chapter 37

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Riddhima was standing numb.. she was not able to believe..nd think is this true or not...

Her face had turned pale..

Vansh came out of bathroom rubbing is hairs against towel.. his abdomen was wrapped wid towel nd his upper body was exposed , exposing his well toned six packs.. he saw riddhimas back was facing him..

He went nd back hugged her.. unaware from which turmoil riddhima is going through.. he nuzzled his nose on her neck nd shoulder.. Riddhima jerked from her thoughts... Vansh placed kisses on her crook of her neck.. riddhima remembered those photos.. she jerked nd moved away.. tucking her hair strands behind her ears.. wid a fake smile.. she dont want to make any theories nd dont want to go to any conclusion before knowing the whole truth..

R: vanshh.. u should eat your dinner... its already late...

Vansh was confused.. he pulled her towards him by her waist nd caressed her cheeks..

V:Common Sweetheart.. i Can have something else in Dinner...( husky voice staring her lips)

He leaned.. riddhima moved her face away.. which stopped vansh from kissing.. she tried getting out of his grip..

R:Vansh.. I.. think u should have your dinner.. u must be tired.. u need rest..(she said looking away)

This made vansh furious.. he gritted his teeth.. nd pulled her more closer..

V:I dont need rest... I need my wife... beside me... riddhima.. ( he said looking into her eyes)

His eyes were telling how much desperate he was to meet her.. how much he missed her.. how much he was willing nd longing to be wid her.. touch her...

Riddhima looked into his eyes... she could see honesty..

He cupped her face with one hand nd caressed

V:I need my wife... nothing else...

He placed his forehead on her forehead.. she closed her eyes.. something startled vansh there was some unsatisfaction on vanshs face like he remembered something.. nd was lil scared or insecured. .. he pulled her more closer their nose tips were touching eachothers nose.. both closed their eyes hearing eachothers heart beats....

Still riddhima had a war btw mind nd heart..

Nd vansh had an unkown insecurity..

Life has brought me the book of old, past days,now I'm surrounded by uncountable memories. I got so many answers without even asking. Look, what we had wished, and what we got. Yet, there were lamps of love burning in the heart, for you, for you....♥️♥️

There was silence for minutes.. riddhima came out of her trances.. nd suddenly those photos.. flashed she wasnt able to erase.. those memories... she moved away.. vansh was shocked she was behaving strange..

Then vansh remembered she said to herself that she wont talk to him coz he didnt call him.. unaware of the main reason... he made a cute grumpy face.. nd went silently to wear his clothes nd have dinner..

She tucked her hair behind her ears.... nd hide those photos...

Vansh came out of his walk in closet wearing only a trouser.. exposing his well toned six packs.. he saw riddhima was keeping his some stuffs in cupboard an instinct smile appeared on his face he sat on couch nd started having his food.. he had his food nd cleaned his hand.. nd then his eyes went to riddhima who was taking out extra pillows nd duvet from cupboard.. nd marched towards large couch present in his room..

What the..... Is this women mad or what?? Is she out of her mind.. this is tooo much....

Vansh thought.. . This made him angry... he went to her.. nd made her face him...

V:May I know what the hell u r doing???(cold straight tone wid straight cold face)

R:Va..vansh.. u came know.. u sleep on bed i will manage on couch...

Vanshs eyes widened... he fisted his hand nd

Gritted his teeth.. his anger was rising..

V:repeat...( cold yet dangerous tone)

Which scared riddhima... she gulped.. vansh almost snatched pillow nd duvet from her hands...


V: just shut the Mouth.. nd get on the bed.. I m in a very bad mood... nd believe me riddhima u wont like it a bit..... (cold dangerous voice nd stern face.. )


V: riddhima get on the bed... ( he shouted)

His anger was at peak he was gritting his nerves were bulging out.. of anger..

Now riddhima was scared she gulped.. nd licked her lips.. she silently get on the bed.. nd covered herself wid duvet..

Vansh was still standing there he took a long breath to cool himself.. he rubbed his forehead through his fingers nd turned he saw riddhima sleeping.. he too get on the bed nd slid himself inside the duvet..
He was getting strange vibes she was behaving wid him off today.. he was tensed too.. vansh looked at her nd saw her back was facing him.. vansh switched off the lights.. nd placed his head on his palm nd closed his eyes...

Sleep was far away from riddhimas eyes.. she just cant forget those photos... a tear drop fell from her eyes.. her heart was scared what if those photo comes to be true... she sniffed...

Nd her sniff made vansh open his eyes.. he looked at her..

V:Riddhima... (tensed)

No response... riddhima wiped her tears

V:Riddhima.. r u crying look at me...

Again she didnt replied..

Vansh pulled her towards him...


V: i was calling U, asking u... nd u were ignoring me.. u know na how much i hate being ignored.. now tell me why were u crying...

R:No.. vansh...

Vansh could see her tear patches in night dim light too.. he cupped her face with one hand nd caressed.. his eyes softened.. he cant see his women crying or having tears it hurts him...

V: Sweetheart tell me... (lovingly)
Riddhima looked into his eyes nd she could only find love nd affection for her..

V:hmm?? Tell me.. what bothering u sweet heart..

Nd riddhima melted she could see only love.. nd his loving soothing words made butterflies fly in her stomach.. she couldnt control anymore..she snuggled more into his warm embrace... nd started sobbing.. nd crying.. she couldnt handle her emotion anymore..

Vanshs heart cracked hearing her sobbings.. he made her look into his eyes nd caressed her cheeks..

V:Tell me sweetheart whats bothering u???

R:Va..vanshhh I..I.. miss... missed u.. so much... (she said while sobbing)

She was not getting appropriate words to express her feelings.. what she could say was she missed him.. she snuggled more into his embrace her heart was getting some kind of peace in his embrace warmth..

Vansh took a relief breath nd chuckled.. nd made her look into his eyes.. he kissed her doe shaped eyes which were having tears.. he kissed her cute little button nose...

V: am sorry sweetheart... i was stucked wid some work.. thats y couldnt call u.. i missed u too... it felt like i cant breath properly...
He said pecking her lips.. butterflies flied inside her stomach.. nd she blushed..

V: but now i m back.. close to u..

He pulled her more closer.. she too snuggled more into his embrace..

Nd both drifted to sleep in eachothers embraces....

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