chapter 25

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He kissed riddhimas forehead...

V: take care... ( caressing her cheeks)

She nodded nd smiled..

R:u too... byee..

V: byee..( small smile )

She also smiled nd then she went... vansh was looking at her retreating figure.. nd as soon as her figure vanished from his eyesight.. his face turned again into a cold ruthless stern face.. he closed the door nd destroyed whole room in seconds. He broke all vase mirror... everything in seconds... his room which was example of a classy well settled room like every guy dream to have such room he changed that room into a old store room... he moved his fingers in his hair... picked his coat which he had threw on bed... wearing it..he called.. Angre nd ordered him to set all meetings today now which were postponed for tomorrow.. angre was startled.. by sudden order... vansh went downstairs...

V:peter peter( shouted)

P: yess sir..!!

V:clean my room...

P: ok sir..

Saying this vansh went to his office... he wanted to spend some time wid her but she she isnt ready to spend some time wid him.. vansh gritted thinking all this.. he shouted the driver... he was in a bad mood.. angre told all this to adhiyunt... vansh attended 3 meetings back to back.. it was 2 am of morning.. but vansh was still in his cabin working on his laptop... he was smoking.. he just dont want to think about her.. nd indulge himself in work but he couldn't stop thinking about her. It was his 4th ciggarate. He was smoking from past 5,6 hrs he had smoked 4 cigarette which is not good for his health.. he was about to lit his 5th cigarette adhiyunt entered his cabin nd saw vansh.. nd his ash tray it had some 4 dispersed cigarette stick he went nd snatched the stick which vansh was about to lit...

V: what the...... ( wid anger)

Adhi: what the helll!!! I should ask this... dammit... what is this...( pointing towards the ash tray)

V:none of your bussiness...( wid his arrogant tone)

Adhi:u bloody moron..! Just keep your this arrogant tone wid u... its my bussiness ( wid equal anger)

Adhiyunt was not a guy who loose his temper easily.. but when he looses he makes sure that the person standing infront of him never do such things which make him angry but now the person standing infront of him is his best friend vansh raisinghania, vansh know his friends anger.. so he tried to cool himself nd sat on his chair..

Adhi: what is this nonsense??? Vansh...

Vansh was pissed by his questions...

V: your as-

Before he could complete the word.. adhiyunt glared... vansh took a long breath.. adhiyunt also took a long breath..

Adhi: now tell me y r u behaving like a maniac.??? Biwi maai-ke chali gai kya??( did your wife went to her parent's home)

[He said sarcastically]

Vanshs eyes widened how he got know... adhiyunt looked vansh who was staring him like he had saw a ghost.. then he realized..

Adhi: did really your wife left to her parents home????

Vansh looked away..

Adhi: really.. riddhima went...

Saying this adhiyunt started laughing hardly... holding his stomach..

Adhi: so this is y u were all grumpy... hahahaha (he started laughing) awwww missing your wife..

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