chapter 6

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Next morning.  .

Riddhima was drying her hairs... was getting ready for.. college.. she putted a top and jeans nd a long shrug over it.. she putted her vermillion on her partition... nd nuptials chain around her neck... she was checking her stuffs is everything ready or not... then she heard a thud sound coming from hall... she scrunched her eyebrows... nd went out for checking... what was that sound.. she saw all servants were present.. standing bowing their head... nd a broken vase was fallen on ground.. then her eyes went to vansh.. who was all red in anger...

V: u all knoww i dont like repeating.. this is the 1st nd last warning to u all who will try to go towards the storeroom area.. i will make sure it will be his or her last day on earth... do u alll get that??( gritted his teeth..nd in dangerous tone)

Every one nodded..

Riddhima gulped..

V: now Go....( he shouted)

Riddhima flinched by his shout..  vansh saw riddhima... he looked at her..she found him looking her she immediately looked down not wanted to meet his eyes.. which can burn anyones soul.. vansh came towards her.. 

V: Even u r not allowed to go there... ( normally.. he didnt said wid warning tone)

She nodded.. she thought  for a while what would be on that area.. but she shrugged off

Not to interfere... vansh took a sigh..


Riddhima looked him..

R: hmmm...

V:no need to go.. 

Riddhimas eyes widened...

V: there is sudden cerfew today so theres no college today..

R: ohh...

Then they both went to their respective rooms... riddhima lied on bed she was bored she had nothing to do.. she was not in mood to read books.. or study...

It was noon..

she  went to the kitchen nd there she saw mrs dsouza was cooking nd other helpers were helping her..

Dsouza: good afternoon maam..

R: mrs dsouza call me riddhima i feel like i m so old when u call maam...

Dsouza chuckled..

R:mrs dsouza may i help u??

D: noo... no.. no need we will do it if u want to eat something tell us we will cook it..

R: mrs dsouza plzzzzzz.... i m getting bored.. plzz i know how to cook plzzzzz....

D: accha.. ok ok.. u make a strong coffee...


Riddhima made a strong coffee nd then something snapped her...

R:mrs dsouza coffee??? In noon i mean.. for whom it is..

Then a servant came nd took the coffee...

Ds:it is for vansh sir....

Riddhimas eyes widened...

R: whatttt!!  Y didnt u tell me earlier...


What if vansh didnt like my coffee nd got angry...  oh god.. save me....

Pov ends..

Here vansh was in worse mood.. due to this sudden cerfew he had to do his work from home..  nd what he needed a good strong coffee.. to fresh his mind... he drink the coffee..  it has different taste.. it was perfect. Same as he needed.. to cool him down.. he enjoyed the coffee..... he needed one more...

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