chapter 31

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Riddhima opened the door nd sejal barged in

Sej: Itna time bhi koi lagata h darvaaza kholne me pagal...

Saying this she sat on riddhimas bed...

R: u..u..

S: haaa... vo i denied u in morning for hangout na... so i thought y not to do nightout.... yeaahhhhhh!!! So i today I'll be here...


Vansh was hearing all this from bathroom his eyes widened.. 

V:what the...(he whispered) why she is hell bent to spoil my time....

Riddhima was shocked.. but sejal was more shocked coz she had done nightouts manytimes before  but y she is behaving strange now...

S:what riddhu? What happened??

R:ab va... naaa nothing woww thats good...

Vansh gritted...

S: henaaaa i knew it u will be happy.. knowing this... vese riddhu your room is smelling different some kind of different cologne... mm its smell nice r u using any different cologne?? If yess then which one?

Vansh in bathroom:arghhhh how much she speak..  i feel bad for adhi..

R:noo.. sejal i think u r misunderstanding.. u r meeting me after many days na thats y..

S: noooo... riddhu its some kind of me-

R: sejallll!! U sit i will come in few minutes..

S: okay..

Riddhima went inside the bathroom... nd the second she entered the bathroom vansh pinned her to the wall...


V:what is she doing here??(whispered)

R: vansh.  I dont have any idea.. she.. she came widout informing me.. we do like this..

Vansh took a long breath..

V:okay.. so tell her now to go back...

Riddhimas eyes widened: whatttt??? Noo vansh i cant.. she will be hurt..

Vansh gritted nd fisted but somewhere he also know what is friendship so he took a long breath not to loose his temper..

V: so now what??? I m not going anywhere...

R: vanshh plzzz..

Vansh glared her : Noo... i m not..

Riddhima made a puppy face.. :plzz.... Vansh...

She pouted..:plzz.. vansh..

Vansh was trying hard to ignore him as much as he can... but all ignorance went in vain she made a puppy face nd pouted...  he pulled her harshly nd claimed her lips through his lips he kissed her senselessly.. he pulled her more closer... his gripped tightened on her waist.. he took out all his anger through kiss.. he torchered her lower lips... he kissed her still she felt breathless.. riddhima was shocked by his sudden action.. she was breathing heavily... nd blushing heavily..

Va: this is the punishment to deny me.. riddhima.... fine i m going..

Riddhima smiled..  nd hugged him in excitement he also huggged her back caressing her hairs.. nd kissing her forehead

V:ok riddhima now its getting difficult for me to leave u... if u stay like this then i m not going..

Riddhima immediately broke the hug.. nd stared him wid wide eyes... he smirked.. riddhima tucked her hair behind her ears nd went out of the bathroom.. sejal picked her handbag nd was about to leave the room..

R: where r u going sejal??

S :yrr riddhima i forgot that there r some important work.. nd now i remember... so i need to leave.. 

R: but sejal..

S: sry yrr riddhu...

R: ok.. come I'll leave u till down..

S: u stay here.. i mean i will go.. myself..

She was behaving weird riddhima scrunched her eyebrows..

Sejal hugged riddhima.. nd whispered in her ears..

S: when u get kissed always check your lipstick girl...

Riddhimas eyes widened.. she was looking sejal like she saw a ghost.. sejal winked nd smirked..

S: enjoy byeee.... nd ya tell vansh that cologne is awesome nd yes told him next time remember to take his coat wid him in bathroom.. okay..(said pointing to the chair where coat was kept)

Saying this she went closing the door nd smirking..

Riddhima was standing shocked she hitted jer palm on her forhead nd ran towards her dressing table.. nd saw her lips.. her eyes widened...  lipstick was really messed.. badly.. she immediately.. wiped the lipstick.. he was feeling embarassed..

R: i hate u vansh.........

Hearing this vansh came out of bathroom nd panicked..

V:wh..what happened riddhima...??? Where is your friend what happened??

Riddhima hitted his chest..

V:Oouch...( fake pain)

She pouted.. which again invited vansh.. he leaned towards her lips but this time she stopped him..

R: bcoz of u sejal got to know that u were here... nd she left.. teasing me..

V:wohh!! Smart move... good sejal..


V:yess... vese how she came to know??

Riddhima pointed towards coat..


Vansh looked riddhima she was turning red.. due to shy he smirked..he pulled her towards him by her waist..
V:and..(husky tone)

Riddhima looked away..

R:and.. (gulped) va..vansh my lipstick was messed.. 

Saying this she burried her head in his chest... nd he chuckled .  Hugging her..

V; its okay riddhima.. thank god she went..

Riddhima glared..

V:oh common sweetheart !!!

He caressed her cheeks softly wid his thumb he placed his forehead on her forehead.. they both closed their eyes... he caressed her cheeks...

V: I want to make u mine riddhima... ( he whispered intensly)

Riddhima startled she looked vansh nd tucked her hair behind her ears..

R: va..vansh.. i..i.

Vansh pulled her towards him nd putted his finger on her lips..


He again placed his forehead on her forehead... they closed their eyed.. their nose tip were touching eachother...

V: i dont want to make u mine only physically riddhima i want to make your soul mine... i want to make u mine from tip to toe... u r only mine riddhima u r only mine...

He said caressing her cheeks he mean every single word.. which he spoke.. riddhima could feel his possesiveness love... nd obsession too.. she shivered by his word.. vansh pulled her more towards him...
V: U r mine riddhima... u r only mine... I LOVE U Riddhima....

Riddhimas heart skipped a beat she was staring vansh wid love.. her eyes had tears.. vansh opened his eyes he cupped her face with one hand..

V: yess... riddhima.. I love U.. i dont know when where how.. I fall for u but i m sure i felt for u badly nd truly...

He kissed her forehead..

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