chapter 77

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R:What he did baba??

Rudra sighed and took a long breath..

Ru: Saksham.. & Ajay were good friends.. they were college friends.. Uma.. Ajays wife.. and vanshs mother... these three were in same college.. Ajay and saksham were scientist... they were working on an experiment... to make humans Invisible... Ajay and Uma were in love wid eachother... so they got married.. But later we got to know from uma that saksham loved her.. and proposed her... but she neglected..  as she was in love wid ajay.. Ajay talked wid saksham.. but saksham showed like he was okay.. Ajay and uma were expecting their 1st child.. Thats vansh... Ajay was very happy.. He informed all his colleagues and partners.. they all congratulated.. Ajay.. And one fine day.. Saksham influenced others to experiment on humans.. Saksham was the head of the project so everyone got influenced.. ajay was the one who was against this.. and ajay too warned them.. if they tried then he will file a FIR against them... Saksham influenced everyone.. whyyy not to try the experiment on upcoming generation and made Uma target... Actually he was taking revenge from uma.. and he couldn't tolerate ajay and uma are going to become parents..  so he applied this cheap tactics...  He injected all the chemicals.. Which make a human body.. capable to ray pass through human body.. It had reaction in Umas body.. she couldnt bear the amount of reaction.. were happeing inside her body... she was dead... It was surprising Vansh was alive... That experiment worked on him.. Ajay was broken completely.. He was A body wid out soul... But when he got to know His son is alive... he got one light in his dark life that was Vansh.. 

Everyones eyes whoever were present were holding tears  in their eyes.. Riddhima was numb..

Rudra kept his hand on riddhimas head...

Ru: what u sow u reap.. KARMA returns... Riddhima... Experimenting on a pregnant lady.. and playimg wid an unborn child.. was against humanity.. 

Tears were rolling down her cheeks..

Rudra held riddhimas hand and placed it on her belly...

Ru: U are at same stage of motherhood.. riddhima... Can U feel what would have a mothers soul would have feel who even cant feel motherhood completely..

He pointed towards vansh..

Ru:  A child.. Who dont even know what is mothers love.. Does he deserve this??? What was his fault??? It wasnt easy to cooperate wid vansh.. .

Rudra and vansh chuckled...

Ru: He wasnt as u and me.. He was different wid powers...

Riddhima looked vansh.. vansh was already looking her..

She was confused what should she do..

Ru: Riddhima I think u need rest Go to your room.. 

Riddhima nodded.. and went... vansh was about to go wid her.. but rudra stopped him..

Ru:Give her lil space.. vansh..

Vansh nodded...






5hrs later

. riddhima wasnt able to forget the scene which she witnessed few hours ago.. vanshs devils side.. it was replaying in her mind again and again...

Vansh Was Getting impatient to meet her.. widout wasting more time he went to their room he opened the door.. and saw riddhima sitting on bed and lost in her thinkings.. he cleared his throat..

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