chapter 21

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Next morning...

Riddhima was in her room nd was having Apple.. she was little stable.. there was a knock on her door.. nd the door opened it was vansh.. he smiled looking riddhima... riddhima too reciprocated the smile..

V: so had your breakfast??

R: yess...

Riddhima could see dark circles under his eyes... which is clear that he didnt slept properly.. nd tired.. he cupped her face with one hand nd caressed her cheeks softly wid his thumb... riddhima shivered..

V: r u fine noww??

R: hmm... u didnt sleep properly??

V: yess i was having some work so...  u dont worry u r fine right??

R: yes vansh...(she holded his hand which was on her cheek )

They had a eyelock...

V: sorry...(whispered)

R: sorry??

Vansh closed his eyes.. nd took a long breath..

V: f...for ye..yesterday's k..kiss...

Riddhimas smile frowned nd she left his hand he frowned looking her sudden change in expression nd her hand grip loosed from her hand.. he was not aware that unknowingly he hurted her.. this was the beautiful feeling she had ever felt.. love nd affection nd he is sry for that which means that beautiful feeling was a mere mistake thought riddhima.. she was thinking that she is keeping high hopes from vansh y she forgets that they r poles apart.. she thought all these nd looked away..

R:i..its okay vansh...(she said that wid heavy heart)

Vansh thought she felt bad coz he kissed her nd reminded her unaware that she frowned coz he was sry.. he misunderstood nd riddhima thought it was his mere mistake.. unaware he was thinking about her feelings.. nd how much he loved their 1st moment she also  misunderstood. She looked away which made vansh  furious he gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand nd left the room banging the door... tears automatically rolled down her cheeks...

He made himself busy in his work.. he didnt went office he was working from home coz riddhima may need him anytime.. riddhima was in her room talking to her baba on phone she is daddys girl u can say she  has a very strong bond with her father.. they talked...

That day riddhima nd vansh didnt had much talk due to misunderstanding.. due to the incident college has granted holidays to the students for 15 days.. so riddhima was at home she avoided talking to vansh  cause she doesnt want to have any expectations from him cause atlast she will be hurt... nd here vansh was furious coz riddhima was avoiding him.. nd he was thinking due to kissing her.. one more day went like this..

It was night.. 1:30 am

Riddhima felt thirsty.. she saw her jug was empty so she thought to go to kitchen nd fill her jug.. she came out of the room... nd marched towards kitchen.. she saw adhiyunt angre nd some men may be body guards were standing in hall... she was scared whats the reason at night 1:30 am they were doing nd then she saw vansh nd heared his thundering sound...

V: I willl killl that bastard.. i will give him the most painfull death....

He speaked wid extreme anger.. his eyes were red.. riddhima shivered seeing his eyes having determination.. nd his voice was enough to send shiver down spines... she gulped..

V: i need every equipment!!!! Do u get that..

Riddhima gulped nd feared what if vansh saw her he will shout her for sure.. she gulped.. nd thought to move from there before vansh could see her... riddhima was about to go but mistakenly a vase felt on ground... she closed her eyes.. nd cursed her fate..

Everyone turned towards her.. she saw vansh glaring her.. she gulped nd was sweating.. she looked vansh nd then looked down.. he gritted his teeth...nd fisted his hand... she looked him nd gulped nd looked down.. she was breathing uneven... he was walking towards her.. Adhiyunt held his hand nd vansh blinked... riddhima was looking down..vansh walked towards riddhima nd stood infront of her.. she was gulping.. she lifted her head.. her heart was ready to come out of her ribcage

R:va..vo..(she started stammering)

Vansh cupped her face with one hand.. she jerked when he raised his hand.. she thought something else but he cupped her face with one hand..

V: y r u waking till this time sweetheart? U should take rest... ( he said wid concern but it had some anger also)

V:already u look so weak.. nd not having proper sleep can affect your health.. riddhima... ( he said wid concern)

R: va..vansh.. vo i.. i.. w..was..

Vansh saw the empty jug..

V:Peterrrr( he shoutedd)

Riddhima flinched.. peter came..

P:yess sir..

V: what the hell!! Is this.. y her jug is empty is this the way u r taking care.. i think u dont love your job.. ( he shouted )

P: sry sir..

V:keep your sorry wid u noww go nd bring water...

Peter took jug from riddhima.. riddhima was not meeting vanshs eyes.. while his eyes were staring her..  as peter took the jug.. vansh again cupped her face with one hand..

V: now go.. nd take rest riddhima... i have not kept servants here to just give them only salary.. ( he said coldly which were enough to send shiver down spines)

She nodded nd turned to go to her room.. she was playing with her fingers vansh was staring her retreating figure... adhiyunt nd angre smiled that vansh behaved calmly..  riddhima turned nd saw vansh still staring her.. she hitted her head in her mind..

She gave a  smile to vansh to which vansh reciprocated.. once her rooms door closed.. he again made his face stern nd cold nd turned..

V: lets go.. !!

All nodded.. they all went to the store room.. it was a simple store room wid simple things

Really?? Behind those things there was a button nd eye retina scanner which can only open by 4 persons.. 1st vansh.. 2nd adhiyunt 3rd ajay nd 4 aangre..

Door opened after scanning.. they entered.. that room was not looking less than a laboratory.. many chemicals equipments..   cans atleast of 7 ft filled wid Concentrated HCL nd sulphuric acid.. which is enough to burn anyone...

There was a incinerator of 6 ft.. if any normal person will see those many weird equipments he will get a heart attack there itself.. a electric chair... A big 7ft can filled with Fluoroantimonic acid.. most acidic acid.. there were many more acids.. nd  there was  a man  tied on chair.. bleeding as someone has beaten him brutally..  some men came nd attached some wires nd pipes on his body on his chest hands... on his head.....

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