chapter 4

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I was hearing there convo.

S: accha accha tell me one thing.. r u alone...?? Riddhu..


S: ohh! I was saying did u read todays headline... ??

R: mmmmNoooo

S: u know that in banglore also a man was killed brutally... as same ways in the case of INVISIBLE man...

I smirked nd i saw riddhimas expression changed... she gulped.. wait wait.. is she frightened?? Her expressions r telling she is frighten... a smirk appeared on my face..

R:how many times should i tell u not to talk... about invisible man... u know na sejal... scared of such things....

Ohhh wow she is scared of me...

S: riddhuu....... think if he is in your room nd staring u....

My eyes widen at her friends sentence... exactly i m doing this right now...

R: sejalllllllllll!!!!!!(she cried) plzzzz dont do this.... already this house is so big.. i m already scared... plzzzzz donttt do...

Ohhh man she is literally scared... my wife is scared of me... only... interesting very interesting....

S: riddhu its a fact.. he is invisible he can go anywhere...

R: so... y he will come to me.... sejall stop itt. ...

S: who knows if he turn to be your ashiq...(sejall giggled)


She was literally scared.. i could see on her face... but y man ... what does i did to her... i dont know y but my heart was aching knowing the fact.. she is scared of me...

S: ok ok.. sry... i was asking so will u start college from tommorow???

R:yess... i will be coming from tommorow...

I was about to go.. out of her room nd suddenly by mistakenly... a vase felled on ground... ohhhh fuck... arghhh... this vase...

Pov ends.

Riddhima stands with a jerk.. nd remembers sejals word... she gulped... nd took slow steps towards vase... vansh was llooking her expression pressing his lips.. to not to laugh...

R: how.... how... thi...this.. vase felled??

She gulped..

R: ohooo.. riddhima may be it was kept on edge nd due to wind it felled...

She hitted her head......

R: this sejal.. nd my baba these both always try to afraid me.... arghh...

Vansh smiled.... nd felt it cute.... vansh went to his room...

Next morning...

Riddhima got ready for her college... she weard.. a saree.... mrs dsouza send her breakfast to her room she had her break fast... nd went out of the room. Praying not to meet him... again.... her phone rang it was sejal... she picked.. nd kept blabbering.. on her phone...

Vansh was checking some file nd talking to angre.. in hall... then his eyes went to riddhima u who was standing nd blabbering... his eyes traced her top to bottom... angre was saying something.. but he didnt payed any attention to his talk he was staring her... she was looking more ravishing in saree... his mouth opened he was staring her... like a hungry wolf.. then his eyes went to her waist which was lil visible... angre saw vansh wasnt reacting.. on his words.. he followed his gaze nd saw riddhima.. he smiled...

INVISIBLE LOVE (RIANSH) Where stories live. Discover now