chapter 23

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Vansh patted adhiyunts shoulder...

V: now just watch how she will come to u.. nd like always do her melodrama..!!

Adhi: nd i m not going to get trap again in her drama...

Vansh nd adhiyunt smirked

Next morning..

Riddhima was in her room... cleaning her room.. nd folding clothes.. as she like to do her work herself there was a knock on door she thought it must be vansh but it was mrs dsouza..

Ds: good morning riddhima..

R: good morning mrs dsouza..(wid a pleasent smile)

Mrs dsouza smiled.. nd then she said come in nd servents bought a trolly table on which many varieties of foods were there..

Cornflakes... toast.. omlett.. milk juice.. fruits... oats dry fruits...

R: mrs dsouza what is this??

D: riddhima its breakfast...

R:for whom??


R: whattt!!

D: yes vansh sir said to take care of your he will be not present during breakfast  nd he ordered to prepare all these for u..

Riddhimas eyes widened this much food is enough for her whole day.. nd dsouza is saying just breakfast...

R: mrs dsouza i cant eat this much. Its too much...

D: riddhima but sir--

R: no...nd i dont eat omlett.. nd this corn flakes.. i dont eat this also. I m ok wid fruits just take it all...

D:sry riddhima its sirs order...

R: but i cant..

D: ok so u have a talk wid sir only..

Riddhimas eyes widened before she could neglect dsouza called angre nd angre

picked the phone.. riddhima nodded in no

An: yess dsouza anything important.. ??

Riddhima nodded in no..

D: yess sir.. sir riddhima is not having her breakfast..

An:ohh wait i will just hand the phone to boss...

Riddhima hitted her head through her palms..

Angre told vansh nd vansh ordered dsouza to hand the phone to riddhima.. Riddhima took a long breath...


Vansh gritted coz she still stammers while talking to him..

V: so whats bothering u mrs Vansh Raisinghania.... (wid his baritone)

Which is enough to made riddhima blush...

V:the food or the person who had send it.. (he said romantically)

Adhiyunt smirked while angre was shocked..  vansh talking like this..

Riddhima blushed more...

R:nnoo vansh its nothing like that bss its too much.. i mean.. i cant eat this much...

V: but sweetheart... u r so weak so i thought to add some protein calcium in your breakfast...

Butterflies flied inside riddhimas stomach when he said sweetheart so sweetly... nd she felt overwhelmed by the way vansh was keeping check on her diet..

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