chapter 59

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Vansh chuckled.. looking her red face.. then he stopped chuckling.. nd went towards her.. nd lifted her in bridal style.. riddhima was surprised...  she gasped.. vansh was staring her intensly...

R: Va..vansh.. what r u doing..??

Vansh didnt replied.. he was just staring her intensly... nd marched towards bed..

He didnt removed his eyes from her for 1 second.. he placed her on bed carefully...

riddhima was confused she got up... nd sat..

R:whattt what r u doing??

Vansh gave a smirk... he leaned towards her nd caged her between him nd bed.. he leaned towards her face... riddhima clutched the bedsheet..

V: What do u think?? Mrs Raisinghania what i m trying to do??

She could see his eyes pupil darkening she gulped..  he stared her lips..

R: How...I..I'll knoww...

She pushed him a lil nd made a safe distance btw him nd her...

V: wait wait were u thinking that I will.......

Riddhima made confused face..

R: I will whatttt???

Vansh came closer to her nd leaned to her ears..

V: that I'll make love wid u...(whispered huskily)

Riddhimas eyes widened.. her cheeks turned red.. vansh chuckled..

V:if u dont mind i m okay now.. u just have to give one order.. nd I'll start my work... (smirk)

Riddhima pushed him...

R:shameless.. u...

V:what shameless u were thinking this only right !! Nd whats wrong in making love i mean every married couple make.. nor how would this world move forward.. riddhima...

Riddhimas eyes widened...she threw a pillow which was  kept beside her.. vansh caught the pillow..

V: Wohhh!! Nice throw sweetheart..

Riddhima rolled her eyes.. vansh came towards her nd bent on his knee.. riddhima was confused now what he is going to do..

Vansh looked her nd smiled... she was confused.. he softly held her left leg nd placed on his right thigh riddhima was still confused..

R: Va..

She stopped when she saw him taking out the very same anklet which was chosen by her she was shocked... he was smiling looking riddhima... riddhima was awestruck... he tied the anklet carefully... so she doesnt get hurt..

"Donno Who was that mad man who gave 6000 for a thing cost 200" Riddhima remembered the flashback.. she was surprised how vansh still remembers her taste..  she got lil emotional.. vansh picked her other leg..nd placed on his right thigh nd tied the anklet.. while riddhima was staring him wid her eyes holding tears..

Vansh was tieing anklet...

V : Do u know riddhima I had purchased this anklet from here only.. when my eyes felt on this anklet I had only one wish that i want to see this anklet on your beautiful ankles..

He said tieing the anklet unaware that riddhima holding tears in her eyes nd getting emotional..

When he was done tieing he caressed her leg.. riddhima was looking him wid a very known emotion nd that is love...

He smiled looking the anklets on her ankles.. he leaned towards her right leg which was placed on his thigh.. to kiss... he was about to kiss.. but riddhima removed her leg from his thigh nd stood up.. nd looked away.. vanshs smile felt.. his forhead again had tensed lines.. he too stood up..

V: Whatt happened riddhima?? Didnt u like it... ?? Its okay if u dont like it u can remove it... wait I'll remo...

R: Vansh I need to fresh... plzz give me lil space... (she said looking away)

V: Okay riddhima.. but suddenly wha...

Riddhima glared him.. he took a long breath..

V: Okay fine!!! I'll order helpers to send things which u may need...

Riddhima didnt replied nd looked away.. she was having war btw her heart nd mind her heart was melting.. but her mind was still flashing her the incident took place at last 6months.. vansh went leaving her alone so she could get some space.. but not before arranging a tight security around the room

She looked at the anklet which he made her wear.. a smile slipped on her face...

Vansh went to the library area of resort... he had booked whole resort when he get to know about riddhima.. so the resort was completely his.. Angre nd adhiyunt too arrived in library... vansh was playing paperweight..

Adhi; Is she fine now Vansh??

V: Hmmm.. better... still the wound is fresh ot will take time to recover completely...

Adhiyunt sighed...

Vansh took a long breath..: hmm.. Angre I was asking so hows our VSG doing.. Very Special Guest...(smirking nd playing wid paper weight)

Angre nd adhiyunt smirked..

An: Perfect!! Boss...

V : hope u r taking good care of our guest.. kyuki vo kya h na (bcoz) VR hates imperfection... afterall i have more things to do wid him so take care...
He said wid devilish smirk..


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