chapter 5

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Riddhima went to her college... she entered her college... nd ppl were staring her like she is an alien... nd she notice her mangalsutra.. which was flashing... their marriage took suddenly... thats why there were no.. media.. or much ppl.. many were looking her with questioning faces.. somewhere she was feeling humilated...

Sejal noticed her expression..

S: what happened riddhu???

R:sejal u know i m married.. but..


R: u know.. who is vansh raisinghania..  i dont want ppls to behave extra . Wid me coz  i m his u know na ishika khanna.. she belong to high class family so she get many privileges by students as well as teachers... nd i want everything bcoz of my efforts not bcoz of his name... u r understanding na what i m trying to say...

S: hayeeee riddhu..u r so honest.. u dont want ppl to behave fake bcoz vansh is one of the most powerful bussiness man..

R: hmm... but ppl r seeing me like i m an alien nd i m sure they will ask to whom im married.. nd will create fuss..

S: riddhu... ppl r thinking u r married coz of your mangalsutra.. which is screaming.. that u r married... just hide it behind your stole nd be confident...

Riddhima remembered vanshs word... nd gulped..

R: no sejal.. i cant do this...

S: but y... ??

R: i cant...

Nd there comes bitching gang of the class it is a group of girls.. who can spread news in seconds...

One girl: hey !! Riddhima... dont u think the pendant u r wearing similar to mangalsutra... r u married... ?? Do u get married???

Before interrogation could move further professor came nd everyone sat on their respective.. places..

S: riddhu.. u just have to hide it.. not remove it nd when u will feel comfortable to reveal.. your identity then u can show your mangalsutra...

Riddhima thought for a while.. nd thought he is not going to come to her college.. so after thinking so much she hide her mangalsutra behind her stole...

College hours finished...

Riddhima felt fresh attending her college talking wid her one n only best friend sejal..  she was giggling nd laughing.. wid her nd came out of the college... nd then her eyes felled on a black mercedes which was standing infront of her.. nd then the cars window opened... nd what she saw widened her eyes..  he was sitting inside on driver seat... goggles on his eyes.. well jelled hairs.. Bluetooth on his formal suit looking extremely hot.. she stared him.. 1st she saw him with stern face then she saw his expression changing he was gritting his teeth... nd looking her.. wait wait he was looking her neck... his grip on steering tightned... riddhima noticed nd she gulped... she bid byee to sejal... widout wasting more time nd making him more angry..  she sat inside the car... she was hell scared now what next will happen wid her... he start the car... glaring... her she didnt get the strength to look him.. he was silent.. she was praying.. playing wid her fingers... he turned his face nd took a long breath... he told her not to hide mangalsutra... then what that mangalsutra was doing behind her stole..

V: So.. would u like to give a proper explanation....

Riddhima flinched a lil.. by his strong voice..

Her palms started sweating.. what to say.. him... how will she say.. himm... he looked her find her scared.. he took a long breath he was a short tempered guy.. 

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