chapter 78

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Vansh extended his hand... towards riddhima..

V: So shall wee???

Riddhima smiled.. and kept her hand on his hand.. they came out of the room...

Suk: Are vansh u came now only.. and now u r going... wait have something and then go...

V: Its okay mom!! Better next time...


Rud:Sukanya let the couple enjoy!!! After all after 5 months they wont be as same as now...

Rudra smirked.. riddhimas eyes widened seeing her father teasing them.. vansh chuckled.. sukanya glared rudra...

Suk:U go beta!!

Sukanya kissed riddhimas forehead and cupped her face..

Suk:Take care my child...

Riddhima hugged her mother.. and then her father... rudra kissed her forehead...


Vansh again held her hand as she will fly away from him.. everyone chuckled riddhimas cheeks turned red...

Vansh carefully made her sit inside the care and tied the seatbelt.. and then he too sat on driver seat.. and started the car..

V: So enjoyed?

R: Yess.....

V:Offcourse u would have enjoyed alot troubling everyone i got all your info.. how use to irritate dad..

Riddhimas eyes widened...

R:Wait a minute... I troubled?? I troubled ?? U mean i was troubling??

Vansh cursed himself why he picked the topic...

V: sweetheart... Y u Will trouble i was j..just joking...

Riddhima glared him..

R: Better...

Vansh knows at this time its not good for his head to mess wid her...

Riddhima folded her arms and looked out of the window.. and saw a cycle moving faster than their car...

R: Vanshhhhhh....

V: Yess Sweetheart!!

R: Vanshh even a cycle is more faster than us y r u driving so slowwww!!!(she whined like kid)

V: Riddhima.. safety comes 1st..

Anger was rising inside riddhima...

R: Vansh u can drive at normal speed... this is tooooooooo slowwwwwwww!!!

Vansh totally ignored her rants and drove slow.. riddhima was irritated..

R: Vanshhh stop!!! (Screamed)

Vansh stopped the car... he was shocked y suddenly she screamed...

V: Riddhima whatt happened are u okayy?? R u fine... Riddhima..

Riddhima took out her seatbelt and went out of the car ..

R: Mr Vansh Raisinghania its better i myself walk and go home... rather than sitting wid u in this car...

People on the road were witnessing the scene... vansh took a long breath.. and next second he heard..

R:Hello!! Mr.. can u drop me at VR mansion... actually my husband has

forgotten how to drive so can u drop me??

Whhattt the fuck... vanshs eyes widened.. she was asking for lift to any other guy...

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