chapter 13

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Riddhima prepared coffee for him.. she was confused what he will do next what actually he want... she took the coffee.. nd went to his room.. he was sitting doing some work in his laptop.. he noticed riddhima.. riddhima went towards him.. nd passed the coffee.. he took the coffee knowingly touching her hands... when she felt his hand she took away her hand nd tucked her hair behind her ears nd didnt meet His eyes.. vansh felt lil bad... riddhima turned to go..


She stopped at her place.. vansh kept the coffee mug on table.. nd pulled her towards him.. she gasped when she crashed on his chest...

V:R u running from me riddhima???

She was silent.. she didnt looked at him... vansh pulled her more closer to him..

V: just speak something...

R:no... vansh.. i m.. i m.. just staying in my limits...

Vanshs eyes widened hearing her no one had ever tried to reply him back except his father nd friend... anger rised in him he pulled her more closer she hissed.. but somewhere he know that he is wrong he took a long breath...

R:va..vansh.. l..leave.. me... i.. m.. getting. Late for.. my college..

Vansh gritted his teeth here he was trying to talk to her.. nd she is trying to run.. 1st time in his life may be he is trying to talk to someone..

V:I know riddhima u have some responsibilities towards your studies.. but u r forgetting that u r married nd u have some responsibilities towards your husband also.. right riddhima...

Riddhimas eyes filled wid tears.. is she a puppet whenever he wants he talks whenever he want he scolds.. he does whenever whatever he wants.. what about her feelings.. he lifted her head nd saw she was in tears.. he felt extreme pain in his heart...

V:riddhima.... (concerned voice)

Vansh cupped her face with one hand.. nd made her look into his eyes..

V: riddhima... I... I.. mm... s..

There was knock on door.. riddhima moved away from him.. peter was standing bowing his head.. vansh gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand....

V: whatt.??( he shouted)

Riddhima flinched... he was frustrated after gathering a lot of courage.. he was about to say her sorry but this peter destroyed everything..

P: voo.. si..sir.. Ad...adhiyunt sir called in landline no. He is saying he has to talk something important wid u.. you r not picking his call..

Vansh cursed adhiyunt.. underbreath... he was feeling hitting his friend hard..

V:Tell. Him. If. I m not picking his call it means.. i must be busy goooo( he said gritting his teeth...)

Riddhima tried to escape.. vansh holded her hand nd pulled her towards him.. she gasped..

Peter went..

V: Did i say u to go..... ( he said gritting his teeth)

He was trying to do everything normal.. but may be his fate was not supporting him...

V:riddhima... i dont like when some one disobey me... am i audible... riddhima... ( he raised his voice a lil)

Riddhima was breathing uneven by their proximity...

R: va..vansh.. im.. getting late for college... plzz lemme go..

He felt she was scared again... he cooled himself...

V: riddhima listen to me... look at me..

Riddhima looked him.. nd gulped.. vansh smiled he cupped her face with one hand nd caressed her cheeks..

V:riddhima.. i just want to say... s...sorr..sorry... riddhima... ( he said in guilt)

Riddhimas eyes widened...

V: riddhima.. that night.. that night.. i was drunk.. nd i.. i.. was angry on.. any other.. thing.. but i.. ended up.. removing my all anger on u.. sweetheart... i..i.. m so..sorry..

Riddhima was staring him..his face was showing guilt.. riddhimas heart fluttered when he said sweetheart... he caressed her cheeks... nd bring her head lil closer to him.. they both had a eyelock.. he pulled her more closer

V: did u forgive me riddhima???

She dont want to stretch this matter... but she will make sure she keep some distance from him.. she nodded... vansh smiled nd hugged her.... she was shocked... they were like that for 5 mins..

R:vansh.. i m getting late for college...

Vansh realized he broke the hug..

V:riddhima just give me 10 mins.. I'll just ready in 10 mins.. nd then I'll drop you college.. no need vansh..

V:riddhima i m not asking u i m telling that today i will drop you..

Riddhimas eyes widened... she went she was standing in hall nd waiting for him.. he came in 10 mins.. They both sat in cars.. it was a silent drive.. they reached college.. riddhima moved out of the car..
R:thank u..

Vansh smiled...

Vansh was staring her retreating figure.. then suddenly a guy came.. wid whom riddhima talked wid wide smile.. that guy was also talking nd laughing vansh gritted his teeth his grip on steering tightened.. he thought to check the guy.. he moved out of the car... nd moved towards them. That guy was about to hug riddhima.. before he could hug vansh hugged riddhima... riddhimas eyes widened... he kissed her forehead..

V: byee sweetheart...

He wanted to tell that guy.. that he is her husband..

Guy: ohh.. riddhi he is your husband..

Vansh gritted when he said riddhi..

Guy: hii i m sushant.. riddhi.. sry riddhimas cousin..

Riddhima was staring vansh shocked.. vansh was too shocked.. but he covered up by his tight smile..

V: ohhh!! Hi sushant..

Sus:wo actually i was going for my interview nd it is near this college so i was going nd i saw riddhi.. by the way sry i couldnt attend your wedding..

V: oh no no its ok..

Riddhima was still staring him...

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