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"Rumour has it you behind on delivering your next patient forms " Caroline says she's that's right I become a doctor I was already learning when I lived here and I can not get klaus out of my fucking head . "Skye what's going on with you ? Elena asks . It's been a month since I left New Orleans. "I keep on trying to do it but every time I do everything just keeps going back to klaus " I say . "I can't comprehend the thought of giving on us " I say I know they don't like me being with klaus but they support me anyways . "You've got a lot to sort out but distance might help make peace with your past you can move on " Elena says . As i ended up finding out lily's bestfrind Christian and lyla's mom Lilly is alive she said she faked her death to get away from the people that were after the Sd card and that I caught lily and christian fucking and I have mixed feeling about this but because mostly of what happened years ago and that Lily has been more of a mom to me then anyone .

"You wanted to talk so talk " I say sitting down at the bar and Christian places his glass down . "I know you feel betrayed ..I wanna explain myself " he says what ever I just saw him fucking Lily . "I honestly don't know where to begin " I guess that makes us done then " I say getting up . "Look listen " he says as I sit back down . "You are so important to me and Lily " Christian says . "You serious and now you two want to play some United front fuck off with that " I say pissed off . "You wouldn't be so angry if you didn't care " he says . "I was gonna tell you ages ago but Lilly .... " he says stopping . "Tell me what ?" I say .
"Tell me what " I say . He doesn't say anything and after a moment I look to him . So betrayed. " fuck" I say realising what he meant . And by he's face he knows I figured it out . "I'm so sorry " he says as he tries grabbing my hand and I get up . Omg I can't Believe this I soon leave tears threatening to leave my eyes .

I walk out of the restaurant and the pain and the betrayal that's hitting me right now I can't take it I cross the street from me walking out nearly getting run over by a bike . I step back into a parked car .
"Elijah" I say seeing him across the street I think he heard it all . What's he doing here ? . I don't care at this point. I cross the street and run into his arms and he embraces me tightly . "I'm so sorry " he whispers . "It's okay " I whisper as tears fall down my face .

I walk over to Lily after Christian just told me and Elijah stayed beside me the whole time . "Skye it was it was a mistake " Lily says coming over . "Which part " I say as her face comes to realise . "Christian told you " she says as I nod he's my father and she's my mother and Isobel and John was compelled to think it was hers that I was her child me and Elena aren't twins it's just another line of the doppelgänger line . Everything was a lie a betrayal . "My love if ... if I could go back if .. I should've told you " she says about to touch my cheek and I move away . "Yeah " I say before walking away . "Skye " she calls after me I don't listen . My entire life built on a lie and it just came out and I can't feel any worse then I do right now . I grab a drink from the bar as Elijah speaks with Christian's friend .

"Your sure you wanna do that " Christian says arriving beside me as I down my drink . Not borthered . "I'll get one of those " he says taking a seat beside me . "Your dad Grayson your adoptive father and John he and us was like brothers " he says . "Then you fucked his wife " I say turning to him . "That's not how it was " he says . "I loved Lilly but she was head over hills for Grayson but then when he went to university for his doctor's degree he wasn't there , running around always busy and she turned to me for emotional support and that's how it became intimate " he says I don't wanna hear this . "Spare me the fucking details okay " I say looking to him . "I had this ridiculous notion that'd we'd run of together that she'd marry me instead of Grayson and then announced they were expecting that was that " he says . "This just brilliant I have you , Lily , my adoptive parents ... Grayson lying to me my entire fucking life " I say . "Grayson didn't know " he says making it worse . "I think deep down he'd always suspected that was when he really started drinking " he says as I look to him . Everything that happened he could of stopped all of it . "You could of stopped all of it my entire fucking life could've of been different if you wasn't such a fucking coward " I say losing my temper and downing the rest of my drink and get leaving .

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