chapter 79

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Slowly slowly the time passed witnessing beautiful moments... How the time passed no one realised.. It was Riddhimas 9th month...

Vansh was hell nervous... The time was coming soon when he will hold his ansh... their symbol of love.. He is going to experience 1st time fatherhood.. and its a very different feeling.. and that too wid double responsibility as he was going to he father of twins...he was scared as well for riddhima... he remembered his mother also died in the time of his birth.. vanshs face turned pale.. what if something happen to riddhima.. he had loosed his mother but cant afford to loose his riddhima.. the fear itself was trembling vansh inside him..

Vansh was sitting in their room and thinking... he had prepared everything.. so when riddhima will feel pain.. widout delaying they can reach hospital..

Riddhima entered the room munching chips... she saw vansh sitting and lost in thinking.. she was looking like a panda her baby bump was giving her more cuteness to her look...

R: Vansh..(cutely)

Vansh jerked out of his thoughts. And looked at her.. he stood up and went near her..

V: Tch!! Riddhima.. how many times i should tell.. dont roam like this.. take rest..

R: Are are cool down... (she said munching some more chips)

She was chilled.. she wasnt scared.. vansh saw remaining chips particles near her lips.. he took out his handkerchief and wiped off the particles...

R: Not bad daddy raisinghania... U r fully trained and prepared huh!!!

Vansh chuckled.. and gave her a small smile... riddhima could sense something was bothering him.

R: What happened.. whats bothering my arrogant husband so much??

She said hugging him... he hugged her back and rested his chin on her head... he hugged her lil tightly...

R: What happend vansh??

Vansh took a long breath.. And told his feeling.. riddhima smiled and cupped his face nd kissed his cheeks...

R: Vansh nothing will happen to me.. nor our children.. dont worry...

Vansh held her hand and kissed it..

And hugged her back..

They were hugging eachother and suddenly riddhima felt labour pain... she whinced vansh was shocked for a while.. he was freezed for a while..

R: Vanshhhhh!!!!

Vansh jerked out his thoughts.. he supported her..


And as he called angre.. and angre heard riddhimas cries.. he got to know what he have to do next... he prepared everything... And they marched to hospital...

V: Riddhima.. Bss we r going to reach...

He kissed her forehead... he placed kisses on her forehead untill they reach hospital to console her.. her grip on his hands were very tight.. vansh was scared from inside hearing her cries.. but he showed himself strong..

They reached the hospital and immediately riddhima was sent to the room..

Vansh was sweating and breathing heavily..

Angre:Everything will be fine boss!!!

He tried consoling vansh.. vansh nodded.. Ajay & adhiyunt too arrived..

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