chapter 57

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Angre entered vanshs.. room..

An: Boss everything is ready!!

Vansh nodded.. nd left for the cafe.. he was in car.. nd 4 cars were surrounding his car for security purpose...

Vanshs phone rang.. he checked it was his dads call he picked the call..

Aj: Thank god... In which area u had gone vansh everytime whenever i use to dial.. it always says.. out of network coverage area.. btw Hows everything going??

V: better than expected...( happily)

Ajay could feel vanshs voice was having somekind of satisfaction nd happiness after months..

Aj: Great!! So whats the reason??

Vansh smiled: riddhima... !!

Ajays eyes widened..: wh..what!! Riddhima?? Means.. means. U..??

V: Yess dad. I found her... She was in Malana...

Ajay was beyond happy... his happiness didnt have any limit.. he is happy for his son.. he is happy for his best friend rudra..

Aj:vansh... what r u saying.. its not your dream right??

Vansh chuckled : No.. dad.. its not dream... nd dont worry I'll bring her back.. I'll rectify my mistakes..

Aj: I believe u.. not only u all of us has to rectify our i wont waste your more time.. go nd bring her back.. dont come back widout her..

V: yess dad!! Take care...

They hanged the call..

Aj; I should give this information to Rudra.. he will be very happy..

Ajay left for rudras house.. he was in his car.. nd he remembered the flashback when he told the truth to rudra nd sukanya..


Rudra was already weak.. but when he get to know the truth.. he was in shock he was speechless... he was broken when his daughter needed him most he didnt stood wid her..

Sukanya sat on sofa wid thud.. in shock.. her bitter words which she said to riddhima were ringing in her ears.. " i m a cursed mother that I gave u birth" her bitter words.. were making her more regrettable... now she was questioning her motherhood... was she a good mother nd the answer is no..

Both rudra nd sukanya were broken.. now the question came on their parenthood.. nd the thing was breaking them most was their daughters absence.. they cant blame vansh or ajay or anybody coz they too did the same mistake which vansh did..

Aj; I m sorry rudra.. u had given me your most precious thing nd we cant even take care of that..

He joined his hand nd bowed his head..

Aj; i think this is the reason why god never gave me a daughter coz i m not worthy..

Rudra consoled ajay: Ajay not only u we all did a grave mistake.. nd we all cant loose hope we will rectify our mistakes.. riddhima is not a girl who easily loose her temper... but when she looses nd get dissapointed its difficult to bring her back to normal state.. it will be tough to get her forgiveness... i know she will forgive me.. but i cant i cant forgive myself for doing this to my daughter...

Saying this rudra went to his room.. rubbing his hand against his chest... nd having guilt in his eyes..

Aj: Bhabhi now i should also leave plzz take care of him nd yourself...

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