chapter 66

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Next morning... A fresh beautiful morning...

Sunrays peeked inside the couple's room... there Mr and Mrs Vansh Raisinghania.. sleeping cuddling eachother... riddhima was sleeping on his chest... under one duvet...

Vanshs eyes opened slowly.. nd 1st felt on her... his happiness his soulmate... his everything... he smiled nd stroked some of her hair strands.. she was in deep sleep.. vansh kissed her forehead... Last night.. she handed herself completely to him.. nd he claimed her as his.. she is only his.. nd he is only hers...

♡ How's this relationship of ours,

I don't like distance of even a moment

Every day, I live for you

All my time is for you..

There shouldn't be a moment of mine without you,

There is your name on every breath..♡

She is the colour in his white life... She is the reason of his peace... she is the reason of his smile... she is the medicine as well as his pain.. she is his strength as well as his weakness... The Person VR vansh Raisinghania who wasnt scared of anyone.. now he is scared what if riddhima goes away from him... which he cant afford at all...

Vansh hugged her lil tightly.. he cant loose her at any cost.. he can loose every battle of his life if it costs riddhima...

His phone started vibrating.. he looked at the side table on which his phone was kept.. he looked at the phone Adhiyunts name was flashing.. it was 6am in the morning..

Vansh picked the phone keeping in mind not to disturb his sweethearts beauty sleep..

V: Hello!!

Adh: Vansh come to the Lab now...

V: Is everything all right.. ??

Adhi: Vansh.. just come in lab.. now..

V: Adhiyunt not now.. I'll come after 1 hr or 2 hr..

He doesnt wanted to leave riddhima right now.. It was her 1st time he was concerned for her.. so he doesnt wanted to leave her alone...

Adhi: Vanshh come right now.. its important(serious tone)

Vansh he is back..

Vanshs eyes widened..:Whatttt!!

Adhi: Come right now.. we r waiting..

V: Okay..

Vansh hanged the call.. vansh looked at riddhima.. wid guilt.. he carefully shifted her from his chest on the bed.. he carefully placed her head on pillow.. widout disturbing her sleep.. he carefully slid out of the duvet..

He wore his pant.. nd again looked at her who was sleeping peacefully... he went to bathroom for shower... after taking shower nd proper dressed in his Formal suit he came near riddhima.. nd kissed her forehead.. he pulled the drawer nd took out sticky notepad nd pen.. nd wrote a note nd sticked it on the Jug kept on table.. nd went..








After some hours.. riddhima woke up.. she stretched her arms... nd opened her eyes slowly.. she looked beside.. but vansh wasnt there.. she rubbed her eyes nd yawned..

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