chapter 73

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Vansh Ajay and Adhiyunt nd angre everyone came to the hall.. saksham too came.. they all were glaring saksham.. saksham was glaring them..

Sak: Ohhh... So u had stood this mansion wid the help of your black deeds Ajay... not bad...

Vansh dangerously went towards himm..

V: Why u r here...??

Saksham chuckled...: what silly question... I just saw the dr going.. I knew it u wont be able to take care of riddhima so i m here to take her wid me... Riddhimaaaaa (he called her)

Vansh gritted.. : low your voice... old man... this is VR mansion not any roadside.. Yaha vahi hota h jo vansh chahta hai... so low your voice.. and may i know the reason y u will take MY wife wid u who are u?? Her mother?? Or her father?? (Vansh smirked)

Saksham gritted.. anger was clearly visible on his face..

Ajay and Adhiyunt too smirked..

Vansh went near saksham.. and wishpered near his ears..

V: Vese Bhi U dont have much time...start Counting your breaths... (smirked)

Saksham gulped he started sweating.. he tried hiding his fear..

Sak: Ohh so i was right u were the one who killed Agnihotri ,huda& other members.. U r the invisible man...

Vanshs pupils darkened with anger...

V: yess...(dangerously)

Sak: And now u r planning to kill me..

V: Interesting Very interesting... Shikaar khud sher k guffaa me aa k bolra h now u will kill me... aaaahhh common Garg.. whats this foolishness...(smirked)

Saksham smirked.... and laughed.. 

Vanshs smirk frowned.. he gritted his teeth he just wanted to wipe off sakshams smirk...

Sak: U know vansh who gave u the power of Invisible???

Saksham.. walked around vansh.. vansh fisted his hand.. Ajay too was getting angry.. adhiyunt and angre were all ready wid their guns..

Sak: Offcourse U must be knowing.. I mean your Father must have told u.. Right Ajay... (he said looking towards ajay and smirked)

Vansh held his collar..  : Low your eyes bastard u r talking wid Ajay Raisinghania...

He punched saksham hard.. saksham felt on floor.. saksham laughed..

Sak: Didnt u told Ajay who was behind his power... I.... Saksham Garg... Indias top scientist... If i can give u power I can snatch it too U were My Mere experiment.. Vansh..

Aj: It wasnt your mere experiment saksham u killed My Wife... How can u be so ruthlesss...

Sak; Isnt your son too is ruthless.. ??

Aj: Bcoz of u... U knowingly did this all.. u did all this purposely... u killed my wife knowingly... Who the hell gave u the right to do experiment on my wife and my child... bastard.  (Held sakshams collar)

Ajay punched saksham hard... he felt on floor.. blood started oozing out of sakshams nose...

Voice: Daddd!!!!

Everyones eyes widened they all turned towards the source of voice... it was riddhima upstairs...  everyone were shocked... riddhima came downstairs..  and went towards saksham... and helped saksham in standing..

R: Are u fine uncle??

Sak: yess beta i m fine..

Vansh adhiyunt ajay and angre looked eachother.. what if riddhima would have heard everything their breaths hitched...

Riddhima had tears in her eyes..

R: Wh..what is this?? Why u raised your hand on uncle??

Ajay relaxed that she doesnt get to know anything..

V: Riddhima...why u came here.. Doctor has said u to rest...

R: Vanshhh.. what is this... Why dad raised his hand on uncle?? Uncle y he raised his hand on u.. 

V: Riddhima...

R: Dad??

Ajay looked away.. and bowed his head he couldnt answer her question.. Vansh was getting angry he cant see his father bowing his head..

R: what was happening here.. will anyone tell me...?? Dad!! Plzz answer me.. I know u wont do anything widout any reason I respect u alot.. plzz dont let it be down.. plzz answer..

Ajay looked her..

Saksham smirked..

Aj: Riddhima... Vo.. ab

V:enough... Riddhima Why dont u ask the same question to your lovely uncle.. that what he did that he was punched by dad!

R: Vansh.. What happend.. I m asking from past 10 mins.. no one is answering.. uncle what happened.. 

Sak: Ab..vo.. riddhi.. To be honest i dont like your husband nor your father in law.. Means i dont feel u will be secured wid them.. so i came here to take wid me.. they cant take care of u...

R: Whatt!! Uncle who said u That they r not taking good care.. of me.. uncle.. I m happy.. Here... u all had clash bcoz of this reason..??
She looked everyone no one met her eyes..

Riddhima sighed.. she was getting tensed vansh held her..

V: Riddhima.. It's not at all good to take tense.. in this phase..

Sak: When tension is beside her how could she not...

R: stop it u alll...!! Uncle what happened.. why r u behaving like this...

Sak: riddhima all i want is your safety..


Sak: once I'll get confirmed that u r safe.. i wont be worrying anymore...

Riddhima was confused she could feels there is something more.. in this story...

R: Okay lets do one thing.. saksham uncle  u live here till some weeks.. i m sure u will be confirmed...

Ajay adhiyunt angre Vansh were shocked saksham smirked from inside this is what he exactly wanted..

R: peter!!!

Peter came..

P: yess ma'am..

R: show the guest room to uncle and give him first aid..

P:okay ma'am... sir plzz follow me..

Saksham nodded and gave a last glance to ajay and smirked..

Once he was gone vansh pulled her and faced her towards him...

V:Riddhima till now u would have guessed our equations are not good so y u said him to stay here .
R: So u wanted me to go away from u.. coz saksham uncle is way too stubborn... But dad!! U shouldnt have raised your hand (she said in a dissapointed tone)

Vansh made her face him :What do u mean riddhima.  Your uncle is not a saint...

His grip on her arms tightened.. she whinced.. 

R: Va.. vansh.. it could have sorted wid talks.  Raising hands was not the option...

.vansh gritted his teeth ..

V: Ri..


Aj: vansh riddhima is right.. i shouldnt have raised my hand on him.. if he would have raised his hand on me.. would u have left him??

Vansh was getting irritated ajay was not at fault still he have to bent this made vansh more angry..

V: I would have digged his grave right there...

Riddhima gasped.. she wasnt understanding how can he hate a person this much coz riddhima could only see vanshs hatred towards Saksham... there was something more in story for sure..  she thought..

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