Pushing you away

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I get up from falling asleep again after klaus left the room and look around to see fresh clothes set out and get off the bed and take them and walk into the bathroom closing the door and getting changed .
I throw my hair into a pony tail as I walk past klaus in his art room and stop and walk backwards seeing paint everywhere making me hold on my laugh and proceed to walk to the kitchen . I open the fridge scanning it . "Looking for something " klaus asks as I poke my head past the fridge door to see him grabbing a glass of bourbon . "Why have a fridge if you don't put food in it " I ask shitting the fridge . "Because we're all vampires that live here love. " klaus says as I take his drink . "Thanks. " I say as he signs and takes his glass back . "Hey " I say as I try reaching for it but he puts it out of my reach . "I think you had enough yesterday " he says . "No " I say . "Yes you did " he says as I try reaching for his glass and we end up against the fridge door . "Your not getting it " he says making me sign In frustration. "Fine I'll go to the grill then " I say moving out and away from him and grabbing my jacket . He vamps speeds in-front if the door just as I open it . "You literally just got over being drunk and you wanna do it again " he says . "Why not it's fun lighten up Nik your too serious " I say as I move past him and leave .

KLAUS /: i let out a frustrating groan when Skye leaves she's really pushing my limits .

I arrive at the trailer and open the door to see Damon with arrows in his back . "Ouch that's gotta hurt " I say and then I notice the bomb attacked to it . "Oh " I say . "Yeah oh " he says . "Why didn't you call your brother?" I say . "Because I'm proud, and stubborn, and...oh, look! You're already here." He says . "Come on, you're not gonna get hurt. All I need you to do is be doctorly and cut out the arrow. I'd do it myself, but if I move..." Damon says as he gently touches the string attached to the arrow buried in his thigh. "Don't " I say .Damon pulls his hand away and makes a soft *kabooming* noise to demonstrate his point. "Okay." I say as I grab the knife lying on the nearby table before i move behind Damon and puts the point of the knife next to the entry point of the arrow going through Damon's back. "Who's the letter too " I ask as Damon holds a letter he picked up from the table . "Pasted young to his daughter April crazy guy. He wrote a letter about sacrifice and war brewing in Mystic Falls." Damon says .
"What does he mean, "a greater evil is coming"? " I ask as I continue to use the knife to dig around the arrow in Damon's back. "Don't we have great enough evil already?" I say . Damon shrugs gently . "You'd think." He says . "I think you should be good " I say as he pulls the arrow out without the bomb detonating . "I heard klaus has been extra close to you lately " Damon says making me turn to him as I put the letter down . "He's just protecting his investment I'm his only way to make more hybrids and with a vampire Hunter running around can't be to carful " I say . "Hmm " Damon says .

The vampire Hunter Connor pulls out a gun to shoot Damon, but is struck by an arrow. He drops his gun and bends down to pick it up. When he does so, he's shot by another arrow. He looks at both the arrows and sees they are attached to the claymore bombs from his trailer. "Ouch " I say . "Stings, doesn't it?" Damon says as Connor attempts to grab his gun again, but someone kicks it out of the way. Connor looks up and sees Klaus. Ah really . "Hello, mate." Klaus says .

Connor is attempting to pull the arrow out from his side. While we are watching him. "Keep it up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling." Damon says .
"You three are gonna kill me anyway." He says . "Ah that's rude ... mate " I say as Connor looks to me . "Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other!" Klaus says .
"Let's start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this "greater evil," because I've fought this guy-- " Damon says as He points at Klaus . "and there's nothing more evil than that." Damon says . Damon hands Klaus the letter Pastor Young wrote to April that he stole from Connor's trailer. Klaus-smiles in amusement . "Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." Klaus says making me roll my eyes . "I'm not telling you anything. And-- if you think if you kill me, it's gonna be over-- there's another waiting to take my place " Connor says . "See, this is what I like to hear; vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos." Damon says making me snap my head to him . Connor looks up at us. Klaus looks down at Connor and stops smirking. "What do you mean, tattoos?" Klaus asks . "Don't bother, you can't see the damn thing." Damon says as I grab Connors arm and roll his sleeve up . Seeing the tattoo . "You mean that tattoo " I say looking at it . "Wait you can see it " Damon says . "Duh I'm not blind " I say . I kneel down to Connor . "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" I say . Connor looks at me . He attempts to stake me , but I'm too quick and catches his arm. "Nice try, but I'm faster " I say as I twist him and grab the stake out of his hand . I notice the the mark carved into the wood and recognizes it. "Your one of the five " I say .
"The what?" Damon says as I look to him . "He's not just any hunter " I say . "And I'm faster than your average hunter." He says as Connor is about to pull the string and I grab Connor and speed out of there using my speed ruin for some reason lately I've been able to use my ruins without my stele ever since I lost control and quaked the ground apart .

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