hope looking after hope.

" hey Stefan hows Damon doing ?"

"That's actually why I called "

"What do you mean he's is okay right ?"

"Uhh ... Skye he's gone "

"What do you mean gone I spoke to him yesterday "

"He's gone Skye so has bonnie there not coming back "

"What do you mean gone Stefan !"

"There dead Skye look I can explain everything but I needed to tell you " Stefan says as my heart breaks for the thousand Time

"No please tell me this is not happening say he's not dead they can't be dead Stefan "

"I'm so sorry Skye "

I see Lincoln and Rebekah looking at me worried as I pull the phone away from my ear as tears stream down my face . "This can't be happening " I whisper as tears flow down my cheeks making my eyes hurt . "Please tell me I'm dreaming please ... " I say as Lincoln and Rebekah pull me into a hug as I break down . They can't be dead ..... Ahh this hurts to much it's like I can't breath .
After a moment . " I have to go " I say getting up . " Skye where are you going ?" Rebekah asks . " I can't ... I can't take anymore ... it's hurts so dam much I can't breathe... " I say as tears sting my eyes like glass shards

I arrive to see Rebekah , and Kol are setting up candles, salt, and herbs on top of a map on a table in the courtyard to prepare for a spell, while Klaus leans against the nearby wall and sit in a chair . "So, what is the secret, anyway? " Kol says to Klaus . "The term "secret" implies something only known by those who have earned the right to be aware of it.... Start the spell. " Klaus says . "Well, it's easier said than done. Finn is channeling the power from our parents. " Kol says as He nods his head toward Rebekah . "He's a lot stronger than something some week-old witch and I can do. " Kol says . "That's a tad offensive don't you think trouble " I say as Rebekah smiles . "Now, hang on! I may not be trained, but I... " Rebekah says As she has emotional outburst causes her to accidentally create a magical wind that blows all of the spell ingredients and candles off of the table. Kol sighs in annoyance and looks at Rebekah, who looks both surprised and guilty as she sits on the couch . "We need a stronger witch. Call Davina. " Klaus says as he walks up to Kol . "No, no, no, no, no! I- I don't want her to know that I'm sick. " Kol says . "Then do a better bloody job! " Klaus says . "I just need time. " Kol says as Klaus rolls his eyes impatiently .

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