Fight to live

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I walk into Davina's room seeing her pale and sick liking Rebekah told me she's been losing control of her magic lately and thought it was best I came because I've been there with my power before . "Hey kiddo " I say taking a seat on her bed and she gets up and pulls me into a hug . "I don't know what's happening to me " she whispers . "It's okay we'll figure it out I promise " I say . Rebekha also told me that Sophie wants to compete the harvest and that davina losing control of her power is the result of it never meant to stay in her but to glow back into the earth after the harvest but the harvest was never complete because Davina was saved by Marcel so all the magic the other three girls had that were sacrificed all there power from the harvest went to Davina and now it's tearing her apart . There's four stages ...that represent the four elements that bound together the harvest. The earthquake ...wind ... since each stage is more intense than the last, let's just say she'll blow the roof off this place. Then water and The last stage is fire, and since it's the last It will be by far the worst. "I'm not gonna let them complete this harvest your staying alive do you hear me " I whisper to ehe as she cries into my shoulder . "Yeah " she whispers .

"Well, if this is her sedated, I'd hate to see her otherwise. We all agreed that Davina must be sacrificed. There's no need to let her blow the roof off our heads in the meantime. " klaus says . Yeah that's not happening. "No way! You're not touching her! " Marcel says coming out of nowhere and punching klaus across the face . "Ok. I'll let you have that one. " klaus says recovering from the punch across the jaw . "Marcel, no one wishes to see Davina come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out. She's going to die. " Elijah says . "According to Sophie, the witch who screwed over everybody here. " I say looking to her . "The harvest was working before it was stopped. If a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I, also, am a believer " Elijah says .
"I saved Davina from the harvest, and now you want me to just hand her over? " Marcel says .
"Do you think that I'm happy about this? If the witches complete the harvest, not only do they regain their power, we lose our weapon against them. The earthquake I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds? If Davina is not sacrificed, then every inch of earth that shook, everything blowing about now will soon be drenched in water and consumed by fire. " klaus says .
"Oh! Now you care about the city. " Marcel says clearly pissed if anyone's even considering to let Sophie sacrifice Davina it's outrageous. She just sixteen year old she's a child . "We ought to. We built it. " Rebekah says "And we all saw it burnt to the ground twice. I will not let that happen again. Do I make myself clear? " klaus says . "Do I make my self clear both of you " klaus says looking to me and Marcel . "Yea "we both say . So not listening to him I'm getting her the hell out of her . She's not dying today .

After getting davina out of the compound without anyone realising we get to the docks and I set her down on the bed . After about a hour or two Davina wakes up and throws Marcel away with her magic making me hold in my laugh . "I'm not gonna hurt you. " Marcel says . "I don't believe you! You want to kill me just like everyone else. " Davina says .
"I'm the one who put a protection spell on you, Davina. That's why Tim's dead and you're not. And before you throw me again, if I had known anything was gonna happen to your friend, I would have protected him, too. " he says . "You're the one who saved me? " Marcel says . "Yeah, but now the witch who did the spell is in league with the rest of them, so I had to take you away. " he says . "So you could use me as a weapon? " Davina says he did start to her greedy with the power he had at his side .
"I'm trying to keep you safe. Davina, look at me. I messed up. All this power that you have, it gave me an advantage. It helped me punish the witches, and it let me run the city, and I let that mean too much. " Marcel says being honest . "All right, but that's over with now. Three survivors to another, all we want to do is keep you alive, I swear. " Marcel says .

I take off my jacket and place it around Davina as she's shivering from the cold . "I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me. " she says as I take her hand into mine . "You're not alone. We'll fix this. " I say looking to her and Marcel . "You won't let them hurt me? " she asks looking between me and Marcel with tears in her eyes . "No. Nobody's gonna touch you. " I say .

Davina coughs up water and she stops after a while and help her lean back . "If I can just wait it out a few more weeks... Help me, please. " she says . "We will, and when it's over, I'll do what I should have done-- get you out of town." Marcel says . "I had a dream that Tim wasn't dead. He played a song that he wrote for me, and he kissed me, and we were just normal. " Davina says . "That sounds like a beautiful dream. " Rebekah says by the door making me and Marcel stand up . "What are you doing here? " I ask .
"But it was just a dream. " Rebekah says . "Get out! " Marcel says as Davina starts coughing and throwing up water again . "This is killing her. Your twos stubbornness will mean her death. " Rebekah says . "I promised her I'd fight for her. I'm not breaking that promise. " I say . "No one is asking you not to fight. You're both the only family that this girl has. You owe it to her to fight for her to live. " Rebekah says .

"Skye , Marcel, it's ok. " Davina says . "No. I failed you. " Marcel says . "I'll die whether I do this or not. I mean, now the only option is-- is whether I take everyone with me. If you look at it that way, it's kind of selfish not to do it. " Davina says she shouldn't even be put in this situation who the fuck sacrifices children to gain more power . "There has to be another way. This is not how it ends. " I say pacing around . "And if it is... If this is all I have, I've had a lot. I had Monique, and I had Tim And I had someone who fought for me from the moment you two met me. " Davina says . "Ah, Davina. " Marcel says taking a seat next to her . "Most people don't get that even if they live to be a hundred. Marcel, Skye I'm ready. " she says . "No " I say . "Skye please I don't wanna take you all with me this has to happen " she says as I take a seat beside her as well and she takes my hand . "Thank you for everything you've done you've been a mother to me more then anyone cared for me like Marcel I couldn't of asked for anything more " she says pulling me into a hug . This isn't fair .

Flames erupt on the ground behind me as I carry Davina in my arms through the Lafayette cemetery and pass the others and set her down as Sophie puts a blade into the flames and walks toward Davina . "I love you " Davina whispers to me . "Love you too " I say trying to keep my tears at bay for her . "Do you believe in the harvest? " Sophie asks Davina .
"I believe. " she says as Sophie slits Davina's throat making me feel every emotion under the sun .Davina falls back and I catch her in my arms and lay her down along the other three girls as It stops raining as the magic leaves Davina's body. "After the harvest comes the reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our elders to resurrect the chosen ones. "Sophie says . nothing happens. Come on . "We call upon our elders to resurrect the chosen ones... Resurrect your chosen ones... Please? I beg... No! " Sophie says as I look down to Davina pure rage and anger hitting me . I get up and push past the others and leaving before I lost it on them . They promised she'd come back .

I throw my phone across the room in anger I don't even bother picking it up I just leave Davina's room and leave the compound before anyone said something.

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