chapter 47

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Vansh was lying unconscious on floor his forehead was bleeding.. nd his lips continuously had one name riddhima.. only riddhima..

Peter nd servents heard thud sound nd came to hall.. nd saw vansh in this state..

Peter ran towards vansh..

Pe: vansh sir..sir..

Vansh kept saying "riddhima.."

Pe: Mrs dsouza where is riddhima ma'am??

Dsou: dont know peter..

Pe: call the Dr. (He said to other servant)Nd mrs dsouza u call Ajay sir or Adhiyunt sir..



Ajay adhiyunt nd angre came..

Aj: what is all this happening?? Where is riddhima what is going on.. i know adhiyunt u know will u care to tell me...

Adhiyunt told everything to ajay.. Ajay was shocked.. but he know adhiyunt wont say something like that.. but he too know riddhima nd he cant accept she betrayed his son..

Dr did treatment of vansh.. nd left..





Sunrays peeked inside the room... vansh slowly came back to his consciousness his head was paining like hell.. he holded his head.. nd sat on bed.. nd opened his eyes.. slowly.. 1st everything was blur..but after a while everything was clear.. he saw his Dad was sitting infront of him.. he looked here nd there his eyes were finding one person..

Aj: she is not here... where is she??(cold tone)

If vansh is ruthless cold arrogant mafia then ajay is his father.. he is a funloving person but his anger is also one of the most scary thing..

Realisation hitted vansh hard. He removed the duvet which was covering him nd stood up in next second..

V: it means she really left..

Aj; vansh where is she???

V: da.. dad. I.. i.. really dont know.. I'll find her.. she cant leave me.. like this..

Aj: what happened last night vansh??

Ajay still maintained his cold face...

Vansh remembered their last night nd bowed his head.. he went against his principles in his ego.. nd was feeling ashamed to tell this to his dad who himself had taught these principles..

Aj: Vansh i believe riddhima cant do anything like.. this.. i know her from childhood.. i had chose that girl for u coz she is perfect for u. But are u perfect for her?? now i m thinking i was toooo selfish in my son's love.. that I only thought about u not about her..

Ajays word's were like a slap on vanshs heart..

Aj: I Want My Daughter Back... fit nd fine. Now.....(dangerous tone)







An envelope came to VR mansion.. servant handed that male to Angre.. angre saw the envolope was sent from city hospital in the name of Mrs Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania..

Adhi:Whats that angre..

Ang: sir.. its some kind of reports in the name of bhabhi...

Adhi:Riddhima?? Show me..

Angre gave the the envelope... nd both marched to vanshs room..

They knocked nd enter.. vansh made a confused face.. seeing an envelope..

Adhi: vansh this came from city hospital in the name of riddhima..

V: whattt!!(he was confused... he almost snatched the envelope)

He opened the envelope nd took out the reports.... nd what he read.. shocked him to the core.. reports made vanshs eyes widen..

Land slipped from under his leg..

Everyone were confused by vanshs reaction..

Aj; vansh whats in report??

Vansh was in shock that he didnt heard his dad..

Adhi: vanshhh whats in report that made u so shocked.. vansh..

Vansh clenched his jaw his face again turned emotionless nd ruthless

Ajay snatched the reports from vanshs hand.. nd saw the reports..

Aj:Riddhima did abortion 2 months back.. (shocked)

Adhi: what !!!

Ajay looked at vansh... who was clenching his jaw nd fisting his hand.. ajay could sense.. his anger..

Aj: va..vansh y..your expressions.. u and r..riddhima.. never.. (he stammered)

Adhiyunt eyes widen tooo.. everyone were looking vansh wid questioning face...

Vanshs eyes reddened in anger his nerves bulge out...

V:Angre just enquire is this report true or not.. now.. (dangerous tone)

Angre enquired nd he got to know that reports r true nd also get the information that Mrs Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania aborted.. the child..

Ajay was in shock..

V:Truth is riddhima nd I never shared any physical relationship.. till now..

Ajay sat on couch wid thud.. not able to bear this news..

Adhiyunt was blank.. angre too was blank..

V:She Betrayed me.. in every possible way...

V:I hate u Riddhima Sharma... I hate u...( gritted his teeth red eyes looking extremely dangerous cold ruthless stern face)





Rudra and sukanya saw the news headlines.. nd pictures of vansh dancing wid another women.. rudra felt something is not right.

Ru: sukanya i think we should leave for Vr mansion... something is not right for sure..






Ajays trust was broken into pieces.. his eyes moisted.. the person who never cried not a single tear today his eyes moisted..

Vansh felt like destroying everything..

V:Angre just call my lawyer.. nd tell him to prepare the papers i dont want my name nd our surname attached wid that women....

Angre nodded nd went..

Adhiyunt was blank ajay to was blank..




Riddhima was in sejals home she freshen up herself nd came out of bathroom..

Riddhima u should go nd talk once.. to vansh.. her heart said..

R: I should talk to him..

She took a long breath ns calmed herself last night she couldn't even sleep properly.. her head was aching too..





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