chapter 29

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It was morning 7 am.. a beautiful morning.. vansh yawned.. nd opened his eyes slowly.. he found the most beautiful face infront of him.. riddhima was sleeping like a kiddo in his embrace.. pouting.. vansh smiled.. he tucked her hair behind her ears.. he was adoring her.. then he looked at the clock it was 7 am. Nd at 9 am he had to attend his meetings... he doesnt want to leave her.. bit to his badluck he have to.. he again smiled looking riddhima.. he stared her pout..

He pecked her pout.. nd slowly came out of the duvet.. so she didnt get disturbed... he placed her head properly on pillow.. nd covered her with duvet.. nd smiled.. he weared his watch shoes.. nd picked his phone nd send msg to angre to come n pick him... he wrote a note nd kept on table under jug... he looked at her one last time.. nd went opening the door of balcony nd climbing down the balcony..

It was 9:30 am..

Sukanya: ridddhimaaaa....!!!!!!!

Rudra: let her sleep..

Suk: its 9:30..

Rud: its ok.. let her sleep.. she slept late..

Suk: but..

Rud: sukanya...

(P.s dont think my papa let me sleep.. even he thinks if i sleep till 7 am its bad..🙂💔in my case its different my mom lemme sleep nd papa ask to do exercise nd yoga 😒😒🙂💔💔)

It was 11 am

Riddhima opened her eyes.. then she realized vansh was also there she looked beside.. but side was empty.. she scrunched her eyebrows..

R: did he went??

She took a long breath she get down the bed.. nd tucked her hair behind her ears nd remebered last night.. a small smile slipped from her mouth.. then her eyes felt on small note which was kept on table under jug.. she picked the note.. nd a broad smile took place on her face..

Good morning, Mrs Vansh...

Hope u had a good sleep.. i had to go as i m having an important meeting... sorry i didnt tell u as u were sleeping.. peacefully nd i didnt feel like waking u..

Will meet u sooooooon...

Just give me a call when u wake up.. sweetheart!!

~Your husband Vansh.

Riddhima had a ear to ear smile on her face reading his note..

Here vanshs meeting just finished while meeting he would have checked his phone 100 time.. everyone left meeting hall!! Only vansh Adhiyunt nd angre were there.. vansh again took out his phone to check is there any msg..

Adhi: what the hell!! So beautiful in your fone vansh that u r looking your phone after every 10 mins.. in meeting also..i will burn

That phone i m telling u..

V: shut up..

Nd suddenly the phone rang..he saw her lady loves name was flashing he picked in 1 ring itself..nd stood from his chair.. nd both..

R:V: Hello!!!(unison)

There was silence for a while... both felt butterflies flying in their stomach hearing each others voice..

Teri nazar ne ye kya kardiya.. mujhse he mujhko juda kardiya..

Both smiled..

R:v: good morning!!(unison)

Again they spoke at same time..they chuckled...

V: so u wake up now..

Riddhima closed her eyes she was feeling embarassed..

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