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It's been a few days and let's say I've been pissed .
"Hey you happy new year " Luke says pulling me into a hug old ex boyfriend. "I'm really glad we did that " he says . "Me too look do me a favour and just keep it between me and us " I say . "Of course i never kiss and tell " he says . "Thank you " I say . I look confused when Luke looks behind me . "Oh oh " he says as I turn around to see Lincoln on the stairs behind me he must of heard the whole thing . Fuck he's gonna take it the wrong way . "You piece of shit " he says pushing me into the wall and leaving the room . I go after him . "Lincoln wait ! " I say . "Hey hey!" He says grabbing some women's attention. "Just hear me out !" I say catching up to him . He fucking kissed the women making me pissed . "What the fuck ? " I say looking to him as I grab the women by the shirt . "Hey " I say . "He kissed me " she says . I push her over. . "Fuck of " I say going back after Lincoln . "Lincoln what the fuck ?" I say grabbing his worst to face me . "How could you do that ?" I say .
"Why do you care huh ? You just kissed that guy ?" He says . "No no no you don't get to cry you just fucking kiss a girl right fucking in front of me " I shout . "And what did you do huh ?" He shouts . "Nothing " I say . "The fuck is wrong with you !" I say . "He just said he doesn't kiss and tell you fucking liar " he says pushing me . "Lincoln it's a figure of speech you should know I would never fucking cheat on you " I say annoyed and pissed of at the same time he took this whole thing the wrong way . "We're you with him tonight ? Is he who you disappeared with the whole night " he asks . "Yes ! .... I was trying to make him forgive me " I say . "For what ?" He shouts . "Because I'm trying to be a better person for you ! That's all i fucking do ! Tell me what else I can do to make you believe that I love you tell me ! " I say as he remains silent . "Your never gonna trust me are you ? " I say . "Trust you " he says . "You think that I should trust you ?"he says . "Yes !" I say . "We're has that ever gotten me ! " he says . "Your never gonna forgive me are you ? your just gonna keep bringing it up every time " I say meaning the night he got hurt I wasn't there for him because I chose to help the others I chose to not feel anything . "Because I don't trust you !" He says . "You act like your so fucking innocent like you're perfect ... oh fuck this " I say stepping back from him . "And fuck you !" I shout . "Fuck you too " he shouts . "Oh fuck off " I say throwing the glass to the floor and leaving .

I get back from work and get changed and head out for a drink with cami as Davina is a little underage .
"You and Lincoln on the outs I see " cami says as I down my shots . "Not my problem " I say as Elijah takes a seat beside . "Okay what is going on with you and Lincoln " he asks . "Nothing clearly " I say . "We'll has to be something because you two aren't talking " he says . "He's the one that kissed a girl not me because he took a situation out of content and literally completely took it the wrong way and says he doesn't trust me because of what happened years ago " I say . "He'll come around " cami says . "Wouldn't really care if he didn't " I say downing my shot . "You don't mean that ?" Elijah says . "Oh I do " I say .

I grab a drink with Mollie and cami , Elijah and klaus as she's visiting from New York . "Ah you should come to New York people love playing truth and dare " mollie says if she implying what i think she's implying she better not . . "That's old now " I say only to interrupted by Lincoln taking a seat opposite . "Is there anything you wanna tell Lincoln " mollie says facing me . She fucking better keep her mouth shut . "Yeah like what's been going on with you are Luke " he says oh this again . "Nothings going on with me and Luke " i say . "Don't you think this thing has gone a little to to far " mollie says as I look to her seriously . "What thing Skye " Lincoln says as I don't say anything. "Somethings going on but it's not what you think " mollie says showing her the video . "Here's a dare make him fall in love with me and then I'll just turn it off " "It was all just a game " mollie says making me wanna punch her it was years ago . "Is that true " Lincoln says facing me looking so betrayed . "Lincoln that was before everything before I got to know you " I say as he gets up and leaves . "Fuck .. you just love fucking things up for me don't you " I say to mollie before I get up and chase after Lincoln as he leaves .

"Lincoln wait Lincoln " I say as he turns around . "So what exactly did you tell them then " he says . "Nothing " I say . "None of it was real I actually thought .... I thought " he says as tears fall down his face . "Your just a liar " he says .'"that was years ago that was all before " I say . "What before you snapped your fingers and turned it off " he says as I try holding my tears back . "You said nothing can change the way you felt about me " I say . "Then I guess where both liars" he says before leaving . " fuck" I shout punching the wall having the tears fall down my face .

I pace around the compound living room on the phone to the hospital. "Lincoln Campbell " I say down the phone . "Lincoln Campbell he's 19 " I say .
"Sorry I don't see that patient " a nurse says down the phone . "He should be there your the fifth hospital I've spoken to " i say getting annoyed . "Don't fucking put me on hold " I say as she does. "Oi " I hear someone shout as Landon Lincoln best mate comes through . "What the fuck is wrong with you ... how could you do this to Lincoln " he says . Wait what ? . "Lincoln where is he ?" I ask . "I'm not telling you " he says . "Landon where is he ?" I shout . "I'm not telling you !" He shouts as he grabs me making us both fall into the glass table as fight for a minute. I grab his shirt . "Tell me where he is " I shout . "It's your fault he crashed you didn't go home last night get off me ?" He shouts pushing me off him . " he was out looking for you " he says . "I don't believe you" I say grabbing my phone off the floor and calling Lincoln's phone .

It answers . "Lincoln " I say . "What do you want Skye " I say mollie says down the phone . "Mollie why the fuck do you have Lincoln's phone " I ask .
"I'm with him now " she says . "Let me speak to him" I say . "That's not gonna happen " she says . "Mollie I'm not fucking playing with you " I shout down the phone . "Skye shut the fuck up and listen to me your toxic and you bad news if you love Lincoln and I think you do you'll let him go "she says . "Mollie I just wanna talk to him please " I say . "Just let me talk to him " i say . "Give him a chance to find happiness in this live because he's never gonna find it with you "she says hanging up . "Ahhh " I shout throwing my phone at the wall breaking it .

I finally get the location of where Lincoln is and I get into the hospital to see Landon . "He doesn't want you here " he says as I push past him . Only to have him grab me . "I didn't travel 5 fucking miles to argue with you " I say as I open the door to the hospital room . "Lincoln " I say as he sits back backing away . "Do you want her here " Landon asks Lincoln "we'll your fucked if you think I'm going anywhere " I say . "Oh gotta leave it I'm calling the cops " Landon says as I try getting to Lincoln. "Calling the fucking cops cal them I'm not going anywhere "I say . "Thats not funny " he shouts . "I'm not laughing " I shout back . "He doesn't want you here "he shouts . "You have no fucking idea what he wants " I shout pushing him backwards . "You weren't here when he need you and now your making it worse " he shouts as we see Lincoln gone . "Fuck sake " Landon says pushing me and leaving the room.

I end up going to my moms and dads wedding and it was beautiful. "Thank you for coming " Christian says . "Yeah of course you and mom are happy " I say as he smiles . "We are and I know things right now may seem like there falling apart for you but they will get better Skye I promise " he says . "I know " I say as he pulls me into a hug . "Proud of you " he says making me smile . "Me too " I say .

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