chapter 24

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Vansh held adhiyunts collar nd gritted...

Adhi: nothing will happen to get mad at me... vansh... just look at her she can't even talk to u.. freely...

Vansh leaved his collar..

V : get out before i loose my cool.. outtt...

He shouted ... adhiyunt went..widout saying anything coz he know nothing will work.. when vansh is angry... so he decide to talk to him when he cools down... vansh moved his fingers in his hairs... he took a long breath..

In riddhimas room..

Who was that man??? What was he doing here?? Was he really a mental patient.. ?? Or.. there is something... arghhhh.. my head.. i just need some mental peace... i want to be out of this.. i m stucked.... riddhima thought... she was walking in her room here nd there.. she took a long breath nd sat on bed... nd closed her eyes her life is complete mess now... she released a breath nd sighed.. she looked at the photo frame in which she was wid her parents a smile escaped from her face... she took out her phone nd dialed.. Rudra.. her father... Rudra picked it in 2 rings as he was waiting for her call..

Rud: riddhima my child!!!( there was a softness nd fatherly care in his voice)

Which cooled the storm inside her.. a tear drop fell from her eyes...

R: baba!!!

Rudra was smiling but when he heard riddhima he became tensed..

Rud: what happened child??? Did vansh said u something?? What happened??

R: no.. baba he did nothing...

Rud: so whats the matter my child !! ( he said wid concern for her daughter)

His father heart was cracking hearing his one nd only daughters.. heavy voice.

R: i..i m missing u.. baba... i m missing maa.. i m missing u both... so much i want to spend my some time wid u... baba..

She said pouting nd lil bit crying which was cute... rudra chuckled..

Rud: so u r missing us.. but just 2 months have passed to the wedding...

R: baba!!(she said wid broken voice)

Rud: ok... come..

Riddhima smiled..

Rud:did u ask vansh he is your husband riddhima...

R:baba!( again wid fake broken voice)

Rudra sighed.: ok so u want me to talk to vansh???

R: noo... just come at evening when vansh willbe here... nd then u can take me.. if u will ask or i will ask may be he deny...

Ru: noo riddhima.. thats not the way u behave wid your husband...

R:baba!!! I really want to spend my some time wid u... baba r u understanding??(she said sadly)

Rudra bent.. he cant stand against his daughter... he understood his daughter really need some time so she could cooperate nd handle her relationship in future.. nd he know y she asked him to come at evening when vansh will be at home coz vansh will not be able to neglect...

Vansh was in his office..

Riddhima packed her things.. nd rudra arrived... Riddhima hugged rudra..

Rud: riddhima this is not right..

R: baba i really need some time...

Rudra accepted..

R:baba tell him that u came here to take me wid u..

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