The best

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I finish the double shift at the hospital and see cami as I do the last discharge papers for the day . "Hey uh I wanted to apologise for the other day I was drunk and pissed off at almost everyone and you didn't deserve it taken out on you when you was trying to help me " I say . "It's okay I'll always be here for you ... and I know it's hard with your parents and all so if you need to talk about anything I'm here " she says making me smile . "You too cami " I say .

I enter my moms apartment to give her the keys back . "I'll just be a minute " I say to cami as go through the hallway . "What the " I say seeing Christian my dad and Lilly my mom you know I turn around and they quickly cover up . She's supposed to be getting married tomorrow. "It's not what you think " mom says as I turn to them. "Are you fucking kidding me well it clearly fucking is " I say . "Your getting married tomorrow what the fuck is wrong with you ?" I say . "And the love of your life eva is carrying your child while your here " I say as cami comes beside me . "That's enough Skye " Christian says . "What the fuck is wrong with you ?" I say looking to them both . "Christian and Lily " cami whispers . "Yeah and he's been fucking my mom " I say pissed off . "Please Skye just stop it " Lily shouts at me . "Don't fucking yell at me you don't get to tell me what to do you were just getting fucked on the counter like a slag " I say as my anger reaches its max . "Don't you talk to your mom like " Christian says shouting at me . "Oh fuck off " I say punching him in the jaw making him hit the table behind him . "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do huh ? " I say losing it . "You really want to know " he says . "No Christian don't " Lily says as I grab Christian by the shirt . "Skye enough " Christian shouts . "Skye stop " cami says as Christian tries holding me but I punch him across the face and he punches me back and I pin him to the face hitting him again . "Skye that's enough " Lily shouts as they both pull me off him making me push past them . "That's enough " Lily says pulling me back with cami . "That's enough enough " Lily says tears in her eyes . "Your getting married tomorrow did you forget ..... who the fuck does that what are you gonna tell Mike " I say as cami holds me back . "Skye Christian and I he's " Lily says . "What ?" I shout . "It's not that simple " Lily says . "Let's go " cami says pulling me with her as I wipe the blood of my lips .

"Cami told me what happened love " klaus says as I look out the window from elijha's window as I came around after everything happened "Why you here ?" I ask . "I wanted to check on you " he says as he comes over . I turn to him and he pulls me into a hug making me break down into tears . "It's okay its okay " he whispers as he holds me into his embrace . "It's not okay it's not okay " I cry out as tears stream down my cheeks . I feel like my hearts getting pulled so far away from me and it's hurts and I wanna make it stop it's hurts so bad I can't breathe . "Please don't ever let me go " I cry out into his chest and he continues to hold me tightly running his hand through my hair . "I won't I'll never let you go " he whispers .

KLAUS /: after tucking Skye into my bed as she fell asleep crying literally felt like someone teared pieces of my heart away seeing her like that . I place a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room .
Skye's mom takes a seat opposite me . "Look I only care about what's best for Skye " she says . "So do I " I say . "The one thing that I thought I taught her and you may not believe me but it was not have to depend on man the way I did and now look at her she's literally crumbling every time you leave " she says . I know I know and I hate it . "Listen I know .... I say but she interjects before I could finish my sentence . "Let me finish yeah you always come back the way that my husband never did but you never stay " she says if she was anyone else I would of killed her for talking to me like that but because she's Skye's mother I can't I'd lose Skye for sure . "I don't know what you want from me Lily I love her and I'm never letting her go " I say . "If you really love her then you'll do what's best for her and that is up to you now because you are the only person she listens to that girl loves you way to much for her own good " she says . "Bit klaus you and I both know you can't give her what she needs and that is stopping her from finding someone who will " she says . I'm not letting her go .

ELIJHA /: i get into the compound as we've moved there after klaus and Marcel fighting over the bloodily French quarter and who's king and what not . "Is Skye okay ? " Lily asks as I step into the courtyard . "She's sleeping now " I say as she had a nightmare . "The nightmares I heard them last night " she says as I take a seat in the couch . "She's sleeping now " I say . "How long have they been going on " i ask as this is the first time I've seen Skye have one . "Umm ever since she was eight .. she umm well " she says . "She told me about that night and what she saw ... the assault " I say as she looks surprised by this . "She's never told anyone that before " she says . "I'm so sorry for what you had to go through" I say . "I just'd hope she'd forget the whole thing but the nightmares kicked in .... I took her to therapist after therapist but nothing seemed to help and then she started self medicating with alcohol....but um she told me that the nightmares went away when he started seeing your brother .." she says . "I didn't know that " I say. "May I ask what happened between them two " she asks . "He lied to her " I say . "A big lie " she asks . "A massive lie " I say . "Is he sorry " she asks . "He is " I say in first time in thousand years I've seen a side of my brother I'd never thought I'd see and that was all because of Skye she brings out the best in him but he keeps self sabotaging it paranoid she's leave or something would happen or scared to let him self be happy for once . "They will work it out Skye's strong " she says couldn't agree more . "She is " i say . "I wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for her she wouldn't of made it if it was for you ... she's stubborn and doesn't let anyone help her but she does with you ... I'm happy she's let someone into her life that will do what's best for her ... because sometimes she doesn't know what's best for her and she will fall into a spiral toke and time again to figure it out "she says . "I don't think anyone could've endure what Skye has she's been through at such a young age , she's been through so much pain and loss I wouldn't even survive but she did ... after Lyla died she completely shut herself off to the world I didn't blame her Lyla was like her other half always together always got in trouble " she says making me chuckle a little . "But they always made it through and when Lyla died it's like part of Skye went with her and I didn't know how to help her nor did her aunt Jenna she's was spiralling and drowning and with the island and everything it just became worse it got to a point she wouldn't even let me in into constant fights wherever she was ...I think she felt that if people she loved stay away from her they wouldn't die ... but she's different now ... more open and let's people in that's when she's not hitting or punching someone " she says making me chuckle .
"But I think Skye's change has a lot to do with your family and I'm grateful she came across you guys because she's seems to be happier now " she says making me smile . "I think Skye done the same for us As well she's being out the best in all of us " I say.

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