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I get a call from Elena and go to the mikealson manison and see Bonnie and klaus talking to her . "Where's Damon ?" I ask as klaus turns to me and joins me in the hallway . "If your come to get him it's not gonna happen I want all the white oak stakes the salvtoures managed to find " klaus says . Damon and Stefan figure out the wickrey bridge sign was made of white oak after sage a old vampire waltzed through town and Damon and her got into Rebekah's head after Rebekah figure it out from the cravings in the old lock-wood cellar . "Look I want them to give them to you because if elijha goes then it's gonna hurt like hell so do what you have to " I say as I go to leave . "Didn't expect you to say that " he says making me turn to him . "He put Elijah's life in danger Id quake the whole town to find them " i say for leaving .

I grab Stefan forcing him against the wall . "Are your fucking suicidal trying to use the 11 white oak stakes you got from the wrickery bridge sign to kill a original " I say . "It worked we already killed finn " Stefan says . "You what are you trying to get yourself killed " I say as he pushes me off him . "There's a slight problem with that " he says . "What ?" I ask . "We found out that if we kill a original there entire sire line dies with them we staked finn and within a hour later safe and Troy died we kill the others all the vampires die " Stefan says . "So if klaus dies so do all of you " I say as he nods . "We'll I did say your plans suck " I say as he lets out a little chuckle . "Give the stakes to klaus Stefan don't risk your brothers life over revenge " I say .

Stefan brings the stakes well some of them thinking klaus wouldn't know but he compelled Damon and found out there 11 not 8 like Stefan said . " Oh for the love of god " I say using my power again the restraints breaking them off Damon's wrists . "Go " I say to Stefan and Damon . "Bring us the stakes. All of them. Or I will wage a war against everyone you love. I hope I'm being clear." Klaus says to Stefan.

I grab a drink from and down it . "Well, you let the Salvatores loose with two stakes that can kill me and my siblings so I guess we'll find out soon enough. And since when did you have a soft spot for them?" Klaus asks coming into living room . "The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end they would die for each other. At least they know what family means. You destroyed yours ." I say going past him . I feel him take my wrist pulling me too him . "I'd be careful on what you say to me right now " klaus says . "What are you gonna do huh "I say . "Exactly nothing " I say as I pull my hand away from his . "I wouldn't push it love " klaus says before I leave the room . He manages to get bonnie to unlink all his siblings so there no longer linked as one .

Klaus manages to get the last stake off Alaric and it turns out Alaric was the one who killed the council members after him dying to many times with the Gilbert ring on and having a evil alter ago that likes to come out . "If I gain a alter ago i wonder what happen " I say shoving a French fry in my mouth . "We'll you wouldn't have to find out little angel because that won't happen " Elijah says . "I hate that nickname " I say . "I know it's exactly why I call you it " Elijah says taking a sip of his drink . As I notice Stefan walking into the grill . "We need to talk " he says coming over to us . "Give me minute " I say to Elijah as he nods .

I step outside the grill joined by Damon .
They explain that Alaric hasn't been taking the herbs bonnie made him to keep his alter ego in check and is missing . "Where's Bonnie now " I ask . "At the school trying a locator spell "Damon says as Easter took Elena . "Then let's go I'll meet you at the school " I say as I send Elijah a message about what's going and his mothers back and has Elena .

I go to get in my car when I feel a pain of pain hitting me making me clutch my head letting out a groan in pain as I fall to my knees over the immense pain and see Easter before I fall unconscious.

My eyes flutter open to feel something pierce my arm . "What are you doing ?" I say weakly seeing Easter . "I need your blood " she says as I struggle to keep my eyes open . I try using my power break the restraints but it doesn't work . "Your powers won't work I blocked them with the brackets around your wrist " Easter says kneeling down to me . "Why you doing this ?" I ask . "Your blood is extremely powerful it contains angle blood and a powerful binding agent for my spell to remake Alaric into a weapon to kill my children " Easter says as I try moving out of the restraints. "Save your strength " she says as I feel weaker by the minute turn my head to the side seeing the blood bag fill up as my vision blurs . "You don't have to do this " I say weakly as Easter makes a slit in my other wrist making my blood dip into the bucket on the floor . "I do .. do you realise the power you hold you could tear the world apart with your power ... manipulating vibrations all around you and bending them to your will it's should be impossible " Easter says brushing a piece of hair away from my face . "I'm sorry my dear that your caught between my children one comes out alive around them " Easter says .

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