chapter 28

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Vansh was leaning towards her lips.. riddhima was looking him.. he leaned more closer to her lips.. nd then suddenly riddhima saw her mother coming... her eyes widened

R:maaa..(she whispered)

Trance broke vansh moved away.. nd scrunched his eyebrows..

R: vansh.. maaa is coming here..

Vansh turned.. his eyes widened...

R: vansh u need to hide... do one thing hide under the slab...

Vansh gave her a look like are u serious..

R: vanshhh.... fast..

V: riddhima just look at me.. how will i fit there...

R: vansh adjust.. vanshhh plzzz.. hide..

Vansh hide under slab.. lights turned on riddhima turned she saw her mother wid empty water bottle.. her mother scrunched her eyebrows.. riddhima looked away nd tucked her hair behind her ears...

Suk: riddhima....

Riddhima looked her mother..

Sukanya.. saw pan on stove meethibhaat in bowl..

Suk: what r u doing here at this time??(strict tone)

Vansh was struggling under slab.. (or beta aagya swaad😂🤣😂)

Riddhima stammered.. : abb vaab... maa.. i..i was feeling hun...hungry.. so.. i made th..this..

Riddhima looked down.. sukanya thought today she behave rudely thats y riddhima is afraid.. sukanyas face softened.. she went towards riddhima.. nd caressed her cheeks.. nd kissed her forehead she had tears in her eyes for what she said to her daughter.. she was guilty..

Suk: i m sorry..riddhi... !!! I m a very bad mother... i m sorry!! I had scolded u so badly..

R: no..maa.. i know u didnt meant those words.. u were worried for my marriage life... nd u have all right to scold me..

Sukanya smiled..: riddhima.. vansh is a good guy.. that day when that college incident took place.. u were all time in your room but i had seen how much vansh was worried about u.. he was tensed.. he was angry.. bcoz any body tried to hurt u..

Vansh smiled hearing her mother in laws thoughts for him.. he was angry on her coz she scolded Riddhima badly.. but now he understood.. she was saying this thinking about him also.. not only her daughter. Riddhima smiled.. nd some where she felt lil awkward coz she know vansh was hearing all this...

Suk: riddhima.. !! U dont have mother in law that doesnt mean u will do what u want.. there.. i m like his mother.. sometimes we should do somethings which makeour loved ones happy... i will tell u when u will do wrong.. nd tell u how to behave like a good daughter in law.. i know ajay bhaisaab very well he will treat u like his daughter... nd i m very happy.. but u should also.. know your responsibilities... r u understanding me... riddhima..

She made riddhima understand.. her intentions were not at all wrong.. vansh was happy by sukanyas words riddhima smiled.. she nodded..

R: maa give me the waterbottle i will fill it.. u go.. i will bring it to your room..

She nodded nd handed the bottle.. nd went..

Riddhima looked her mothers retreating figure and when it vanished she took a relief breath..

R: vansh.. come out..

Vansh came out.. holding his nape..

V: arghhh!!! My neck...

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