chapter 12

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It was one week they both didnt talk wid eachother... vansh was hell frustrated but he wasnt ready to ask sorry... as usual they went to their respective works..

Riddhima was in college.. sejal nd riddhima was discussing something in corridor they were walking towards there classroom.. nd suddenly Ronak nd his boy's  blocked their way..

S: what the hell!!! Ronak just move aside!!

Rona:oh.. plzzz u move aside.. i m here to talk wid riddhima...

Riddhima was hell frustrated..

R:listen ronak stop.. these nonsense.. nor I'll complain-

Ronak:ohhh!! U will complain?? To whom?? To principal??...

His boys started laughing.. coz they know principal wont say a single word.. coz he is a son of MLA..

Then a boy from his gang:No boss!! She will complain to her newly wedded husband...

She gritted her teeth... she was feeling disgusting... then again tears started brimming in her wears she again remebered that night and his harsh word.. they all laughed..

Ronak: By the.. way.. your husband must be lucky.... ( he said scanning her from top to bottom wid lust nd rubbing his thumb on his lips)

Riddhima looked him wid extreme hatred nd disgust.. she was feeling anger rising in her..  somehow she cooled herself..

Bell rang..

R: sejal! Lets go...

Sejal nd riddhima went...

Ronak was staring her retreating figure... nd smiling cunningly..

Then a boy from his gang: boss! We dont know who is her husband.. what if she really told this to her husband!!

Ronak laughed..

Ronak:if she complained her husband then what his husband will complain.. or whatelse can do.. i will shut his mouth.. wid money he cant do anything... obviously riddhima is a middle class girl so her father must have tied her knot wid any 2 rupee man... nd i know these type of girls.. 1st they show they r pure... but when they get chance they pounce... i will get her..

He smirked...

Riddhima nd sejal went to classroom..

S:riddhima this ronak is doing too much.. u just complain about him to vansh..

Riddhimas eyes widened..

R: sejal y to pull him in this all stuff..

S: why not?? He is your husband nd i m sure he will teach this bastard a good lesson.. i know principal will do nothing..

Riddhima was silent how can she say these things to vansh.. they r husband nd wife for namesake theres nothing more than that.. she remebered his harsh words..

R:sejal!! I dont want to discuss all these anymore.. plzz...

How could she say these things to the person who even didnt tried to talk wid her due to his ego.. who didnt even heard her once.. just how??

It was night vansh was still in his office.. he had fired many employees.. in anger..he was checking a file then his friend adhiyunt came nd sat on chair.. upset.. vansh knew for which reason.. he is upset..

V: so again she behaved like a sl-

Adhi: just shut up vansh.  She is my girlfriend.   Dare u use such words from your mouth for her..

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