chapter 56

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Riddhima pushed vansh away..nd turned..

R: Vansh y do u want me now..?? Plzz leave..

Riddhima turned to face him... he wasnt there.. then her eyes felt down.. nd she saw him kneeling down nd bowing her head.. she was confused..

Vansh lifted his head nd looked into her eyes..

V: I dont want u now riddhima.. I want u for my rest of my life. I want u till my last breath... (broken voice)

V: riddhima... I m sorry... I know i just cant erase everything by just a sorry.. what i had did to u.. cant be forgiven wid just sorry.. u have all rights to punish me the way u want... every way... but plzz dont stay away from me.. i had seen these months.. widout u... i m coarpse widout soul.. plzz.. ( broken voice)

V: You are much stronger than me.. riddhima u don't need anybody... to live.. but I m not strong enough i need u...

Riddhimas eyes became teary her eyes were telling how much she was broken.. how much she was disappointed with vansh.. nd from all this vansh was well aware.. his heart felt a sting of pain.. looking into her eyes.. who have dissapointment for him..

He was not able to bear her pain more it was getting difficult for him to see her in pain.. he cursed himself for hurting her...

R: Vansh... only love is not important for relationships... trust is also equally important for relationships...

Vansh had tears in his eyes yess he was regretting alot.. nd its not going to be easy.. to make everything fine..

Riddhima turned..

R: Vansh. I m happy here.. it will be better we never get united.. u on your path.. nd I on my path...( she said going against her heart)

She turned nd found vansh nowhere likehe vanished.. she looked here nd there..

She was confused..

R: what was this?? Was this a dream?? Or it was a truth??? What was this...

She was shocked...

R: may be it was my dream... how vansh came to know about me.. yes may be its my dream..

Unkown.... pair of eyes were still staring her.. it wasnt a dream it was a truth.. riddhima went to bathroom... nd vansh went to resort...

He reached his room... flashback...

While riddhima was hiding behind the wall vanshs eyes were already felt on her... he was well aware of her presence.. his heart ached coz she doesnt wants to meet him.. he took out all the information... of her... nd at midnight he turned him self invisible... nd went to tripathi house..

Flashback ends...

He had thought that he will made riddhima forgive him... but when he met her eyes nd looked into them he found how much broken she was how much dissapointed she was vansh feeling ashamed of himself for his deeds.. that he wasnt getting the guts to face her more... thats y he came back bcoz ot was getting difficult for him to face her..his heart was cracking.. how much she would have suffered in these past months thinking itself was making vansh restless...

He destroyed whole room in nick of time.. adhiyunt nd angre arrived hearing the sounds of breaking things nd saw vansh destroying each nd everything...

Adhi: Vanshhhhh...what the hell u r doing stoppp!!!

V; adhiyunt i successfully broked her.. i broked her... that now i cant join those broken pieces... she will never forgive me she will never comeback to me...

Vansh started loosing hopes... adhiyunt felt bad for his friend.. yess riddhima was vanshs power as well as his weakness nd seeing his friend helpless.. like this... he felt bad for him... he had neverseen vansh like this before..

Adhiyunt u have to handle vansh nd made him realise...adhiyunt thought..

Adhi: u loosed now itself vansh... r u forgetting who u are??? Whats your principles... ?? Vansh Raisinghania never looses... nd this war also u have to win for yourself for riddhima.. what do u think she dont loves u any more.. no vansh she loves u.. ask her forgiveness dont loose.. use your ways... what ever u can do.. do.. coz everything is fair in love nd war... but dont loose hopes.. vansh.. remember who u are.. riddhima is yours nd vansh raisinghania hates to share what is his... ask her forgiveness.. use your ways.. but loosing hopes nd breaking like this is not vansh.. i dont know this vansh.. Do u know angre?
An: yess boss ! Adhiyunt sir is right this is not u.. sitting tired nd loosing hope is not u boss!!

Vansh heard adhiyunts nd angres word carefully..

Ad: now u have to think what u have to do.. sitting like this loosing hopes.. nd letting her go... think .

Adhiyuny signed angre.. nd they both left the room...

Yess I am vansh... vansh raisinghania i cant loose... I'll get her back.. nd her forgiveness... i m not going to let her live away from me anymore... now she have to comeback to me..

Now its enough... u have to comback to me Sweetheart... you r mine.. nd u will be always mine.. coz you r destined to be mine.. I'll get your forgiveness nd u back...vansh thought his eyes were holding determination.. to get her back by in every way.. possible if it means by hook or by crook... this is vansh raisinghania he gets what he wants...

V: Aangre!!!(shouted)

Angre arrived..

V: prepare the cars.. nd yesss... decorate this whole resort... after all Mrs Vansh Raisinghania is going to come back... (smirked)
Angres eyes widened

V : what happened r u not interseted in welcoming your bhabhi??

A: No boss!! I m really happy boss... u dont worry I'll handle.. nd cars will be ready.. in 5 minutes..

V: good...

Angre left..

V: Enough of Hide & seeks.. sweetheart..

He narrowed his eyes nd swiped his hands in pockets... nd smiled..

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